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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Ready For War

Ready for War
Ultra Rare
Deck Cost: 2
Text: (Kaitou Deck only) Name an event, item, or location. Search your opponent's deck for all copies of that card and remove them from the game. (*) Limit 3 copies per deck.

Avg. Card Rating:   4.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 12.12.05

Image courtesy of Score


Matthew Low
Ready for War - Inuyasha Kassen
Ultra Rare - 118
Event - Cost: 2

(Kaitou Deck only) Name an event, item, or location. Search your opponent's deck for all copies of that card and remove them from the game. (*) Limit 3 copies per deck.

This is one of the most useful Ultra Rares in the game. Running three is definitely overkill in most situations, but for the most part, it's a great card. It doesn't go in all decks, but it goes in quite a few and can serve as a "throw-in" card if you really don't know what else to run.

The key to Ready for War is that you can totally remove a said card from a deck. This can really hurt since cards can be run in any number, and some decks totally rely on certain cards, like Three's Company and How Can We Thank You?. Another thing that it can do is remove your opponent's Halts, which can really turn a game in your favor.

Downside is that it is Kaitou Deck only, so you have to wait until game 2. But the advantages you can gain if you pull this off are simply amazing, and you can play this as a last action and it usually won't hurt. Using this early game is the key to it.

4.9 out of 5.0
Ryu Juini Ready for War
Ultra Rare
Deck Cost: 2
Text: (Kaitou Deck only) Name an event, item, or location. Search your opponent's deck for all copies of that card and remove them from the game. (*) Limit 3 copies per deck.

Ready for War is an interesting card. It's stuck in your Kaitou unless you find 'some way' to get it out of that. The effect is simple. Name an event, item, or location and make your guess. If you get it right, your opponent will get annoyed.

There's a few cards you can name off the top of your head you can remove, but is it worth 2 cards, three if you include Ready for War? It depends on the deck you run. I, personally, wouldn't put this a Kaitou if there were more vital cards to the deck's success. It depends on what you want to do to your opponent. Deck Destruction Decks might like, a-la Yura or Bat Demon's.

This isn't an Ultra Rare that automatically deserves a spot. It's situational and demands the proper use. Don't waste a Kaitou spot if you're using a low Kaitou count card. It's not worth it unless the deck is Deck Destruction.

Casual - 3/5, all in good fun but you're not sure what you're up against.
Tournament - 3/5, what can you do for sure? Watch your opponent's duels and know their signature cards.
Art - 4/5, Sesshomaru leading his army with his father's corpse behind him? Fantastic.
Sprtsfanjp Ready for War

Ready for War is one of those cards that should be in almost everyone's Kaitou deck. Quite frankly, it is the ultimate "tech" card.

You can use this card to give you an advantage in almost any match up (Second and third game) you play. In that opening game, if you find yourself up against 3's company, side deck this card in and call out "3's company"

and your opponent is in deep trouble! Against wolves, say "wolf in your mouth" or "Preparing for battle" and that wolf deck will loose much of the speed it relies on. At the very worst, just say "Halt!" and your opponent wont be able to counter your events the rest of the game.

Casual: 4/5 If your opponent plays halt!, its worth it.

Tournament: 5/5 Everyone plays halt!, and MUCH MORE!

Art: 3/5 its okay, looks like Sesshomaru getting ready to send his "demons" into battle

Rob F Ready For War

ok for today's review we have a very situational card. however it is really powerful of an effect. being able to deny the opponent of a key card can end the game for them. most likely you would use it on an event cause they might have multiple characters, and same with locations. the thing that hurts it is it must be searched out of the kaitou deck. I run making plans, and saving 3 slots for these won't do it for me. however if you got the space, give it a try. also, the cost of this card is essentially the cost of the card to get this out +3 (this card and the deck cost). so is it worth it??

2.5 out of 5

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