Here is another one of my original deck ideas (i created the toxic barrier
deck) :) Its called "how to kill a bench". it uses fossil cards (because i
have em) and i won a tournament (barely) at alliance comics  on september
25th. here it is.
Zapdos x4 (Fossil)
Gastly x4 (2 fossil 2 base)
Haunter x4 ( 2 fossil 2 base)
Gengar x2 (Fossil)
Hitmonlee x2 (Fossil)
Energy Removal x3
Bill x3
Gust x2
S. Potion x2
Switch x2
Scoop -up x2
Lightning Energy x12
Psychic Energy x12
Fighitning Energy x6

Heres the startegy:
i hate breeders and love haunter so i dont have any.  ok this is what i do.
Say Gengar is my active.  first i use his pokemon power curse and move 1
damage counter to a strong benched pokemon then i use dark mind which puts
another 10 on that same pokemon.  Then with Zapdos, its obvious but very
risky, so that is why i use scoop-up.

Here's the report:
Round 1: Since we the store was pressed for time, if u didn't draw a basic
pokemon by your 2nd turn, u lose. I played an Aerodactyl deck. i drew a 2 
Zapdos , 2pys energy, a bill, and 2 lightning energy. i used the bill and
drew 2 more lightning energy.  he had the 2 fossil trainers on his bench, and
hitmonchan as is active. I Ko'd his fossils when i flipped heads on Zapdos
attack.  It went on for a while and My gengar never got out but zapdos did
the job!
Round 2: (Semi-finals, not many showed up this week)
I played a raindance.  Wow, lapras and articuno rule, but without a blastoise
they're toast.  I used my bench killing strategy to ko his blastoise, and i
Round 3: (Finals)
Haymaker with the new and improved magmar who kicked my ---.... I got my
haunter out and he never touched me while i was building up my zapdos.  Ok
this was a close one. he had 2 more prizes to draw and i had 3.  I killed his
bench and he killed mine (with hitmonlee). (Once i drew 2 prizes and didnt
even ko his active).  My active was Gengar, his was....HITMONLEE!!! with the
resistance, i ko'd him easily.
I win!!! I got 3 boosters, and only 1 holo (another nidoking!)
