>I have a deck.  It may need some help.  I like to bring out a fossil
>Magyar as active so I can stall.
>2 Alakazam
>1 Mr. Mime
>1 Kangaskhan
>1 Charizard
>1 Moltres
>1 Jynx
>2 Eevee
>2 Chamander
>2 Ponyta
>1 Rapidash
>1 Mew
>3 Abra
>3 Kadabra
>1 Flareon
>1 Fossil Magmar
>2 Charmeleon
>1 Basic Magmar
>1 Computer Search
>1 Recycle
>2 Energy Search
>1 Poke Ball
>2Pokemon Traders
>1 Energy Removal
>1 Professor Oak
>4 Double Colorless
>11 Fire Energy
>12 Sychic Energy
>I am wondering should I just seperate these two into a Fire deck and a
>Psychic deck.  If I make a Psychic I will probably add 1 jynx, 2 fossil
>gastly, 2 fossil Haunters, and 2 Gengars.  Not too mention a lot more
>energy.  If I form a fire it would be more energy, 2 more charmeleons, 2
>more charmanders, 3 more fossil Magmars, and 1 more basic
Well... first off you have 62 cards in your deck currently. All pokemon decks must be 60 cards. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. 60 cards.

You also seem to have no focus for your deck. You like Fossil Magmar? That's a start. You like Charizard? We can work with that. We'll play with those two lines for fire, and add the Haunter series for psychic. To give our psychic a little more of a hit, let's use the movie promo Mewtwo, if you can get a couple... we're going to be discarding energy with Charizard, might as well give it to Mewtwo with his Energy Absorption attack.

Pokemon (14 Basic + 6 Evols = 20 Total):
4 Magmar (Fossil)
3 Charmander
2 Charmeleon
1 Charizard
4 Gastly (Fossil)
3 Haunter (Fossil)
3 Mewtwo (Movie Promo)

This should give you a mix of offense and stalling defense that you need to handle a variety of decks.

Next, we choose our energy. 20 Basic and 4 of the coveted double-colorless is about ideal.

Energy (20 Basic + 4 DCE = 24 Total):
12 Fire
8 Psychic
4 Double Colorless Energy

Lastly, we need to choose some trainers to add to our deck. We've got room to add only (60 - 20 - 24 = 16) 16 trainers, so we'll have to be picky. Half of this we'll fill with card drawing.

Trainers (16 Total):
4 Bill
2 Professor Oak
1 Gambler
1 Computer Search
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Gust of Wind
2 Item Finder

That should get you on your way. Good luck.