I've got a few ideas for you. First, you might want to add fighting pokemon like hitmonchan. This will end your problems with colorless that resist your psychic pokemon. Those colorless are weak to Hitmonchan, and he's AWESOME. Take out Gastly/Haunter and Drowzee. They aren't good at all. Add more Jynx and maybe another Mewtwo. Rattata/Ratticate is too weak to play. Remove them, and add more Farfetch'd. Farfetch'd has resistance to fighting, which makes him very good. You might want to take Dratini/Dragonair out and add 2 Chanseys. He's a HUGE basic that has great moves. Try running 4 Bills and 2 or 3 Oaks. They will increase your chances of drawing what you need. The Potion, Super Potion, and Defender can all be dropped. They don't really help your deck. Add more Gusts and more Switches instead. Also, you need some Double Colorless Energy for your Farfetch'd and Chanseys. Once you get some good fighting pokemon like Hitmonchan to take colorless out, you'll have a very good deck. -Dan Mayo << >I recently made a deck which I call HypnoPsi. It is a slight variation of the >Zap! deck. It works pretty well, but runs into trouble with Colorless >Pokémon. Any ideas? > >***Pokémon*** >3x Abra >1x Kadabra >3x Gastly >2x Haunter >2x Drowzee >2x Jynx >1x Mewtwo > >2x Dratini >1x Dragonair >2x Rattata >1x Raticate >1x Farfetch'd > >***Trainers*** >2x Gust of Wind >1x Computer Search >2x Switch >2x Bill >1x Potion >1x Super Potion >1x Professor Oak >1x Defender > >28 Psychic Energy > >Jahn Veach, BTurtle3@aol.com >>