Hello welcome back to TR Shadows Underground Hideout Today I'm fixing a Mulligan deck entitled Mulligan Maniac.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: Mulligan Maniac

> Ive asked many people about this deck could you fix my
> psychic colorless deck
> (14 pokemon)
> 1 rockets mewtwo
> 2 misty's psyduck (challenge)
> 2 chansey
> 1 Blaine's Tauros (heroes)
> 2 stantler (genesis)
> 2 spearow (jungle)
> 1 fearow (jungle)
> 2 cleffa
> 2 magby
> (13 trainer)
> 2 super potion
> 2 gust of wind
> 1 energy removal
> 2 super energy removal
> 3 misty's wrath
> 1 pokemon breeder fields (revelation)
> 1 rockets training gym (challenge)
> 1 Healing Field (revelation)
> (32 energy)
> 30 psychic
> 2 steel
> I like misty psyduck and rockets mewtwo the rest are baby and colorless.
> Could you fix this deck


 Pokemon (14)
 1 rockets mewtwo
 2 misty's psyduck (challenge)
 2 chansey
 1 Blaine's Tauros (heroes)
 2 stantler (genesis)
 2 spearow (jungle)
 1 fearow (jungle)
 2 cleffa
 2 magby
Please Remember to use 4 Cleffas in every deck =\ . 2 more Cleffas definately need to be added. To make room for the Cleffas, take out both the stantlers. If you really want to keep the Rockets Mewtwo then add 3 more. To keep everything balanced, throw out both the Spearow and the  Fearow. Trade the 2 Magby and 1 Blaine's Tauros for 3 Tyrogue. Finally, take out both of the Misty's Psyducks for two more base set Chanseys (If the ones you had in there already were not base set, exchange them for the base set ones).
Pokemon (14)
 4 rockets mewtwo
 4 chansey
 4 cleffa
 2 Tyrogue
 Energy (32)
30 psychic
 2 steel

This is way too much energy! Ditch 17 Psychic energy and add 2 DCEs for Chansey then add 2 more steel for extra stall power. Now you should have:
Energy (19)
13 psychic
 4 steel

 2 Double colorless energy
Trainers (13)
 2 super potion
 2 gust of wind
 1 energy removal
 2 super energy removal
 3 misty's wrath
 1 pokemon breeder fields (revelation)
 1 rockets training gym (challenge)
 1 Healing Field (revelation)

After taking out all that extra energy, we now have room for 14 more trainers. So add 2 Gold berries and exchange the 2 super potions you have to 2 more gold berries. Now add two more gusts and two more Super energy Removals Then add 2 Nightly Garbage Runs and 4 Elms. Now ditch the Pokemon Breeder Fields sense we have nothing that evolves anymore and ditch the Energy Removal since we already have 4 Super energy removals. Add 4 CPU Searches and 3 Itemfinders. Then drop the Mistys Wraths and your done.
Trainers (27)
 4 Goldberry
 4 gust of wind
 4 super energy removal
 1 rockets training gym (challenge)
 1 Healing Field (revelation)

 2 Nightly Garbage Run
 4 Professor Elm
 4 CPU Search
 3 Itemfinders
Hope this helps!
~TR Shadow~