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Ghostly Gengar's Deck Garage
Water Roadblock Deck
May 16, 2005

This is a water based roadblock deck which uses pokebodies and powers.

3 quagsires TRR
4 woopers TRR
1 sharpedo R&S
2 carvanha R&S
1 dark gyarados TRR
2 magikarp (any)
2 mantines TRR
1 dark tyranitar #20
2 pupitar #40
3 larvitar #62
3 rocket's mission
3 pokemon retriever
18 water energy
8 ground energy
4 wally's training
3 poke handy- the new pokedex thingy

The strategy is to use the quagsires as roadblocks as you evolve tyranitar on your bench and get the mantines on your bench (ripples). If your opponent is just mean and pulls out electrics, use tyranitar (he's good on his own too!). I purposely made this deck without pokemon ex. They're beyond my reach as a collector:-(
Yay for my first ever deck fix! :)
For starters, I must point out that this deck has 61 cards…just one too many. Second, it has too many different ideas that seem to slam the deck's true potential. I think you were onto something with the Whooper/ Quagasire, but got sidetracked by those tempting rare cards and their shiny background. At any rate this is not really a roadblock deck as I see it…that Quagasire can pack a whollop if you get three or four energy on him.

It seems to me that you suffer from the age old dilemma of not being able to afford tons of rare cards which really can be a disadvantage at times. However there are always alternatives and this is no exception. Despite the theme you were going for, I'm gonna take a shot at giving the stars some credit here…namely Quagasire.

There is one basic rule to creating a good deck that goes way back to the Jungle/Fossil days. That rule is that you must have multiples of cards if you hope to see them when you deperately need them…without more of Tyranitar, you can hardly hope to base your strategy on getting him built up for the final coup (what if that lone card ends up as a prize?). So drop that line altogether, I say; it will free up some badly needed space. And along with that line go the fighting energy.

The Dark Gyarados is really quite nifty if you can get ahold of more. I say bump him up to three as well as the Magicarp that goes with him. He provides something the same but altogether different, with his weakness to lightning instead of to grass like Quagasire.

Carvanha and Sharpedo are really not that great in my opinion, so they too can leave…That leaves us with just nine Pokemon. I really like the Mantines because they can remove damage and have good HP. The attack isn't anything to write home about but it can get the job done. However I think that we need three of these as well-just one more.

That should put the Pokemon at 16-a better, more feasible number considering we have loads of trainers and more focus now to make the deck work out. Speaking of trainers, lets add a few of those…

Switch will make retreating those evolutions much easier should they get into a tight spot, Bill's Maintenance can offer you some more drawing power, and Strength Charm can get you a surprise damage bonus. I also added in some Darkness Energy just for your Dark Gyarados…he may find them handy…

The final revision should look like this:

4 Whooper TRR
3 Quagasire TRR
3 Magicarp TRR
3 Dark Gyarados TRR
3 Mantine TRR
3 PokeDex Handy 909
3 Bill's Maintenance
4 Wally's Training
3 Switch
4 Strength Charm
3 Pokemon Retreiver
3 Rocket's Mission
3 Darkness Energy
18 Water Energy

This should increase your odds and shouldn't stretch your budget too much if you are a smart trader. You have plenty of options available to you now and you should try to remember to be versatile, if your initial strategy (should be all out offense) doesn't work, form a new one. This deck should be good enough for casual gaming but I don't think you can trust it in a tournament really…after all, it is my first fix :) . I know it doesn't look exactly the same as the original, and is fairly unconventional for the current game, but I don't think you'll be too disappointed with the results (except perhaps the removal of Tyranitar). Good Luck.

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