Deck Listing

Pokémon (15)
4 Doduo
3 Dodrio
3 Grimer (FO)
2 Dark Muk (btw, does any1 have any extra Dark Muk's to trade?)
3 Scyther

Trainers (25)
3 Item Finder
3 Gust of Wind
3 Professor Oak
3 Energy Removal
3 Computer Search
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 The Rocket's Training Gym
2 Erika (imo, better than Bill, not only do u have a chance at decking urself quicker but ur opponent quicker too)
2 PlusPower

Energy Types (20)
12 Grass Energy
4 Full Heal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy


This deck is the one I fix with ClefairyDoll for this week. so when you're done, go and check out her fix.

1) I like your strategy. You're trying to use Dark Muk and Rocket's Training Gym in concert with Dodrio. Very nifty indeed. I see two problems straight off-firstly, you only have 2 Muks, and I really think you want 3. Secondly, 7 out of your 10 basics are very weak. Neither problem is impossible to fix. Start off by cutting a Doduo and using the space for the third Muk. By running both families 3-3, you gain the space to fit everything in. While it's true that this goes a bit in the face of conventional evolutionary wisdom, it should be workable.

Next we have to counter psy weakness, which could be this deck's weak point. One shot from a Promo Mewtwo and suddenly your theme starts to go to pieces.  There are two easy remedies: Ditto and Chansey. Of the two, Chansey is the one I'd more readily play with, but it's up to you. About 2 of them will serve the intended purpose and won't clog up two much space in your deck.

2) Now for trainers. First of all, I can tell you right away that you want 4 each Oak and Nightly Garbage Run. You need to get set up as quickly as possible with this deck, and the way you do that is by running 4 Oaks.

Other than that, the only real bone I have is with Erika-it's just not that good. This is a lock deck of sorts, and in a lock deck of ANY kind (whether trainer lock, board lock or otherwise) the LAST thing you want to do is have your opponent draw cards. There are so many situations in which Erika can only hurt you. Considering the insane amount of drawing you already have, the 1 additional card will not matter. Oh, and this deck won't win by decking, it will win by drawing all its prizes. 

3) Hmm. We need some space. Fortunately we can create it here. Drop as much Full Heal E as you need to. It's a great card, but you can live without it.


17 Pokemon:

3 Doduo
3 Dodrio
3 Grimer
3 Dark Muk
3 Scyther
2 Chansey

24 Trainers:

4 Oak
2 Bill
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Gust of Wind
3 Energy Removal
4 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Rocket's Training Gym
2 PlusPower

16 Energy:

12 Grass Energy


Looks like it. Good luck Matt, and have fun! =)


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