It works okay, it gets decked occasionally though, what can I do? Help!

---Pokémon: (1)---

1 Mewtwo (Base)

---Trainers (4)---

2 Nightly Garbage Run

2 Energy Retrieval

---Energy (55)---

55 Psychic Energy

Sorry Excuse for an Archetype

Okay, decks with Energy Removal and Super can beat this easily. Your only chance if to just out nightly them and hope they don't play Super.. which is unlikely. Any skilled player could take this deck out.


You need to make sure you don't get decked! Let's work on it. People might not draw extra cards from no basic, if you're hoping to deck them by doing that.

Pokémon (mon mon mon)

Some people believe more than one Mewtwo works in this unusual deck. Nah, just go with Barriering your way to victory. Make sure you do it every turn, so get a lot of psychic. Keep it one Mewtwo.


You need more things to add to your deck. 4 Nightly, 4 Recycle gives you a chance at gettin' the Nightly again. You don't want to be decked yourself.


Slim down to 49. That should work. Starting turn two you want to be able to Barrier every turn.

The Fixed Sorry Excuse for a Deck

---Pokémon: (1)---

1 Mewtwo

---Trainers (10)---

4 Nightly Garbage Run

4 Recycle

2 Energy Retrieval

---Energy (49)---

49 Psychic

I guess Chaos Gym could be useable in this type of a deck, but who cares, this is a weird deck that overall really can't beat a decent player with Supers.

~Jason Klaczynski
