First of all, I want to say that the first 5 poll questions for tonight are made possible by a reader who sent them in. They were just so good that I had to post them, and they made possible a 7-question poll during a time when I'm still quite busy. Kudos to this person. Now sit down, shut up and answer the questions. =)

1) Which Pokemon are you most annoyed by because of little kids?

A. Pikachu
B. Charizard
C. Raichu
D. Jigglypuff
E. "Hey! I'm one of those kids who keeps yelling a Pokemon's name during the movie"
G. Other

2) What color would Vulpix look cool in?

A. Blue Vulpix
B. Purple Vupix
C. Black Vulpix
D. Green Vulpix
E. The regular color- Red Vulpix
F. Other

3) What is your favorite kind of deck?

A. Raindance
B. Energy Removal
C. Haymaker
D. Wigglytuff
E. Sponge
F. Damage Swap
G. Potpourri
H. Other

4) What do you think the best Pokemon Power is (in english)?

A. Blastoise's Raindance
B. Venusaur's Energy Trans
C. Dark Dragonair's Evoulutionairy Light
D. Gengar's Curse
E. Alakazam's Damage Swap
F. Mr. Mime's Invisible Wall
G. Other

5) If Wizards asked you to change Vulpix's (base set) HP, what would you change it to?

A. Lower than 50 HP
B. At least 80
C. More than Charizard's (120+ if you kids don't remember Charizard's)
D. Keep it the same at 50 HP
E. 100000000000000000000000000000000 (because I like to suck up to Spike)
F. Other

6) Spike's fascination with electric sheep is...

A. Creepy
B. Vaguely disturbing
C. Perfectly understandable
D. Something you can empathize with
E. News to you
F. Other

7) If you could be Spike for a day, you would...

A. Hang out with Vulpix
B. Drive the SBO (Spike's 1985 Cutlass) on the highway at dangerously high speeds
C. Search through Spike's bookmarks for websites worthy of contemplation
D. Look at yourself in the mirror all day
E. Go to #pojo and kick people for no reason whatsoever, laughing maniacally all the while
F. Get a haircut
G. Other

(Note: Spike's Shed does not in any way advocate unsafe driving. Remember, always fasten your seatbelt and observe traffic laws and common sense. If your parents drive you, make sure they do the same. A friend of Spike's is currently in the hospital with his right leg and arm shattered in a car accident. He may lose the leg. It only takes one time... so be careful.)

Answer the questions. Go ahead... don't be afraid...

Answered them? Good.

Now send them here -------->


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