This deck is called"Dans La Luck"which is french for "in the luck"(french is
crazy man"
This tournament was held at "The Acadian Mall"in lafayette,Louisiana on
11/23/99 about 15-20 people
Here comes the deck:

2 Venuaurs
3 Ivy's
4 bulbs
3 Magis
2 Kangashkan
2 Jiggly
1 Wiggly
4 Lickitungs
2 Exeggcute
1 Exeggutor
3 nidoran(F)
2 Nidorina


4 Bills
3 Oaks(a must have in any deck)
3 energy Serch
1 pokeball(i dunno why oi have the card)
2 recycles
1 energy removal
11 blue
11 green

This deck is all on the flip,you either suck,or you beat major butt,or you
statisticly play even

1st round:
this guy that sucks with some wierd fighting deck
I start with magi,bulb,jiggly,kangaskan,2 waters and a gyrados,i put in my
basics an have Magi on active,he has Diglleton active,and 3 others on the
bench.I put down my enrgy and attack with tackle.he hits with dig,next turn i
evolve into gyrados and draw a blue enrergy,next turn he puts a spearow.well
now i have a built gyrados and begging laying the smack,but this guy is
retarded,becuase he keeps putting out digllets than fearow(that atleast could
bye more time),well i have drawn 4 of my prizes than i kill fearow.
2nd round:
This dude also sucked played with fire deck.
i had 3 magis on bench and i put in my wigglytuff(after my first turn of
course),all he
had was a charmander,i attack with"the wave twice and he dies.easy easy easy
3rd Round:
this guy is tuff played with stall or something w/psychic
i started with kangaskan and jiggly he stateed with abra
i put in jiggly and put him asleep,he doesn't wake up,then i pound twice and
he dies.well actully he is easy,i was being sarcastic
this guy decides to beat me up if i beat him so,i procded to not take this to
lightly,but i still play my best,well i got a jiggly,wiggly,magi,gyrados 1
bill,i oaki play magikarp,then bill,i get nothing,then i put my gyrados on my
magi,he has a zapdos,moltres,and articuno on bord,well i build up my gyrados
and he builds up his zapdos,since i went first i got 2 licks in and not
taking any damage,cause i energy removled him,well he put in moltres like a
dummy and i rage 2x i think and he dies,the articuno was just a tuff battle i
lose gyrados,but i had wiggly on bord as well as 5 pokemon on the bench,i do
the wave 2 and i win,i didn't get hurt.
i played my dad and he forfetied and i got 5 packs of basic and 2 of jungle
charizard,blastiose,venu,alakazam,and gyrados,as well as jolteon(foiled)and
Kangaskahan(foiled) i was surprised very much i almost lost it.

well good luck with thie deck
any questions contact