Deck Name: A2nRa17D4's Deck
Deck Creator:
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STRATEGY: No Strategy Submitted

Original Deck






4 Hitmonchan
4 Hitmonlee
3 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
2 Aerodactyl

 Your Pokèmon look fine, but remember your Pokèmon's weaknesses. Be careful that you are cautious around decks strong in Pokèmon you are weak to.

 Ok. You've got nice trainers, no switches though... Honestly, I would remove the single Super Energy Removal and once CPU search and put in two item finders to pull out used trainers, or maybe you could put in some switches... but at this point anything you do to change them would be purely academic You've got a solidly constructed deck--I can't really find anything horribly wrong or incredibly obvious to fix..

The only advice I have for you at this point is to play test your deck everywhere you can--tournaments, friendly play, Aprrentice... See what you get out, what you don't, what you need etc... Good Job, and Good Luck !


3 Mysterious Fossil
4 Energy Removal
3 Plus Power
3 Computer Search
2 Energy Search
1 Super Energy Removal
2 Professor Oak
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokèmon Center


20 Fighting Energy
03 Double Colorless