Big Lightning Deck (MMF)

Pokemon 18
2 Mareep (Neo Genesis)
2 Mareep (Neo Destiny)
2 Flaafy (Neo Revelation)
3 Ampharos (Neo Revelation)
3 Zapdos (Legendary Collection)
2 Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
2 Gligar (Neo Genesis)
2 Pichu (Neo Genesis)

Trainers 23
3 Bill
3 Elm
3 Gold Berry
3 Pokemon Trader
2 Pokemon Breeder
2 Warp Point
3 Time Capsule
2 Energy Stadium
2 Double Gust

Energy 19
16 Lightning
3 Metal (Neo Genesis)

The main strategy of this Deck is to get out Ampharos and use it's Attract Current attack to Power-up Zapdoss' Thunder Bolt attack. I use Thunder Bolt as a last resort. In the mean time, if I use Zapdos, I use it's Thunder attack. As for Ampharos, I some times put a Metal Energy on it and use it's Gigavolt attack.

Cleffa, Gligar and Pichu are used for when I play Warp Point. Gligar is also used as a counter to my Fighting Type weakness. Bill, Professor Elm, Pokemon Trader, and Cleffa are all draw power. Pokemon Breeder is for my Amphaross', so that I am able to get them out faster. Time Capsule and Energy Stadium are to replinish my Deck with cards, and Warp Point, Double Gust, and Metal Energy are used as stalls.

***Doggy Door Opens***

Guess who's back.

back again

Marty's back

Tell a friend.

Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back.

Today we will be fixing an MMF Ampharos deck. OH BOY!


First of all, I like playing 4 Cleffa in most of my Neon format decks. It makes sense because it makes it easier to get stuff built. I'll drop a Gligar and something else for another one.

The Gligar was a nice touch. It is great defense against that ever so popular Tyrogue. I also see Machamp becoming a problem in the near future.

Zapdos's resistance won't always be that reliable because of that awful retreat, so like said above, the Gligar is a nice touch. Speaking of Zapdos, the retreat is murder. Only play two in here, he is a bad opener.

Fit in two Tyrogue. This card is cute in Neon.

Change your Mareeps to ALL Neo Genesis. They will help you get Ampharos powered up better.


I like to stress, the standard drawing engine in Neon is 4/4/4 with Bill, Pokemon Trader, and Professor Elm.

Also, the warp points are GREAT. But, the fact that their not allowed kinda hurt it's use.

Drop your Time Capsule count to 1. It's all you need buddy.

Add 2 Double gust. Four is great for eliminating threats getting you the advantage.

Now you have an improved draw Engine, and a great way to disrupt your opponents plans early.


Trim the lightning to 14, and the metal to 2. It's OK we dropped the lightning so low because you play Energy Stadium and Time Capsule to remedy this.

Big Lightning Deck (Neon) (final)

Pokemon 20
4 Mareep (Neo Genesis)
2 Flaafy (Neo Revelation)
3 Ampharos (Neo Revelation)
2 Zapdos (Legendary Collection)
4 Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
1 Gligar (Neo Genesis)
2 Pichu (Neo Genesis)
2 Tyrogue

Trainers 23
4 Bill
4 Elm
3 Gold Berry
4 Pokemon Trader
2 Pokemon Breeder
1 Time Capsule
2 Energy Stadium
4 Double Gust

Energy 16
14 Lightning
2 Metal (Neo Genesis)

And there you have it. Have fun with your tuned up Ampharos :O

"You gotta fight for your right to MarrrrrrrTAY!"- SomeGuy