>Hey Spike, Whats up? This deck is a water/electric/coloress deck. The
>point of this deck is to use Buzz/Scyther to stall while I load up
>pikachu/raichu, horsea/seadra, and spearow/Fearow to use their agility
>use the strong attack when necessary. I've won every game in this deck
>(although it was only a few) with a great comeback except for a
>venusaur stall deck with damage swap. Please help this deck if u can.
>Some of these evolution ratios are poor so help! and i have some card
>shortages ( i will notify when i get there)
>water energy 
>2 horsea
>2 seadra
>15 eletric energy
>2 base pikachu
>2 jungle pikachu (should i replace w/ base?)
>1 base raichu
>2 fossil raichu (only trade one for base cuz this guy saved me a few
>3 base electabuzz (a must in every electric deck)
>3 DCE
>2 spearow
>2 fearow
>2 scyther
>1 Energy Removal(need more)
>1 SER (see above)
>3 bill
>1 oak (need more)
>1 gambler (until i get more oaks)
>1 lass (really screws opponent)
>1 rocket's sneak attack (see lass)
>2 mr fuji (one-saves a prize, two - if i'm about to run out of cards in
>1 GOW
>1 comp search
>>Thanks for your time and help!


An Agility deck is something often thought of, but seemingly put into execution only rarely. This deck is a start down that line, but needs considerable tweaking to arrive at perfection.

1) Drop a color. You've got three evolution families in there already, and Seadra probably ought to go since it's the least versatile of the three. Water leaves along with it. Now we can focus on cleaning up your other two colors a bit. Straighten out your Pikachu a bit... Base Set is just bad. I'd go with Movie Promo, League Promo, and Jungle, in that order of preference. Raichu. Hmm. I used to think the Fossil Raichu was superior to the Base one, but I have changed that opinion somewhat. Bottom line is that it's up to you, but I'd go with 2 Base and 1 Fossil. 3 Buzz are good. Now, moving to colorless, stick in a third Scyther and bump your Fearow line to 3-2. That should be it.

2) As usual, the trainers are the part of the deck most in need of help. RSA and Lass don't work as singles, and you probably don't want them in a deck like this in the first place. Rather than have me explain what each trainer does and why you should have it in there (a tired refrain that everybody has heard already) refer to my card listing below. If there's anything there that's not in most decks, I'll explain it later.

3) 4 DCE are mandatory here, and electric energy will fill the rest.


18 Pokemon:

4 Pikachu
3 Raichu
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
3 Spearow
2 Fearow

20 Trainers:

4 Bill
3 Oak
2 Computer Search
3 PlusPower
2 Item Finder
3 Nightly Garbage Run

22 Energy:

18 Lightning Energy


An explanation on a couple of trainers. PlusPower helps Raichu and Scyther over the 70 HP hump. NGR gets energy and Pokemon back, which could become handy here. Everything else should be self-explanatory. Good Luck.


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