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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- XY Promo 51
Date Reviewed:
June 9, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.60
Expanded: 1.60
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(XY Promo 51)
Today’s card is a reprint of the Basic
Kyogre from Primal Clash. We
didn’t review it then though, so I guess it’s worth a
look now.
Or maybe not.
The most notable thing about this card is that Spring
Tides one of those ‘flip until you get tails’ attacks
that you can insert into ‘highest possible damage’
debates because theoretically, the damage output is
infinite. Practically, of course, the damage output is
likely to be zero if you’re unlucky,
and maybe 30-90 if you are really on a roll. That’s
nothing that will convince you to run this card.
Ocean Cyclone won’t persuade you either, as it is
incredibly expensive for a moderately damaging attack
with a bit of spread built in. Add to that a horrific
retreat cost, and even Kyogre’s
decent HP isn’t going to make it worthy of
Of interest only to collectors, who will want the
alternative art.
Modified: 1.25
Expanded: 1.25
Limited: N/A

aroramage |
Hey guys! Welcome back! Actually,
this is a...curious card. First off, it's a Promo card.
Second, it's a reprint. Third, it was actually in Primal
Clash...and we missed it. Welp, these things tend to
happen. And hey, this card is in vast quantities, what
being in Primal Clash, the starter decks for Primal
Clash, the Primal Kyogre Collection, and even the Kyogre
Box. Seriously, can we get more Kyogre?
Yes. Yes we can.
So Kyogre here is all kinds of
strange. His first attack Spring Tides is a lot of coin
flips. Like a LOT of coin flips. Like "until you get
tails" coin flips. So on average, you'll be dealing 30
damage with this attack, assuming your first flip is
heads and that the second is tails. In THAT order. So
it's okay, nothing competitive.
Then there's Ocean Cyclone, which
is a heaping 4-for-80 strike, a bit of a disappointment
when compared to stuff like Talonflame from yesterday
with a 2-for-90. On the flip side of that, Kyogre won't
deal damage to himself - he'll be dealing damage to the
opponent's Bench as well, to the tune of 10 damage a
piece! So that's a potential 80-130-160 with Sky Field
in terms of overall damage before damage boosts or
things like Muscle Band and Wide Lens!
Unfortunately, that's all this
Kyogre's got to offer, and it falls on the short end of
Basic non-EX Pokemon. So in general, Kyogre's about
middle of the road if not a little lower. Not to be
confused with Primal Kyogre-EX, who at least can have
his own deck.
Standard: 1.5/5 (just not that
great, there are plenty of better deck options)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (not much better
Limited: 3.5/5 (the promo doesn't
have a set, but since this card came out in Primal
Clash, it can be judged in that format! And it's
reasonable, since it sets up for future KOs with Ocean
Cyclone and Spring Tides isn't as unreasonable)
Arora Notealus: It's not often the
case where a promo is a reprint of a card from a set,
but sometimes it comes up, especially with sets like
Primal Clash that start off a new "block" of sorts. Like
XY-Phantom Forces could be considered the "XY" Block,
then Primal Clash onward is the "ORAS" block. Granted,
we don't really have stuff like that in Pokemon, but
it's the thought that counts!
Next Time: The great song bird of
the frozen lands, arise from your island in the sea.

Otaku |
Time to really shift gears as we change Types and expansions as
today we look at Kyogre (XY: Primal Clash
53/160; XY Black Star Promos XY51). So why are
we looking at this now? We are behind on promos and
though there are still some great cards to look at for
XY: Roaring Skies, there aren’t enough to keep us
occupied until the next set. Throw in that I wanted to
take a look at this when we were reviewing XY: Primal
Clash cards but had to cut it do to scheduling
issues and the bombshell announcement of last week (the
impending ban of Lysandre’s Trump Card) as well
as reveals from the next Japanese set and it seemed like
a good time not to rush.
So Kyogre is a Basic, Water-Type Pokémon. Being a Basic is
the best as the game leaves little to no time to Evolve
and can be brutal when it comes to deck space. Being a
Water-Type is pretty middle-of-the-road right now; this
may change after the ban but based on Spring Regional
results you’re going to get a few shots at exploiting
Water Weakness, but not a lot. This shouldn’t be a
surprise at it looks like Seismitoad-EX is
hovering somewhere between three out of every 10 and one
in three decks (32.4% according to
The Charizard Lounge);
I am guessing that thinned a lot of possible Water Weak
Pokémon from the top cut. The good news is that Water
Resistance hasn’t shown up at all in the XY sets so
you’ll only encounter it on older Grass-Types like
Virizion-EX and even then, -20 damage is an
annoyance more than a true obstacle. There is some Type
support, including the odd “shared” Type support. I
don’t mean indirect like Blastoise (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 31/149; BW: Plasma Storm
137/135; BW: Plasma Blast 16/101), which can work
with anything capable of running on mostly basic
Water Energy or the even more generic Keldeo-EX
that really just needs a Float Stone to provide a
pseudo-Switch each turn, but rather Rough Seas
which allows all of a player's’ Lightning-Types and all
Water-Types to heal 30 damage once per turn. As good or
bad as this may sound, there are far better supported
Types (like Fighting) and those with far less to their
credit (especially counting the Types that have support
but it just doesn’t work as well as what Water has).
130 HP is as good as it gets for a Basic Pokémon, at least that
we’ve seen printed without an additional gimmick (like
being a Pokémon-EX); this is enough to be more likely
than less to survive an attack, though decks that aren’t
sacrificing damage for a useful effect or with a
complete set-up should OHKO even this. The Grass
Weakness can be dangerous because it is shared with more
popular cards like Seismitoad-EX but has very few
cards that can exploit it which have seen competitive
play; mostly Virizion-EX, Genesect-EX and
Leafeon (BW: Plasma Storm 11/116). There
is no Resistance and that is typical so not worth
docking; as such we will move onto the Retreat Cost of
[CCCC]. This is massive and will be difficult to pay
and perhaps even more difficult to recover from, though
fortunately most decks do take measures (such as the
above Keldeo-EX/Float Stone combo) to
avoid having to deal with it.
Kyogre has two attacks. The first is Spring Tides, which requires [WC]
and is a “flip until tails” attack, good for 30 damage
per “heads”. The second attack is Ocean Cyclone,
requiring [WWWC] and hitting for 80 damage to the
opponent’s Active plus 10 to each of his or her Benched
Pokémon (Weakness and Resistance don’t apply for the
Bench). These attacks aren’t without merit, but I can’t
bring myself to call them “good”. “Adequate” is even a
bit strong and due to cultural connotations “not bad”
won’t work either (see, I told you such things in
language matter!). Flip until tails attacks that have
no minimum damage output naturally do no damage half the
time; pretty bad. Still there is always that potential,
no matter how big the opponent’s Pokémon is, to score a
OHKO (barring effects like Focus Sash, of
course). Given that two Energy can easily get at least
a circumstantial 60 damage, the Spring Tides needed to
hit for 30 plus (30 per heads), required only [W] or
[CC] or perhaps even both. Still… always a threat even
if a longshot. Similarly, Ocean Cyclone wishes it only
required [WWCC], hit for 20 more to the active or maybe
10 more to each Benched Pokémon or all three. Which
sounds like a lot more than what we got… and perhaps it
There are no other Standard or Expanded legal Kyogre. There
are some other Standard and/or Expanded legal big, Basic
Water-Types and I actually went ahead and kept this on
the review schedule (I’d intentionally picked too many
cards so I could prune down the ones that seemed too
weak after all) but I kept this one in part because the
preferred non-Pokémon-EX, Basic Water-Type attacker is
likely to rotate out soon: Suicune (BW: Plasma
Blast 20/101). If that isn’t what you were
thinking… is it from a later set than Suicune?
If not, same problem. Not for Expanded but for
Standard. I’m not thinking Kyogre is that
replacement anymore, but at a glance it seemed
plausible. Not really a card to use in Standard or
Expanded, though in Limited play (including Theme Deck
matches) it is a pretty great card. Unlikely to be
sturdy enough to be in a +39 deck unless you pulled a
lot of healing (and of course, that won’t apply to
the promo version) to go with it, but most of the time
it’ll be used in a “real” deck where it is pretty great
unless you can’t run quite a few Water Energy.
Likely to be your MVP is you’re doing a Theme Deck
versus Theme Deck battle (non-promo version is in
Ocean’s Core).
Standard: 1.9/5
Expanded: 1.8/5
Limited: 3.75/5*
Theme Deck: 4.5/5*
Summary: Being a Basic with solid stats helps offset having mediocre
attacks that are either as flippy as can be or pricey,
but Kyogre will only really get to shine when the
card pool is a lot smaller (Limited and Theme Deck
*Limited and Theme Deck scores due to XY: Primal Clash

Emma Starr |
Some Kyogres are great. Some Kyogres are greater. And
some Kyogre haven’t trained enough to become an EX yet.
This is one of those lesser Kyogres. 130 HP is average,
yet good for a basic non-EX, but that’s all it really
has going for it. With a retreat cost of 4, and a
weakness to Grass, things aren’t looking too good right
off the bat.
His first attack, Spring Tides, for one Water and a
Colorless, does 30 times how many heads you can flip
until you get tails. Attacks like this can be fun, but
that’s about all their good for, since what’s to stop
you from getting tails on your first flip, thus, wasting
your turn? You could attach a Trick Coin to it if you
really wanted to, but even then, the attack is still
very unreliable in general.
The second attack, Ocean Cyclone, does 4-for-80, and
does 10 damage to your opponent’s benched Pokémon. Well,
an energy cost of four is expensive on any Pokémon, but
for just 80 damage, it’s par for the course along with
most other basics of this caliber. It may be expensive,
but if you’re really intent on using this guy, at least
this attack is reliable, unlike the other, and you COULD
manage to snipe with the attack, if things go in your
favor and Kyogre survives long enough…which most
likely…he won’t.
Standard: 1.85/5
Expanded: 1.85/5
Limited: …well, this came out as a regular card in
Primal Clash, but since we are in Roaring Skies now…most
likely, you wouldn’t be having a pre-release Primal
Clash tournament any more. And since we’re reviewing a
promo for this set, it wouldn’t be in Limited anyway,
but if we were using it for a Primal Clash tournament
today for some reason, I’d give it a 2.5/5.