>Hi this is my deck,I had a bunch of Venusaurs so I thought that I would
>em' all into a deck.This deck took me awhile to make (I have nothing else
>do) and I finally came up with this deck.I found a major flaw (Mr.Mime) and
>that's why I took out 2xScyther for 2xPinsir..  What should I change?
>for the help and here's my deck........
>                                                         Pokemon 14
>            Trainers 20                             Energy 26
>4xBulbasaur                        4xOak
>4xVenasaur                         4xComputer Search
>2xScyther                            4xBreeder
>2xChansey                           4xPokecenter
>2xPinsir                                4xSuper Energy Removal

I like this deck alot. It's nothing like I've seen before, and could use
alot of help. First, this deck will be slaughter by a Fire deck. It would
only take 1 Flamethrower to take out all of your Pokémon except the 2
Chansey. That's why you need to split up the weakness better than you have.
I'd drop 2 Venusaur (you needed to anyway) about 4 energy (with Venusaurs
you won't need that much) and add the Nidoking family (great attacks, and
NOT weak to fire) with a 3-2-1 ratio. Now you've still got room for 2 more
cards, so get 2 Ivysaur. You seemed to be a bit concerned about Mimes. Well,
Ivysaur is the best to combat him. And actually so is Bulbasaur as well.
Leech seed for 20, remove whatever damage he's done, and you could virtually
last forever! Anyway, the trainers do need some work, too. Drop 2 Oak outta
there, and try to get 4 Bill. Ever catch yourself with an Oak, need cards,
but still don't want to lose the Venuasur in your hand? Bills are the
answer! 2 free cards, no catch. See if that'll make you deck any better!

                     Jeremy  Woods
                    ¼ ½ ¼ ½ ¼ ½ ¼ ½