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Kyle Theaker's Deck Garage
Spinning and Spinning…Dark T-Tar can’t stop spinning…


Hello everyone.  Today’s fix is a Spinning Tail deck.  Now, I’ve recently had an experience against one of these decks.  Here’s how it went down:

1st Spin: My Pokémon shook it off.

2nd spin: The Basics are looking shaky

3rd Spin: a couple Pokémon are KO’d

4th spin: Mass destruction

So, as you see, it’s very powerful with time.  For those of you who didn’t know, Ness did an article on this deck.  I plan to use a couple of his concepts in this deck. 



Hello,I would like to submit this "Bench Killer" deck,this deck is for modify.I have a source of pretty much every card.So here it is:




4x Larvitar

2x Dark Pupitar

2x Dark Tyranitar

4x Aron (R/S #49)

3x Larion (2xR/S 36,1xR/S 37)

2x Aggron Ex

2x Pidgey

1x Pidgeotto

2x Pidgeot

3x Dunsparce

1x Jirachi




2x Wally's Training

1x Prof Elm's Research

2x Tv Reporter

2x Copycat

2x Rare Candy

2x Celio's Network

1x Prof. Birch




3x Dark Metal Energy

4x Metal Energy

1x Dark Energy

1x Double Rainbow Energy

1x Rainbow Energy

12x Fighting Energy

To kick things off, let me say that this fix is going to be based ENTIRELY around D. T-tar.  On that note, it is no surprise that I’ll be removing the Aggron ex line.  I’m also adding 1 Dark T-Tar (S. Tail)

+ 1 Dark Tyrannitar

As Ness stated, Dunsparce is unnecessary because this deck relies on only 2 families.  With this said, it is obvious that both Dunsparce and Jirachi failed to make the cut. 

- ALL Dunsparce & Jirachi


This is where T-Tar gets its support.  The Trainers that you have now will all be dropped for a new list. 

4 Claw Fossil: This is a great idea of Ness’s.  It’s great stall and it sets up for more Spinning Tail damage.

4 Rare Candy get out your evolutions QUICKLY.

4 Celio’s Network is a staple in many modified decks. 

4/3 Steven’s Advice/Copycat is the optimal draw engine (in my opinion).

4 Great Ball replaces Dunsparce.

2 Brineys serve as healing. 

3 ATM Rock can return damaged evo’s to their basic form, where they’ll be KO’d

3 Strength Charm KO anything that can mess up Dark T-Tar.


Since this deck is no longer Metal-oriented, drop theDark-Metal/Metals.

We don’t need Double0Rainbow either.  Same goes with Rainbow. 

Max out on Dark and R Energy.

Finally, cut all excess Fighting. 

Here’s your final (dizzying) result:

Pokémon: 14

[4] Larvitar

[2] Dark Pupitar

[3] Dark Tyrannitar

[2] Pidgey

[1] Pidgeotto

[2] Pidgeot

Trainers: 31

[4] Claw Fossil

[4] Great Ball

[4] Celio’s Network

[4] Rare Candy

[4] Steven’s Advice

[3] Copycat

[3] Ancient Technical Machine [Rock]

[3] Strength Charm

[2] Mr. Briney’s Compassion

Energy: 15

[4] Darkness Energy

[4] R Energy

[7] Fighting Energy

Well, I hope you have dizzying success with this deck.  Oh wait, I already used that pun, didn’t I.  Let me try again.  I hope this deck is so good it makes your head spin.  No… Aw forget it!

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