Well, it's that time again. No, it's not time to clean out the gutters, it's time to sit down and see what our readers (otherwise known, for reasons better left unsaid, as the "masses") had to say about the deep, thought-provoking issues that we threw up for discussion two weeks ago. Note that we had about 50 responses to this poll, so this is a long sucker. Because of this, many responses have been edited for length. One or two were also edited for content. And finally, we did not print several responses, just because of lack of space. Don't worry, everyone's vote was counted.

All right. Let's roll 'em!

>1. C Only updated my decks w/the Trainers (Challange, and NGR)
>2. D. I like the Art work on the Drk Jolteon, Drk Flareon(very cute!), and the Giovonie Trainer.
>3. The one with the Pokéball in its mouth
>4. F I had a dream that my Yellow Lab ate my Pokémon Cards. Then I pulled out a BFG and blasted >him away.

SPIKE: Hey. Cruelty to animals WILL NOT be tolerated in Spike's Shed. Understood?

VULPIX: All the new Eevee evolutions look cool. Damn, I wish Vulpix had been in TR...

>Your newest polls are hillarious. Specially the last one. hahahahaha. heres my answers:
>1) D. Great cards in this deck, although they have less HP, i can think of tons of new combos
>2) B. Killer powers in this set. just awesome
>3) C. fire spin is cool
>4) B.! Ol' Misty's Tears is the best! Yeah! all of my decks use it!

SPIKE: Actually, Misty's Tears blows as far as gameplay goes. I put it in the category of "keep in binder to look at," right along with Dark Dragonite and Entropic Specter. Not for precisely the same reasons, mind you.

VULPIX: Fire spin!

>1) Now that Rocket's been out for a while, how do you feel about the
>C. Not too bad, but there are a few cards that are worthwhile. (Nightly
>Garbage Run) But I agree with part of A: When is Gym coming out again?
>2) What, to you, is the best part about Rocket?
>C. Like mentioned in the last Question, Nightly Garbage Run
>(*DROOL*[Someone get me a towel!] : - ()*** ) is one of my favorite
>in the set because my deck goes through cards so quickly. This solves
>of it's Problems.
>3) Which Vulpix is the cutest?
>F. I am one of the few people I have ever known that have ever owned a
>glossy-front Vulpix. Most of the vending sheet cards have the best
>plain ad simple. (Also...some look like a 3-year old drew them :-(... )
>4) Have you ever had a Pokemon-related dream?
>E. As in the firt episode, and real life, I quote from myself:
>"Only freaks, loser, and people TOTALLY OBSESSED (Is that how you spell
>that?) with Pokémon dream about it."
>The end.

SPIKE: Here we go again with the "Curse of the Multiple Answers." We'll be attempting to deal with these a bit in the guidelines for this week's poll. In the meantime, I'm not sure how we'll count these.

VULPIX: Finally, someone who likes the vending cards.

>1) D.  I have a lot of new ideas, and I had to take Mr. Mime out of my
>psychic deck (and look for copies of Jynx)
>2) B.  The powers of this set are incredible, and even commons have
>3) I forget which one it is, but the one holding the pokeball looks
>to me.
>4) Yes, only losers and freaks have dreams about pokemon.
>Ditto and Mr. Mime were drastically weakened by Goop Gas Attack.  Ditto
>was already weak in many instances, and never had a real chance to
>(counter cards for him were even released in his own set!) not that I
>really like Ditto, but poor Mr. Mime....

SPIKE: Counter cards for Ditto? In Fossil? Help me out, 'cause I think I missed those. Only one I can think of is Muk... and you said cards plural...

VULPIX: The one with the Pokeball is getting a lot of votes. (It's Blaine's 40 HP by the way.)

>Hey! Some Polls! Good Job Vulpix, for reminding Spike this week! Thanks for giving me another excuse >to humiliate him! *evil smirk*
>Number 1: How I Feel About the Rocket Set:
>Well, I'm divided between answers D (Great new deck ideas) and E (Shrine to Dark Muk), so I'll go with >F; It's Great; not great so I'll never buy another expansion set, but hey, two expansions in a row with >Dragonites in it!! Yee haw!
>Number 2: The Best Part of Rocket
>Again, I'm oscillating. I would get my Dark Dragon family framed (D) but then I'd have to find room on >my walls for them... The cool attacks and powers are all good, but again, I'm going with F. Best part is >that Rocket Dratini is considerably more adorable (and better in every other way but one; 2 energy to >attack instead of 1) than Base Dratini. Just don't let OhDrat hear me say that, she's a Base Dratini!
>Number 3: Cutest Vulpix
>Well, I haven't seen all of the many incarnations of Vulpix. I've seen a few but not all of them; I don't >even have one of those collector books. Oh dear, Drat noticed that I'm doing Spike's Polls again. Under >duress, I must go with letter G; Spike's Vulpix is the most cutest because I'd like to keep my hair and hide >unsinged and whole.
>Number 4: Pokémon Dream
>Yep, I've had at least 2 pokémon-related dreams. In fact, I was the one who asked Spike this the other day, >if HE had experienced Poke-Dreams. As usual, I'm going with F: Other. Yes, I've had Poké-Dreams and it >involved me being attacked by the umpteenth Mysterious Bird, which was like an evil MissingNo. mixed >with all of the other Mysterious Birds while hopscotching near the Seafoam Islands. I freaked out and >tried to catch it, missed, and fled for my life. The OTHER Pokédream I had involved a colony of winged >Dratini living like CareBears, and they helped out kids at a zoo.
>On second thought, I'm going to go with Letter A; Nobody can know about my psychotic dreams except >my Therapist, OhDrat.
>Have fun reading this Vulpie! Do I get brownies for voting for you? Brownies sound good; make sure they >have almonds or walnuts or something!
>Rainy the Furry Blue Mock-Dragon and
>Oh Drat the Bratty Blue Poké-Dragon

SPIKE: Just when the walls were beginning to close in on me, a vote from Rainy. Thank the caffeine gods. By the way, your proposed questions were appreciated and will be added to this week's poll.

VULPIX: Almonds or walnuts... or something. *evil smile*

>Ahh, some more poll questions for me to answer. =)
>i)  Now that Rocket's been out for a while, how do you feel about the
>I'm gonna have ta go with F, other.
>I haven't had the time (or money) to go out and but some Rocket booster
>packs but my cousin has.  I've taken a look at the cards and I see that
>many have great potential for deck ideas and others are just pure trash
>and are only good for fire starters, in my opinion.
>2)  What to you is the best part of Rocket?
>F, all of the above.  The rocket set breathes new life into the game
>with new attacks for many pokemon, new powers to annoy your opponents
>with, and some really good trainers too.  The artwork is very nice, as
>is have a new set to buy.
>3)  Which Vulpix is the cutest?
>Well you of course! ^_^  But since that's not one of the choices, I'll
>go with C, Brock's 40 HP wonder.  Idunnow, I just like the attitude or
>4)  Have you ever had a Pokemon related dream?
>A, yes, and nobody except my therapist can ever know about it.  Don't
>ask, don't tell.

SPIKE: Okay... I won't ask about your dreams, and I won't tell you about mine. =)

VULPIX: Well, of course I'm the cutest. Visitors to the Shed have to wear special goggles to look directly at me. I'm that adorable.

>    Hey Spike. Here is my answer for the polls
>1) Now that Rocket's been out for a while, how do
>you feel about the set?
>B. Not horrible, but I'm saving my money.
>To tell you the truth, I have never buy any
>booster pack from any expansion(Fossil,
>Jungle)ever since I started playing Pokemon in
>Sep. of 1999.
>2) What, to you, is the best part about Rocket?
>A. The funky attacks. Mind Shock!
>Just love the attack in this set, to list a few:
>Hydro Cannon, 70 for 4(you know what 70 damage
>do, don't you). Third Eye, 1 energy for 3 card.
>The horrible Hp is just a pain though.
>3) Which Vulpix is the cutest?
>Geez, let me check the spoiler again...Ahh, here
>D. Blaine's 40 HP
>Look at the innocent eyes! Just sitting there, so
>touching. I haven't seen the vending machine
>Vulpix yet.
>4) Have you ever had a Pokemon-related dream?
>F. Other (Specify)
>In fact, I just had one last night. I was in my
>regular Sunday Pokemon League playing Pokemon
>TCG. I was playing my perfect deck(fixed by
>and was beating everyone. Suddenly a little kid
>challenge me and beat me with a rainbow deck. I
>woke up screaming then after I realize it's only
>a dream I started sobbing. I was so glad that no
>rainbow deck will ever rule the Pokemon TCG

SPIKE: "Just look at the innocent eyes... just sitting there, so touching." That could describe any of the Vulpixes. Except that some are standing. And one of Brock's has his eyes shut.

VULPIX: How the hell have you survived without buying expansion packs? And what about now? Do you buy Base 2?

>1(d) i really didn't change my deck
>2(e)what did wizards try to do base set 2 i mean yu might as well buy
>original set
>3(e)it looks so cool w/ the fire balls in the backgfround or which ever
>1 has
>the fire in the background
>4(f) i was dreaming i went to a pojo staff battle. I snuck in .
>HeeHeeHee. I
>was playing and i saw Pojo. Actually is Pojo a person. My friends and I
>puzzled and wondering if he is just the name of the site. Or if he is a
>pokemon master. If he is I would have proved my friends wrong>

SPIKE: Pojosama is indeed a person. More than that I will not say. Muwahahahahahaha!

VULPIX: The one with the fireballs would be Blaine's 50 HP. I can tell we're going to have fun going through and sorting out what everyone was voting for.

>Hey Spike...  
>Spiffy Poll.  Why no Magic: The Gathering comments?  I mean,  who is
>better masochist?  Squee or Mr. Mime?  Think about it, Mr. Mime if just
>the hardest thing to kill, and yet, Squee just jumps back to your hand
>being devoured my Mr. Masticore.  (Can you tell that I am the person
>suggested that Orgg would make a good guest mechanic?)
>1. D.  Any new set usually requires revisions to deck mechanics...You
>know this with stuff cycling in and out of Type II, being a Magic
>(Uh Oh!  Prophecy comes out next month!  Time to take all those Urza
>cards from our decks and put them into our Extended decks!!!
>2. A.  However, Mind Shock isn't the funkiest attack.  I'd say that
>attack is pretty funky. 
>3. Rrrraaarrrghhhh!!!!! Orgg smash cute fuzzy thing!!!  
>"Down Orgg... Don't make me turn the hose on you..."
>*Whimper*  "Orgg am sorry... Vulpix wit' Pokeball are spiffy
>4. F.  Never had a pokemon related dream...(Serra and Sivvi, however
>quite different...)

SPIKE: I try to keep the emphasis here on Pokemon, this being a Pokemon deck garage and all. But we'll try and sprinkle a few MTG references here and there.

VULPIX: Um, Sivvi? Not to make judgements on personal taste or anything, but... that scares me very much.

>Wassup Vulpix. I have a sidekick, Mewtwo. Mewtwo, introduce your self.
>MEWTWO:  I don`t like fire pokemon.
>JASON: Yes you do. Don`t hide it.
>MEWTWO: @$%#
>Here`s my poll answers :
>1.    JASON:    Great cards in the rocket set, but I don`t worship
>pokemon cards or sets. Not my thing. (D)  MEWTWO: I can kick any of
>these sorry poison Pokemon in the A$$ any day of the week.
>JASON: We all know that.
>2. JASON: I`d have to say all of the above except F. Rocket is a cool
>MEWTWO: Yeah, Dark Alkazam gave me a reason to like this set.
>3.JASON: All Vulpixes are cute!
>4.JASON: Um, Uh..... F. One night I had a dream about Star Wars and
>Pokemon. Star Wars won.
>MEWTWO: Obviously. The Death Star and the Force could easily kill
>Pokemon. (Creates display of Death Star hovering over Pokemon World.)
>Darth Vader: Fire! (Pokemon World vanishes will a massive explosion.)
>JASON: 151 species of Pokemon, all gone. Sniff...
> JASON: C`Ya later Spike and Vulpix!
>MEWTWO: Vulpix makes me puke.
>JASON: Sigh.... I wonder if Pokesmart has Mewtwo Muzzles......

SPIKE: Another person who tries to weasel out with the "All Vulpixes are cute" line. Have you no spine? *g*

VULPIX: Tell your Mewtwo thanks for the constructive criticism.

>#1:  Definatly D.  The entire set has given me MUCH more to work with,
>the holo job on Dark weezing sure is tasty!!!
>#2:  I'm gonna go w/ C.  NGR  rules, and so does Challenge, but TRSA
>other trainer's @$$es so hard that they turn inside out and their butt
>cheekz pop out their nostrils, making Oak look like a stupid @$$-nosed
>fart.  (Oak still RULEZ!!!)
>#3:  G!!!  My Vulpix is the cutest!!!  I bought him a pair of hot pants
>he likes waxing them up so female Vulpixes are even more attracted to
>stunningly hot @$$!!!
>#4:  B, although it wasn't a childhood dream.  It was sorta recent. 
>that dancing bear in that one episode...HE'S ACTUALY A PANTS STEALING

: Whoa. I just pictured Vulpix wearing hot pants. Um...

VULPIX: Dark Weezing? Tasty? Okay, I think we'll just move right along here.

>1. D
> Rocket is good, but too many low HP cards to make and "all rocket" deck I'd think, some neat trainers, >how about the new promo computer error!! Neat for stall decks.
>2. B
>3. C
>4. F - I dream about pokemon all the time. I watch the cartoon, play the game, collect cards, play the >card game, own snap and stadium, red and blue, wall posters, hanging cloth posters, have pokemon all >over my computer, pokemon figures, beenies, toys, and much more. I've been doing this since it came >out and only a significant lack of money (being a college student and married) keeps me from being one >of the biggest pokemon collectors in America. Yes, I do have a first edition Charizard that I pulled from >a pack way back when. I love the card game and the pojo site. keep up the good work.

SPIKE: Preach on, muh brothah. And the next person to put Computer Error in a stall gets smacked upside the head.

VULPIX: At least he gave the Vulpix by letter instead of trying to describe it. "It's, uh... the one with the tails. Yeah. That one."

>Answers to the poll #3:
>1) D, Dragonair is a blast!
>2)a and b, Gotta love Dragonair's 'evolutionary light' and slowopke's 'afternoon nap'!
>3)i haven't seen c-f, but judging the other two, definatly b (Vulpix is cute all the time though...)
>4)a, sorry I won't tell you( if you post my deck I might...)

SPIKE: Bribery will get you nowhere.

VULPIX: Afternoon nap! It helps you charge up for Slowbro! Which means... umm... absolutely nothing from where I sit.

>Poll Answerz:
>1. D, it´s not the best expansion but dark blas, dark rai, dark muk and
>+all the energies have made me think differently
>2.C, OF COURSE! Night Garbage Retrieval Kicks an unbelievable amount of
>3. It´s a pretty tough choice between the both Brock´s vulpixes, but i
>go with B-Its so dang cute
>4. C, maybe... but not Spike!
>I ain´t go a decent q... but RAICHU RULES 4-EVER WITH SNORLAX

SPIKE: Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh uh huh.

VULPIX: I think Spike needs some caffeine.

>#1. C
>I normally play speed decks, (haymaker, sponge, etc.) so about the only
>I see myself using are Dark Muk, Nightly Garbage Run, and Rockets Sneak
>#2 C
>Definitely the trainers. Nightly Garbage Run is a great improvement for
>me to
>use to stop decking out with. (compared to gambler)
>#3 B and D
>Sorry for the mixed vote! I guess that they are about even. Vending
>It is by far the worst in my opinion, it looks like it has a wannabe
>(no offense Vulpix, please spare me, oh great god of Pokemon!)
>#4 F
>Actually yes, I have. Many. I know that may be sad and all but I don't
>As for the Mistys tears............... that is another time, another
>another kind of site! Most of my dreams of pokemon usually end up with
>gullible self buying $100 1st edition base packs and getting all
>magikrap, I
>mean karp, all grass energy (not that grass is a bad type, I just have
>of it.) and of course, magneton!
>Any way, thanks for wasting your time and please do not be offended by
>Afro crack Vulpix. I really doubt (hope) you do not look like a vending
>machine vulpix.

SPIKE: Vending machine? The worst? Okay, Kangaskhan will be over to your house shortly with a large metal pole. It'll be less painful if you don't resist.

VULPIX: Spike, remember the fine you had to pay the last time Kanga did that?

>Dear Crimson Deck Basher,
>1) (D)efinately D. The TR set has inspired me to try
>to make a grass deck that actually works. and by
>george it won me my first tournament. Go Dark
>2) Um, (B)! No more trainers for you! Go Dark
>3) Is it just me? I got a lockdown deck with Vulpix in
>it. Is there no fossil Vulpix?? My answer is (G)
>Vulpix is not "CUTE" He's not ugly, but of all the
>adjectives I would not use cute. Maybey Sinister, or
>Sly wry, Wicked, hmmm. Mysterious!
>4) Yes I have had a pokemon dream, (B)ut I refuse to
>answer this A(B)surd question. I wouldn't think
>a(B)out anyone else. I love my (B)aby....

SPIKE: It's 12:27 AM. What am I doing? I'm sitting in front of my computer screen with a fire-breathing fox next to me. What has this come to?

VULPIX: Spike, calm down. Have some more caffeine. And for God's sake try to keep your comments on topic.

SPIKE: Everybody has abandoned me. No one's on AIM, no one's on ICQ. With the possible exception of my best friend, who's going on about this girl. Real wonderful.

VULPIX: You can't expect everyone to function on 5 hours of sleep like you do. Now let's get this done so we can go to bed.

>Hey Spike and Vulpix!!
> Yes, Finally you got the Poll up!! Got a question, why is it based mostly around the Rocket >expansion? I mean, Rocket came out 2 weeks ago, right(or somethin like that)? Oh, by the way Spike, I >think my letter that I sent to you last week(which was in the letters section last week) was cut short. It's >OK, but next time try to have the whole letter in the section(maybe it was my fault for makin the letter >too long?). Well, on to my Poll answers.
>1) F. It does have some great cards(especially a few trainers, i.e. Nightly Garbage Run). The Dark >Pokemon are OK and some are great. The new energies are OK. It has caused me to change my >decks(not all of my decks) a little bit and has also given me new deck ideas.
>2) C or D. A few of the trainers are just awesome, but the artwork, as I hear, is just wonderful. I have >only seen the artwork of Nightly Garbage Run(got 4 of 'em).
>3) Don't know, have only seen the Base Set Vulpix. Sorry Vulpix if I have discouraged you with this >answer.
>4) F. NO. Uhhhh....Why? I didn't say E because I don't care what other people dream about(most of >the time, and why would I call Pokemon fans losers?).
> Well, I guess I'll talk to you guys later.

SPIKE: We'll appoint a committee immediately to look over why your letter was not printed in its entirety. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to pass out on my keyboard.

VULPIX: Uh huh.

>Hi Spike and Vulpix!
>1: D.
>Now with Rainbow/Potion/Full Heal Energy, Nightly Garbage Run, Rocket Sneak Attack, and Dark >Pokemon, my deck is 10x better!!
>2: C.
>Trainers shine in this set! These are the best trainers since Base, since Jungle and Fossil didn't add >much. (Pokeball and Recycle? LOL)
>3: B.
>He just is, ok?
>4: F.
>I don't really DREAM about Pokemon. Daydream sometimes. I only dream about stuff like what >Pokemon/trainers to put in my decks, and what TMs/HMs my Game Boy Team should have.
>OK Vulpix and Spike. Thanks for your time. By the way Vulpix, I was wondering if you have a >girlfriend. If it's too personal, that's ok.

SPIKE: Daydreaming about Pokemon. I think that's what I used to do in Calculus. Oh wait, those daydreams were about something substantially different and much more frightening.

VULPIX: The subject of my love life will be covered extensively in the future, so hold your horses.

>You wanted answers, so here goes nada....
>1) A.  there are a few new things in Rocket that might be nice later
>(particularly Rocket Drowzee+Base Haunter, Rocket vileplume, and a few
>but most of the cards are underpowered and undernourished and won't see
>tournament play until Neo or Gym comes out.  Please.  A stage two with
>60 HP?
> Someone give that Vileplume some steroids!  Gym gives much more to the
>than rocket ever will. and will totally eliminate all but a few themes
>rocket cards (particularly Hayfever decks with the intro of neo and
>Muk+Dark Dugtrio damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't decks) However,
>it will
>be a while till these get up and running.  (And by then I'll be playing
>Misty's Gyarados+Fossil Muk deck that will totally clean up these
>2. C.  holo trainers...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....a whole new card you'd
>like to
>put in your deck but can't find because someone thinks they're
>Items" just like that STUPID Dark Raichu. 
>3. B.  Those eyes.......
>4. F.  It had to do with a Gyarados' fire blast(don't ask, I have no
>an an annoying little electric rodent....
>By the way, why did you actually start helping the RBDs?  they were
>funnier before.  You were right when you said that it serves them right
>not reading the rules/reading strategy/reading the attacks/ etc.  I
>some people don't get the humor or find it offensive, but that's life. 
>personally think you are the only Deck Mechanic who has a sense of
>humor or
>at least shows it.  Well, thanks.

SPIKE: The reason why we started helping the RBDs was because I'm a big soft teddy bear with no spine whatsoever. I think that's been amply demonstrated. If you'll notice, though, I couldn't quite find it within myself to help last week's offerings.

VULPIX: And if you think Spike's the only deck mech with a sense of humor, you need to read Crash.

>LOL! Awesome new poll questions. Anyways, here are my answers/comments... HERE WE GO!
>1). D - I mean, the set's not bad, that's for sure, but I definetely am not going to stay away from Gym, >and all the Base/Jungle/Fossil cards I still need for play!
>2). F - The high damage! Boom - 150 damage by my dark Charizard!
>I'd also have to say B. Not FUNKY powers, but AWESOME powers!
>3). I can't really give an answer, cause I haven't seen them all, but I think I remember one of Brock's >being so cute it's dangerous! So either B or C.
>4). F - It wasn't an all-out Pokedream, but you know, my twisted mind twisted it together with StarCraft >>and my new virtual role-playing computer game.
>DROOL... I wish I had never woken up.
>Well, that's it. See ya, and maybe my new Rocket decks will see you soon!

VULPIX: So cute it's dangerous? That's the 50 HP one. Spike, come on, wake up.

SPIKE: Mmmmph. Okay, from now on, we blow right through the responses. No stopping for comments unless something specific comes up. I need my sleep.

>Yo Spike, Here are my poll #3 answers
>1)d The Team rocket set rules, Dark Wheezings the Bomb!! (litrelly! Have you seen that Mass explosion >attack!)
>2)D and E The attacks are cool to, but the best answer to this is E (why even come out with base set 2?)
>3)E If the question were for the meanest looking, it would be C, but it isn't
>4)F I don't think it's for losers, I just never had any.
>C you

>1) Now that Rocket's been out for a while, how do you feel about the
>D. Definitely some nice cards in this set. Rocket has either given me
>deck ideas or caused me to significantly modify existing decks.
>2) What, to you, is the best part about Rocket?
>A. The funky attacks. Mind Shock!
>3) Which Vulpix is the cutest?
>D. Blaine's 40 HP
>4) Have you ever had a Pokemon-related dream?
>F. Other (yes, i Dreamt of Sabrina and Kurumi(Neo Card-the pink-haired
>DJ...well...im not gonna go any further into it....ehhe...)

>Well, lets just answer so I can look over the rest of your deck garage.
>1. D. My fire deck really needed some of these
>2. C. Same as above.
>3. G. ALL OF 'EM!!
>4. C. Almost.... almost...... YESSSS!!!!! I GOT A *....huh?? :-(
>By the way, Crash asked if your vulpix ever did things like steal wallets or something.

SPIKE: "Or something?" Yes, Vulpix does "or something" all the time.

VULPIX: What exactly do you mean by that?

SPIKE: Take your pick.

>Hey, and here are the poll answers.......
>1)B(Spend too much money on packs earlier)
>2)E(Base Set 2 sucks)
>3)G(Dont know what the other vulpixes look like)
>4)E(I'm not a total Pokémon freak)
>P.S. I dont think Misty's Tears is 'not for children' because u cant
>any part of her.

SPIKE: You can't see any part of Misty? You must not be looking very hard. And remember, this is the good old U.S. of A., which means you can define absolutely anything as "not for children." Now, I'm tired, which means I'm perfectly primed to go off on a rant that will accomplish nothing. So I'll just stop here.


>1) C, Rocket is not that bad but a shrine? That would be scary.
>2) D, The artwork in Rocket is the best. That's including gym and neo.
>3) D, Vulpix is so cute with a pokeball in his mouth.
>4) F, No I have not but I'm not on drugs and everyone who answers yes
>is not
>a freak or loser.

SPIKE: I'm both a freak AND a loser, but I suppose logically that doesn't prove anything.

>Hey there Vulpix,
>Here are my awnsers for poll no 3:
>1. C. Team Rocket could have been a bit better
>2. D. The artwork is great!
>3. A. Its very nice, though the card isnt that great
>4. F. I have pokemon dreams very frequently (and I like it that way)
>Well thats about it for now

SPIKE: Okay. While it may not seem to you, the reader, like much time has passed, I actually stopped after that last one and went to sleep. It's now about 8:30 AM on Sunday.

VULPIX: Here we go!

>Hey Vulpix, here are my poll answers;
>1. E. We all should pay homage to the Dark Pokemon!!  Seriously though
>okay. Glad it doesn't suck like some others (Base Set 2 maybe).
>2. C. The trainers kick!
>3. That's impossible! Vulpix is cute no matter what it looks like!
>4. A. and i am still working through it thank you very much!
>Thanx a bunch Vulpix! You're the best mechanic ever!

SPIKE: Um, Vulpix isn't the mechanic here. I am.

VULPIX: And here we have the last response.

>1. D. I have revalutionized my deck thanks to the sleep trainer.
>2. A. The sleep atacks Are cool.
>3. c. I saw it in your magizine
>4. A

SPIKE: The sleep trainer revolutionized your deck? Okay, I think it's good this is the last response.

VULPIX: Let's tally it up.

SPIKE: Okay. Here you are. Just for clarification: Multiple answers where the voter expressed no clear preference were not counted. "All Vulpixes are cute" answers were not counted. Other than that, we pretty much just went through and counted them up. Here are the results:



A. 2
B. 6
C. 9
D. 23 (!!)
E. 2
F. 4


SPIKE: I'll go with B. since I like the set, but don't have much of a reason to buy it for myself personally.

VULPIX: It's a good set. But I don't actually buy cards for myself, so most of the answers don't apply to me.



A. 5
B. 4
C. 10
D. 9
E. 5
F. 9


SPIKE: The artwork. Definitely. In a second. Of course, that's just because I don't really plan on using any of the Pokemon in a deck anytime soon.

VULPIX: The new Ponyta sure is cute.



A. 6
B. 8
C. 8
D. 8
E. 4
F. 3


SPIKE: A few days ago, I would have said Brock's 50 HP. But that was before I got some vending cards in the mail from a friend of mine (thanks.) There can no longer be any doubt. The vending machine Vulpix is too cute for words! Afro and all.

VULPIX: Amen to that. They're all cute, but that one is ahead of the pack just a bit.



A. 7
B. 10
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
F. 20


SPIKE: I should have known it would be too hard to reduce something like dreams to a set of multiple-choice answers like that. That's why we got bombed with "F" answers. And um, I pick A.

VULPIX: I'm going with Misty. All right, now... you've heard what people had to say. We should have new questions up, unless they got interdicted again. So go vote!