Dear Pojo,
     Once again Nick V. is coming up with the best water deck out there. It
is a revised version of my first deck but now with fossil. So, heres my

     Again the tournement was at Legends in Newport News VA. There were
about 14 people there. Most of them were beginers though. So, heres how the
tourny went.

Round 1
Me VS Manny
She had an all fire deck so of course i had the upper hand. I started with 2
psyducks a squirtle a pokemon trader and the rest were energies. She started
with a ponyta and 2 vulpix. I went first i attached a psychic on psyduck.
She played a DCE on ponyta. Pick up computer search so i got out my breeder
and did fury swipes. 2 hits, instant kill. I pick a prize and its Blastoise.
She confused me so i ended up killing psyduck because of tails. I bring out
blastoise and rain dance three times. She lost.

Me VS Steve
He was disqaulifyed 6 bill, 5 oak, and 87 cards in his deck.

I got 20 minutes to rest because I was going into the Semi-finals.

Me VS Zack
It was a pretty cheap battle i killed his only basic a nidoran F.

Me VS Jimmie
It was a close game he had 2 squirtles and a blastoise almost out in the
begening of the game but he played his deck wrong and kept stalling with
chansey so he decked himself out.
Round 2-FINALS
He Totaly destroyed me with a magikrap.
He started out pretty bad being i began my second turn with a full pumped
Blastoise and golduck. The game was really close it ended up with him having
2 prizes and me 1. He switched his chansey with 30 hp left and brought out
hitmonchan. he used special punch but i had an articuno out so it only did
ten. I had one card left and he had 60 hp left on hitmonchan because of
Articunos attack blizzard. i had a blastoise on my bench with no energy on
it but I had a trick. I retreated articuno and brought out blastoise. "oh
yeah thats gonna help you alot nick". So i attached an energy and raindanced
4 times and hydro pumped hitmonchan for the win. Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip

I won the tourny and got 5 fossil boosters. I opened em and got a: holo
moltres, a holo riachu, a holo dragonite, a haunter, and a zapdos
So heres my deck:
26x water energies
4x psychic energies
3x Double Colorless Energies
4x Squirtle
2x Blastoise
2x psyduck
1x golduck
2x seel
1x dewgong
2x lapras
1x Articuno
4x likitung
3x pokemon trader
2x pokemon breeder
1x prof. oak
1x item finder
1x Comp. search
1xenergy retrieval

This is my deck. If you have any comments send them to
Nicholas V