This tournement was at the Poke'school.This was held on saturday the 23 of Oct.There were about 13 people.It was single elimination.They played in a 3 prize way.I don't really like that because It takes a few turns for this deck to get powered up.I got 3rd in all.I lost to a Haymaker that had the fossil Magmar.I really like this deck a lot.Well,Here it is!They played in a 2 game each 3 prize games.
      Pokemon 15
2  Zubat
1  Golbat
3  Jigglypuff
2  Wigglytuff
3  Pinsir
4  Scyther
       Trainers 19
4  Energy Removal
4  Super Energy Removal
4  Pluspower
2  Scoop Up
2  Item Finder
3  Professor Oak
       Energy 20
20 Grass Energy
2  DCE
Well,here is my new deck.I like it a lot.This is what happend in the games.(These are going to be gooey names)
Match 1 VS Ronin392
He was a beginner at the game but he was ok.He used a Psyphic deck that had Mewtwos and I think Kadabras but I'n mot sure.We draw and I get 2 Scythers,1 professor oak,1 Jigglypuff,1 DCE,2 Grass.I use Scyther as a active and he uses a mime.I put a DCE on jiggylypuff and retreat Scyther for Jiggy.I pound with jiggylypuff.He put an energy on Mewtwo and Energy removed me.I get another DCE and pound again for the KO.He takes out Mewtwo and uses Psychic for 20 but it comes to 0 because the resistance.I professor Oak and put a pinser on my bench.I then evolve Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff and do the wave for 40 damage.He has 1 Pokemon left so he attacks with psychic but no damage.I then do, Do The Wave.I win by taking his prizes.
Match 2 VS Ronin392
This time he got a Abra as active and a mime on the bench.I got a Pinsir,thats it!But I got 3 Energy Removals in my hand(hehe).I went first and put a energy on Pinsir.He then put a energy on and attacked ,he also got the paralyzed.I powered my Pinsir up while I energy removed his  now  energyless Kadabra.I now gulitened and used a Pluspower for the kill.He put mime in and put energy on him.I now thought I was in trouble!I Oaked and got a jigglypuff(yes).I got a DCE and attached it.I retreated my Pinsir and put jiggy in,so of course I now attacked for 20.He put another energy and did 10.I killed his last pokemon,which was Mr. Mime.I win!
Match 3 VS Meowth7
She had a water deck that used Lapras and articunos with blastoise.I got a jigglypuff and a Scyther.I put Scyther as Active and attach a energy.She has a Lapras as Active and attacks with water gun for 10.I put another energy on and do Swords Dance.She attaches another energy and tries to confuse me but it doesn't work.I put 1 more energy on and do slash for 60.She uses a Breeder on a squirtle and takes out Blastoise.She uses Rain Dance and puts 3 energy on Articuno.She attacks with water gun for 20.I attach a DCE on Jigglypuff and evolve him into Wigglytuff.I use 2 energy removals because I used a bill.I kill her Lapras and she takes out Articuno.She attaches 2 energy cards and does Freeze dry.It does not paralyze me.I put an energy on Wiggly and retreat Scyther for Wiggly.I use do the wave for 40 because I put a Pinsir and a zubat on the bench.She goes and attaches 3 energy on Blastoise.She uses Freeze dry on me for 30 but again it does not paralyze.I kill Articuno with wave.She does Hydro pump for 40.I energy removal and put another jigglypuff,and a another Scyther on my bench.I do wave for 60.She can't do Hydro because she doesn't have any energy.I then KO her Blastoise for the win!
Match 4 VS Meowth7
She wooped me this match!I got a Scyther,and a Pinsir.She gets 2 magickarp,2 squirtle.She goes and does bubble and paralyze my Scyther.I put an energy on Pinsir.She energy removals my energy on Pinsir and the uses pokemon Breeder to get Blastoise.She gets 2 Gyrados out!!!She attaches 3 energy on Blastoise and then puts 2 more on a Gyrados.does Hydro Pump for 40.I attach an energy on Pinsir.She ER it again.Then puts 1 more energy on gyrados.KO's my Scyther and so I put out Pinsir.I attach an energy.She does Hydro Pump again.I attach another energy and do Vinegrip.I get tails!She then kills me with Hydro Pump.
Match 5 VS Meowth7
This was a 1 turn win!!I get a Jigglypuff and she gets a squirtle.I attach a DCE and use pound with 2 Plus Powers!!I win.
Match 6 VS ???(forgot)
I got a pinsir and he got a Magmar,2 Electabuzz,2 Farfetch'd!!He attacks with smoke Screen and does 20.I attach a energy.He attacks me with Smog and kills me!
Match 7 VS ???
The same extact thing happend again!!!!That sucked!!!I Swear!Well,I lost!
Thats how I got 3rd place!My name is Kevin Lindsay,and email me at .My Gooey name is Scyther101!Bye!!