>Okay, before I get started with this deck there is a
bit of a story
>it.  I am a gym leader at a toys r us run pokemon
league.  Last week
>one of
>the kids copied my haymaker deck, beat me with it,
and had the audacity
>rub it in my face. "Yeah, I took your deck, copied
it, added a couple
>electabuzz and beat you."  I have an aerodactyl
haymaker varient, but
>usually reserved for the annoying people that show up
saying their the
>pokemon players in the world.  So my situation is
this:  I need to make
>deck to beat my own deck.  So here goes:
>Pokemon 16 total
>4 fossil Gastly (resistance to strength a +, also
energy conversion.)
>3 fossil Haunter (resistant to strength, annoying
pokemon power)
>2 Gengar (resistant to strength, Lee and Chan are
weak to psy)
>3 scyther (to kill aerodactyl in one hit)
>2 hitmonchan (electabuzz's weakness)
>2hitmonlee (electabuzz's weakness)
>trainers 20 total
>4x Energy Removal
>3x Super Energy Removal
>3x Plus Power
>2x Defender
>1x Item finder 
>2x Gust of Wind
>2x Bill
>2x Professor Oak
>1x Computer Search
>Energy 24 total
>10x Strength
>10x Psysic
>4x Double Colorless
>The basic strategy with this deck is to keep a
pokemon up front that my
>opponet is either weak to or I have a resistance to
their attacker.
>gusts help for those one turn hits, especially if
aerodactyl happens to
>appear.  My main problem with this deck is not
getting the pokemon I
>need at
>the right time.  Also, should Psy pokemon with better
attacks (i.e.
>Jynx) be
>used instead of the Gengar family? 
>Any help with this would be appreciated.  I really
want to teach this
>that a cheap win with a Haymaker is not the perfect
way to battle, and
>course that  the haymaker, although good,  is not the
perfect deck.
>One of
>my fellow gym leaders pulled out a mewtwo stall deck
on him, but thats
>funny than anything else.  And of course, my main
reason for wanting to
>this deck in anyway possible is that I don't
appreciate people copying
>variation and then using it against me.  Any help
would be appreciated.


Mmm...I get to help a mature individual lay down the
smack on a little snot-nosed kid. Life is so good

1) If you're trying to hose Hitmonchan and such, you
definitely want the Gengar family. These guys are
great--a good basic, good stage 1, and good stage 2
all rolled up into the same family! Now that's a
rarity. The only change I would make as regards
Pokemon is to replace the Hitmonlees with more Chans.
If you are targeting Electabuzz, Chan is a much more
effective solution than Lee, in my opinion. I also
think he's just a more solid Pokemon overall. That's
about it for this section.

2) Okay. This is basically an anti-hay, right? Good.
Here's what you need. First, drop the defenders--theme
confusion, and you don't want that. If you have
PlusPowers and Defenders in the same deck, that's a
red flag. Use the space for another Bill and another
Computer Search. The trainers you now have should do
just fine--if you wanted more of anything, figure out
what you can drop. SER might not be so effective
against hay because of the low energy attacks, and may
hurt you more than it hurts him, so keep this in mind.
Again, that's about it!

3) It seems like energy might be a bit tight. You
might just want to consider dropping a couple of
fighting for a couple of psy. You could also add in
more energy overall, by dropping the SER or something
like that. Yet another solution to energy problems
would be to add in Retrieval or more drawing. But I'm
going to leave everything just as it is for right now.


16 Pokemon:

4 Gastly
3 Haunter
2 Gengar
3 Scyther
4 Hitmonchan

20 Trainers:

4 Energy Removal
3 Plus Power
1 Item finder 
3 Bill
2 Computer Search

24 Energy:

10 Fighting Energy
10 Psychic Energy


I urge you to play-test a LOT before challenging this
kid, as it'll look very bad if you have to alter your
deck several times in order to beat him. But you're on
the right track here. Energy is going to be the main
problem. You might even drop a couple of DCEs if you
need to, as you only have 3 Scythers and plenty of
other fighting resistance.

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