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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from Score


Play when attacking or when attacked. Discard all items on the attacking and defending characters. - Limit 3 copies per deck.

Type - event
Card Number - P6

Card Rating:  3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 01.22.0

Justin Balatbat Clash

Wow, it's been a while since I've done this. Well, I hope everyone is having a very Happy New Year! Well, it's back to work/school for most of us. Not yet for me, but it'll happen in time. Anyway...

This week is promotionals week! Today we have "Clash," a participation promotional card from the regionals in Arizona. It's 0 to cast, so already that's pretty cool. This one is very similar to the card Clash of Swords in the Tousou set, except it does not give the extra boost, and it's 0 to cast. Not bad if you're going against a deck that heavily relies on items, such as Outlaw decks, Soldier decks, and even the occassional Three's Company decks. Unfortunately, it's only 3 per deck, but who needs THAT much anyway? 3 is a good enough standard for multiple copies of a card, unless the deck heavily relies on it. Cool side-deck card, so give it a shot there and use it when needed.

Casual Play: 3/5
Tournament Play: 3/5 Why not try it?
Side Deck: 4.3/5

Art: 3.7/5 Very cool looking

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