Hey peeps!  IIIIIII'M BACK!  *Cricket chirps in the silence*  Well, I see that ya'll are glad to see me back here =\.  Oh well, on with the fix!
----- Original Message -----
From: pwa1

Hey, TR, seeing as you haven't had too many decks to modify, here's one.

RazorClaw's Nightmare Deck (Unlimited, Haymaker style)

Pokemon 13:
3 Sneasel (Neo Gen.)
3 Scyther (Jungle)
4 Machop (Base)
3 Hitmonchan (Base)

Trainers 16 :

4 Bill
4 Prof. Oak
4 ER

Energy 31:

10 Grass
4 Dark
4 Rainbow
9 Fighting
4 Double-Colorless

It's an archetype, but it's got a nice twist. I'd like to see it on Pojo. Modify it with Colin. Even though he can't spell people.

I have a few things to say in response to this email before I start the fix.  First of all, I have been getting decks, I'm just too lazy to fix them; but now I'm back and I'm gonna start doing one every week.  I would like to do some Modified decks, but all I can find is Unlimited (Hint, hint!).  Second of all, I'm not going to do it with Colin, that was a one time thing.  He was a "special guest" that one time, so I hope this works for you Razor ;).  I was quite surprised to get this deck.  RazorClaws a friend from a really neat Redwall site I go to that's been consuming all of my time.  I didn't know he played Pokemon until I received this, so naturally, I have to fix it =P.  And finally, the last thing before the fix, my name is not TR.  LOL, Lets all spell it out now T-R-S-H-A-D-O-W.  Hmm, I think I'm done with all my nonsense.  *Goes to fix deck*
Pokemon: 13
3 Sneasel (Neo Gen.)
3 Scyther (Jungle)
4 Machop (Base)
3 Hitmonchan (Base)
Not a bad selection of Pokemon.  I would take out the Machops.  They're pretty good on the first turn, but that's what Hitmonchans for!  Add another one of those.  Another Sneasel wouldn't hurt it either.  I'd add two Tyrogues for the FTKO thing and two Cleffas for some extra draw.  Besides that, I really don't see any problem with the Pokemon.
Trainers 16 :
4 Bill
4 Prof. Oak
4 ER

16 Trainers just isn't enough.  We really don't need the ERs, since we have the SERs already, so scratch all four of those.  We can replace them with Computer searches.  Then take out an Oak: We're gonna go 3-2 on Oaks and Elms.  Lets add 2 Copycats to expand on the drawing power.  Adding 4 Double Gusts for disruption (and a few KOs =P) isn't a bad idea either.  For healing, lets add two Gold Berries.  And Finally, add 4 Itemfinders to get it all back.
Energy 31:
10 Grass
4 Dark
4 Rainbow
9 Fighting
4 Double-Colorless

With all those extra Trainers we added, we need to cut down on the Energies, which is a good thing since you had way too many energy in anyway.  Lets take out all the Grass and five Fighting.
Pokemon: 13:
4 Sneasel (Neo Gen.)
3 Scyther (Jungle)
4 Hitmonchan (Base)
2 Tyrogue
2 Cleffa
Trainers 27:
4 Bill
3 Prof. Oak
2 Prof. Elm
4 Cpu Search
2 Cpoycat
4 Double Gust
2 Gold Berry
4 Itemfinders
Energy 16:
4 Dark
4 Rainbow
4 Fighting
4 Double-Colorless

Great job with the deck, RazorClaw!  I hope to see you around here on Pojo more often, ok?
~TR Shadow~