Welcome to the polls! In this week's offering, we've got a few questions submitted by our faithful readers. Also, we're going to try something new: we're going to have questions without multiple-choice answers. Obviously, it will be nearly impossible to quantify these, so we're not going to... we're just going to see what people have to say.

(Also... do us a favor... and if there's an answer that's CLOSE to yours, don't choose "Other" just because it isn't an exact match. And please... only one answer per question.)


We've always wondered...

1) Which Gym Leader do you first remember seeing on an episode of Pokemon (if you watch the show)? Do you remember your first episode?


Are you bored with Rocket already? Are you ready for the next expansion set to come out? So are we! Which brings us to the next question...

2) How desperate are you for Gym?

B. More Impatient than a Senior waiting for a fun-filled Spring Break at the beach without the family!
C. Gym? No, I don't work out, I'm a cyborg attached to my computer and must not pass into direct sunlight or exert myself.
D. I'm happy with my Raindance/Haymaker/Stereotype as-is. NOTHING could make it better.
E. *drool* Erika's Dragonair is a hottie!
F. *drool* Lt. Surge is a hunkmeister!
G. Other


Are you one of the spoiled brats whose parents buy him a complete set? Or are you one of those who works weekends and skips lunch to buy boosters? Tell us!

3) Who usually buys your pokemon stuff?

A. Yourself.
B. Your parents.
C. Your parents, but you pretend that you buy them so people don't think you're spoiled.
D. You steal them.
E. Other


It's a subject we try not to cover too heavily, since this is a Pokemon site, but we have to wonder...

4) Do you play Magic: The Gathering?

A. No, and I have no desire to. Magic sucks.
B. No. A friend of mine tried to teach me once, but whenever he used the word "tap" my eyes glazed over.
C. No, but if I had more time/money/whatever I might give it a whirl.
D. Yes, but I'm a pretty casual player. Pokemon takes priority right now.
E. Yes, and I'm a serious tournament player. My Dojo deck will crush you!
F. Yes, and I have a black-bordered Black Lotus signed by the artist. Fear me.
G. Other


Sure, Vulpix is cute, but can he fight? You tell us...

5) If all Spike's Pokemon had a battle, who would win?

A. Vulpix
B. Arcanine
C. Lapras
D. Jolteon
E. Ponyta
F. Meriipu
G. Kangaskhan


That's about it. As always, send your answers, along with any drug-induced rambling, to: s_vulpix@yahoo.com


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