Once again, these polls are made possible through the generous donation of a reader. 1-4 are hers, the rest are ours. So grab your pens (or whatever) and get voting! Remember, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain.

1: If Vulpix could evolve differently, like by levels instead of with a Fire Stone, what do you think would be best?
A: Vulrex-- looks sort of like Ninetales but with brighter, more firey colors and 15 tails.
B: Cindervish--A darkly-colored fox creature which sheds ashes when it spins.
C: Volcopter-- a flying-fire "vulpix" who flies using its tails.
D: Vulnona-- wait, that's the german word for Ninetales!
E: Ninetales-- Nothing can top the best stage 1 fire type in the card game!
F: Other-- (please specify)

2: A lot of trainers have pokemon who wish to be "romantically involved" with Spike's Vulpix. Which relationship do you think would work out best?
A: The Wigglytuff who chases Vulpix around #pojo
B: That female Vulpix who keeps sending Vulpix x-rated e-mail
C. That Omanyte who reportedly has a crush on him
D. Other (Tell us; there's no way we can keep track of all of Vulpix's admirers)
E: None of them, Vulpix should stay a bachelor forever

3: Should Spike get Kangaskhan to help him out with another area of his Garage? If so, where?
A: Kanga should help with suggestions for better decks
B: Kanga should help with the Polls
C: I think Kanga'd make a good secretary to sort incoming e-mail for Spike
D: She should help Vulpix with the deck bashes. Imagine having a huge Kangaskhan ripping a RBD in half! Good reason for the person to attempt a better deck in the future! :)
E: Other; ____
F: Kangaskhan should be a "stay at home" sort of Mom and not interfere in Spike's job

4: Are you at all angry on Spike's behalf because he couldn't get into the STS?
A: Yeah! Wizards should get a clue!
B: Yep! I'd have traded my own spot to Spike if I had known about it!
C: No, it's Spike's own fault for not getting there early enough!
D: No, because you can't have everything, and I want to be a deck mechanic!!
E: No, because he still has a chance for the East Coast STS!
F: Uh, what's STS?

5: How do you feel about Gym?
B: ARRRGHHH!!! They dropped (name of card) to Gym 2!!! Would it kill them to print a set as it was released in Japan without adding cards/dropping cards/changing rarities/changing artwork??!
C: I'm annoyed at some of what they did, but hey, it's a new set!
D: I don't feel much different than when any set comes out... I'll buy it and start thinking up some secret tech.
E: I like it! All the changes are for the better!
F: Woohoo!! They moved my favorite Gym 2 Pokemon up to Gym 1!!
G: Other

As always, your votes should be sent to s_vulpix@yahoo.com


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