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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
#1 - Shaymin EX
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
May 15, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.62
Expanded: 4.75
Limited: 4.93
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Shaymin-EX deserves his spot at the
top of our list. "But wait," you say, "he's a Colorless
Pokemon!" What, you've never seen a Colorless Pokemon
top the Top 10 List before? Not to say they haven't made
it to the Top 10 before - heck, there's M Rayquaza-EX
right there at #6! And let's not forget Lugia-EX pretty
much came out on top back with Plasma Storm, only
getting beaten out by Hypno-freakin-toxic LASER!!
So why Shaymin-EX? Last we saw him,
he was a Grass-type with a decent strike in Revenge
Blast. Actually, looking back, that's ALL he's ever been
- a Grass-type! So now he's lost his Fire Weakness and
merged with the other Flying-types to serve everyone!
And let's face it, he WILL serve EVERYONE!!
That's the thing about Colorless
Pokemon - they've always been flexible! Since most of
the time they don't have any specific Energy
requirements, you could always tech one into your deck
and make it run smoother. It's why Miltank's a good
choice for Evolution decks, or like how Tornadus-EX
(DEX) was a potential threat for a while. And Shaymin-EX
holds up the honor of being Colorless EXTREMELY well!
Why's that? His attack certainly
isn't impressive. Sky Return's just a 2-for-30 that can
return him and any cards attached to him to your hand.
Okay, I guess you could add Muscle Band to that for 50
and HTLBank for 80, but that's still not phenomenal -
other Pokemon can KO even without those cards, so
Shaymin-EX is no attacker. But this attack is absolutely
perfect for him, and that's because of his Ability, Set
Aptly-named, the Ability helps you
out with Shaymin-EX. All you do is play him from your
hand onto your Bench, and then you can draw until you've
got 6 cards in hand. That's right, this is a DRAW
Ability, a rarely-seen and invaluable part of any deck.
Sycaper has been the standard for drawing since their
release, but Shaymin-EX has just upped the ante -
imagine playing out your hand, playing Sycaper, playing
out more of your hand, and then playing Shaymin-EX. The
draw power is real, my friends!
Some points to note: because most
of the Colorless Pokemon in this set are weak to
Electric moves, and Shaymin-EX doesn't have a whole lot
of HP, be very wary of using him excessively especially
against such decks. But hey, when you've got him running
around with M Rayquaza-EX from before - or heck, playing
him alongside Seismitoad-EX to replace Slurpuff - you've
got a powerful ally on your side.
Standard: 5/5 (Pokemon-based draw
power is few and far between, and Shaymin-EX displays
not only the best draw power but also the best way to
keep recycling and using it)
Expanded: 5/5 (drawing is too good
an advantage to go to waste, though not every deck will
want Shaymin-EX around - be wary of this!)
Limited: 5/5 (without a doubt)
Arora Notealus: Shaymin's an
interesting Pokemon from the viewpoint of being a
hedgehog one minute and a scarf-wielding deer the next.
It's funny that he's a legendary one too. Cute little
Pokemon having all these superpowers - Mew, Jirachi,
Celebi, Victini, Shaymin, it's funny!
Weekend Thought: Do you agree with
our list? What do you think should have made the Top 10?
Maybe there are some cards on here you'd rather WEREN'T
on the Top 10 (coughcoughDeoxyscoughcough) I know I
know, you hush.

Otaku |
At last we come to our top pick from the newest set and
it is… Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
77/108; 106/108)! Was there any doubt? Still let us
run through the card for the full effect. This is a
Basic Pokémon making it easy to run, be it as a single
or multiples and similarly easy to get into play. It is
a Pokémon-EX so it is worth an extra Prize when KOed,
can’t use certain pieces of support and is the target of
certain counter cards. It has 110 HP; this is pretty
borderline and most decks are going to have the capacity
for a OHKO at the very least with a full set-up and
usually with an incomplete one. We should note that it
is just over 50% higher than the last non-Pokémon-EX
Shaymin card we saw, BW: Boundaries Crossed
10/149, which is proportional but less effective than
what most other Pokémon get from being rendered as
As a Colorless-Type it can tap Colorless support both
new and old… but it is one of the newest pieces -
Winona - that is likely to prove most relevant. As
someone that hasn’t played the video games for a while
(and never did come close to completing my Pokédex
except in Pokémon Blue), I had forgotten that the Sky
Forme of Shaymin in the video games was a Grass/Flying
hybrid, explaining the Typing here. The Lightning
Weakness may prove relevant as exploiting Lightning
Weakness is pretty valuable right now thanks to several
other cards; Shaymin-EX wasn’t likely to survive
anyway but now even those that don’t hit as hard can
still push for a OHKO. Fighting Resistance is pretty
handy, even on this small of an HP score, as an
effective 130 is more likely to last than 110, and those
that hit even harder are likely to be well into
“overkill” territory. The single Energy Retreat Cost is
nice and easy, both to pay and recover from and so low
that anything that decreases Retreat Costs will turn it
into a perfect free Retreat.
We come to the reason why everyone was so excited about
this card, its Ability “Set Up” which allows you to draw
until you have six cards in hand when you Bench
Shaymin-EX (excluding during set-up). Its attack
isn’t great but actually helps combo with this; Sky
Return requires [CC] and hits for a decent 30 damage but
more importantly returns Shaymin-EX and all cards
attached to it to your hand. This means that as long as
you can spare the Energy and an attack for it, you can
use Sky Return to reuse Set Up (plus any Energy or
Pokémon Tools attached to it). It does take some skill
and effort to optimize Set Up for setting up, but
longtime players likely already have that skill: this
card is very similar to Uxie (DP: Legends
Awakened 43/146), a card released about seven years
Ultra Ball
becomes a natural combo partner for Shaymin-EX;
unless a “turbo” deck (a deck built to be extremely fast
and aggressive, even if it means recklessly burning
through resources) also is built around shutting
Abilities down, its going to include at least one
Shaymin-EX and probably multiples. If the deck runs
enough other Colorless-Types that are easy and fast to
put into play, then Winona is also an obvious
partner. The good news is that this makes us less
dependent upon draw Supporters. The bad news is that in
doing so it makes the game even faster. More
than ever, things are going to quickly degenerate into
who can throw more of their deck at the opponent and
with Lysandre’s Trump Card there to clean up, you
don’t even have to do it in a particularly efficient
manner. That means it isn’t a bad card but rather
too good of a card.
There are a few drawbacks to keep in mind; if it gets
stuck in play (and especially in its most generic usage
it will) then it’s a relatively easy two Prizes. There
is also the question of whether to run this or
Jirachi-EX or both, and whether or not to run
multiples of Shaymin-EX. You are giving up a
Bench space (likely not an issue in decks using Sky
Field) and the more you run of either or both the
more likely you are to open with just them. Opening
with Shaymin-EX isn’t quite as bad as with
Jirachi-EX since you can attack to bounce it to
hand, presumably after Benching something you hopefully
get on your turn since otherwise you lose the game.
While of course Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted
54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW:
Legendary Treasures 68/113) shuts it down, so does
Silent Lab and Wobbuffet (XY: Phantom
Forces 36/119). Item lock can actually shut this
down. How? If your hand is full of Items you can’t
play, it can easily get so big that Set Up draws little
or no cards, effectively shutting off the Ability.
For the most part though, expect to see this become the
chief rival for Jirachi-EX in a lot of decks, and
sometimes helping it to help you with building and
maintaining your field with certain decks running it in
multiples for incredible speed. Expanded doesn’t help
it out much but perhaps I’m missing some partners; the
obvious concerns I have when shifting to this format are
if things like Level Ball, Prism Energy
etc. make a card better. Skyarrow Bridge zeros
out the Retreat Cost but that doesn’t seem like a big
enough deal to grant Shaymin-EX itself any extra
points. In Limited this is a must run unless you
pull another Pokémon-EX and want to use that other one
to build a +39 deck. In case someone is reading this
before their morning coffee or the like, this is the
worst Pokémon-EX ever to use on its own in a +39 deck;
besides being small, besides not getting to use the
Ability since you’d Bench it during set-up, you lose if
you attack (+39 means no other Basic Pokémon,
Shaymin-EX is pretty amazing and if the scores I
gave seem a bit low, remember that those aren’t deck
specific scores; its great in most decks and amazing in
some specific ones. I am still not completely convinced
everyone should ditch their Jirachi-EX for one of
these or make room for both, but I am thinking it is now
going to be a standard deck design step until Jirachi-EX
rotates out. Shaymin-EX wasn’t my own number one
pick but I’m not objecting. It was my number three pick
and I’m not sure if I shouldn’t have made it number one
as well.

Emma Starr |
And today, we have the pleasure to review Shaymin EX,
with Shaymin in its
‘awesome-but-not-as-cute-as-its-first-form’ form. …Also
known as it’s Sky Form. Regardless, there’s a good
reason why it’s Number 1 on our list.
When one first looks at the atrocious 110 HP, one may
remember that the previous Shaymin EX had this much HP,
but never became too highly of a used card. However,
once you see that it’s colorless, and it’s great ability
and attack, you’ll realize what’s so great about it.
Its ability, Set Up, let’s you draw until you have 6
cards whenever you put it into play. Definitely an
awesome ability! Just be sure to play as many other
cards as you can within reason before putting Shaymin EX
into play, to get the maximum benefit from it. It really
is as great as it sounds, a nice Draw engine in the form
of a Pokémon! Can’t say you see that every day!
So does it have a perfect attack to compliment this
ability? Well, Sky Return does 30-for-2 colorless, and
lets you return all cards attached to it to your hand.
So, as a compliment to a card you’ll probably only be
playing to draw cards from, it’s a nice way to quickly
get a Pokémon that normally couldn’t defend itself away
from the situation, along with dealing a meager amount
of damage. Conversely, if you don’t care about the
damage, or drawing more cards, or Lysandre’s switching
you back in, it has a handy Retreat Cost of 1, so that
can be a nice alternative (or you could always just
attach a Float Stone).
So, as you can probably tell, this is a very nice card
that any deck can take advantage of, giving you one of
the best Draw Engines in the game, and being in the form
of an ability! (Remember you can also combo this with
Super Scoop Up to do some SERIOUS card drawing!)
Standard: 4.6/5
Expanded: 4.9/5 (Imagine using this with Emboar or
Blastoise, to get tons of Fire or Water energies in your
hand. Craziness!)
Limited: 5/5 (Draw Power = Win Power)