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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

The Demon Tree

When THE DEMON TREE defeats a character, look at your opponent's hand and discard a copy of the defeated character. (*) Discard THE DEMON TREE while you control any Good characters.

Type - Character
Card Number - 92

Card Rating: 3.12 

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 12.16.05


Matthew Low
The Demon Tree - Inuyasha Yokai
Rare - #92
Character - Deck Cost 4
7B 3R 5P

When THE DEMON TREE defeats a character, look at your opponent's hand and discard a copy of the defeated character. (*) Discard THE DEMON TREE while you control any Good characters.

The problem with The Demon Tree is that he doesn't fit in any theme deck. That said, his ability is quite interesting as he creates hand disruption, hand knowledge, and can stop opponents from saving the conventional way.

His colors seem to be ones that are the most common as well, and looks easy to defeat. The deck cost is also quite high, and he can't work with Good characters which severly limits the decks he can be in. On the other hand, you can splash him in a few decks and he might be somewhat useful. Possibly Kaitou worthy against certain decks that rely more on the hand to save than the board (like Chibi with Kagome, Kagura Hidden, or Tenseiga).

Knowledge of the hand is also good too. But overall, he's more overlooked because he's doesn't seem to fit in anything to make him useful enough to play.

2.3 out of 5.0
Ryu Juini The Demon Tree
Deck Cost: 4
Card Text:
When THE DEMON TREE defeats a character, look at your opponent's hand and discard a copy of the defeated character. (*) Discard THE DEMON TREE while you control any Good characters.
Colors: 7 Black, 3 Red, 5 Purple
Traits: Demon, Evil, Unique

Okay, this guy doesn't like "Inuyasha, Enraged Demon" that we reviewed earlier this week. Otherwise, I'm looking at this guy carefully. I can see what he can do by destroying the opponent's options of saving characters. I can see that he has a huge deck cost for color's you see on 2 and 3 cost characters. I can see he has an annoying negative effect.

Let me see here. Early game, you won't get his effect too often. Mid game, you may nail a character every now and then. Late game, when the hands are getting big and the decks are getting small, you may just begin getting a character every turn....

That is if your opponent let's this guy see the light of day for that long.

Casual: 2/5 - He can see some fun use here. Why not?

Tournament: 1/5 - We have much better Evil Demons we can waste card spots on.

Art: 2/5 - It's The Demon Tree. That's all. Nothing fantastic.
Sprtsfanjp The Demon Tree
Expansion: Yokai
Deck Cost: 4
Text: When THE DEMON TREE defeats a character, look at your opponent's hand
and discard a copy of the defeated character. (*) Discard THE DEMON TREE
while you control any Good characters.

With Decent colors (7 black, 3 red, 5 purple) The Demon Tree is not a bad
choice in a deck with no good characters. His deck cost may seem high, but
his effect makes him worth playing. With most decks running 4-6 copies of
each character, having more than one copy of a character in play is rare,
especially early in the game. When the Demon tree defeats a character, it
will most likely take the only other copy of that character in your
opponents hand and discard it. Now, the only way to save the character that
was defeated is by effects. (Events or Kaitou). You also get to look at your

opponent's hand. While you only get to discard the affected character, you
can also get a heads up on what you opponent has and will likely play next.
This combos well with other hand disruption cards such as:

Demon Tree Fruit: Attach only to a Demon. At the start of Recovery, your

opponent discards a card from his hand.
Look I got one: Play when you steal a jewel shard. Look at your
opponent's hand and choose a card. Your opponent discards that card. (*)
Limit 3 copies per deck.

Hand disruption is not as big in Inuyasha as in other games *yugioh* ;) but
with The Demon Tree, It gets a big help.

Casual: 2/5 your opponent will probably be playing many copies of different
characters so this won't help as much
Tournament: 4/5 Players need to keep their hands full and their characters
on the field. Take away that saving power!
Art: 2/5 Watch out! It's a giant rose bush!!

Whew... that took a while! hope this helps. thanks again for allowing me to
do this. it is a real privilege!
Rob F The Demon Tree

a card with very little support today, but none the less a rare card. why you may ask. reason why it fits into the demon hand control archtype, which can leave an opponent with very little options early game. this card is a weaker hand control card, but still has good stats. with 7-3-5 for a 4 DC, he could be seen as too expensive an investment, but its effect can hurt depending on the decktype. it prevents the chances of saving or powering up by discarding the extra copy. it can also hurt if you manage to use an effect to kill that character through a card effect, because they have to essentially pay the deck cost again. worth running 4-5 in the demon hand control archtype

3.6/5 based on ok playability


The Demon Tree
Deck Cost 4
Colors: Black 7, Red 3, Purple 5
Traits: Demon, Evil, Unique
Card Text:
When THE DEMON TREE defeats a character, look at your opponent's hand and discard a copy of the defeated character. (*) Discard THE DEMON TREE while you control any Good characters.

The Demon Tree is a decent card with some good colors. He is a little weak in Red and can be defeated pretty easy that way. If you plan to run any good characters in your deck, forget about using The Demon Tree. Lossing a character on your side of the field is usually never a good thing.

The Demon Tree has an awesome effect if your plan it control your opponents hand. When you defeat a character with The Demon Tree you get to look at the opponent's hand. This allows you to know just what they have in store for you further in the match. Not only that but you get to discard a copy of the defeated character from their hand if they have it. This can prevent them from saving it during recovery phase and giving you a character advantage, not to mention one less character in their hand for them to play next turn.

The Demon Tree deck cost is high, but to know what your opponent has in his hand is well worth the cost.

Casual: 3 / 5 - Good to beat down your opponent

Tournament: 3 / 5 - Seeing the cards in the opponent's hand always helps you in a tournament

Art: 2 / 5 - Not much of a picture, just looks like a bunch of weeds in my opinion.


The Demon Tree
Deck Cost: 4
Card Text: When THE DEMON TREE defeats a character, look at your opponent's hand and discard a copy of the defeated character. (*) Discard THE DEMON TREE while you control any Good characters.
Traits: Demon * Evil * Unique

Chibi stopper, I think so. This card when used on Kagome, Chibi makes life a lot more difficult for that deck. Kagome, Chibi saves two other chibis, but if she isn't there, she can't save them. Its effect basically explains what to do and how to use it. They have a character out there that is almost impossible to beat? Don't let them save them then, so attack with this card and defeat it if possible and discard the extra copy in their hand. Only should be used in Demon or Decking decks, otherwise this card does not serve to much purpose.

Casual: 3.5/5
Tournament 4/5
Art: 3.5/5
Undefeatable Duelist


The Demon Tree

Deck Cost: 4
7 Black
3 Red
5 Purple
Demon, Evil, Unique

When The Demon Tree defeats a character, look at your opponent’s hand and discard a copy of the defeated character. Discard The Demon Tree while you control any Good characters.

A very underrated card. It boasts good stats and an effect that can be potentially game breaking.

Unless the opponent is running some kind of swarm deck, it is unlikely that he will have multiple copies of a certain character in his hand after having played a copy of that particular one, especially if that character is a Unique. Even if the opponent does have an additional copy of the defeated character, The Demon Tree’s effect will at least nearly ensure that the character will not stay in play nearly as long as he normally would have.

The effect contributes to hand manipulation but more importantly, it has a great chance of contributing to character advantage. In this game, character advantage is huge since it gives a much greater chance of winning shard battles by possibly granting more attack opportunities.

Good stats, an effect that contributes to hand manipulation and possibly character advantage, what’s not to like?

Overall Rating: 4/5

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