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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 12, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.30
Expanded: 1.25
Limited: 2.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
...oh...right...you're in this set?
Huh...I completely forgot about you. >_>
In any case, welcome back guys,
today we're taking a look at...well...Pelipper!
Well, Pelipper's...well, he's a
thing. And he's a card! Honestly, he's memorable for
being the Pidgey of Surf routes, and...well that's about
it. So what are the attacks on this wonderful word?
Cause Pelipper is the bird, and I want everybody say
about the bird-B-B-B-
His first attack is Swallow. Odd, I
know, considering Swallow is a move in the games that
works with Stockpile, the other move being Spit Up.
Usually, you'd rack up some "Stockpile counters" and
store them up, which boosts your defensive capabilities.
Then you either use Spit Up to deal massive damage or
Swallow to heal a bunch. This Swallow mimics that aspect
of the game's version, allowing to recover 30 damage.
How do we know it's 30? Cause the designers also had it
mimic Spit Up's damage-dealing aspect!
...now I have this strange image of
Pelipper just swallowing Pokemon whole. Weird. And
nonsensical in a number of cases!
Then there's Water Pulse, which is
a hefty 4-Energy attack dealing only 70 damage and
putting the opponent's Pokemon to Sleep. Not that I'd
like to compare it to every Water Pokemon ever, but just
looking back at the last two Articunos, Pelipper just
takes elements from them and combines into a...somewhat
less efficient attack. It keeps Freezing Wind's 4-Energy
cost with 30 less damage, but it also takes Chilling
Sigh's Sleep power. Does that balance out? Not really,
I guess it's no surprise then that
I didn't really remember Pelipper's card in this set -
it's not particularly memorable or good...well, except
for that mental image of Pelipper Swallowing Pokemon
Standard: 1.5/5 (not that great,
not that strong, just the right amount of mediocre)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (NOPE)
Limited: 3/5 (with the lower damage
output, Pelipper could Swallow up a bit more, and the
reliance on having Switch to get out of Sleep makes
Water Pulse a bit better)
Arora Notealus: Pelipper's a fun
Pokemon, and a fun concept! Based off the most extreme
form of what a pelican in the Pokemon world would be
like! There's a lotta mouth to deal with on this guy!
That's...prolly a good time to shut my big mouth. HAHA!!
Weekend Thought: So nothing
terribly exciting. What do you think of this week's
cards? Will you try and build a deck around Articuno
with the Delta Plus? Use the other Articuno for your own
Primal Kyogre-EX build? Or maybe you just wanna mess
with this week's Kyogre. Do what you will!

Otaku |
We close this week with me playing catch-up and... with
Pelipper (XY: Roaring Skies 19/108). I
got behind yet again on my CotDs; anything in the last
two weeks for which you don’t remember a review from me
should have one now, unless Pojo hasn’t had a chance to
post what I have submitted. For things I missed more
than two weeks ago, you still could check as sadly I’ve
had to play “catch-up” it seems like every few weeks.
So… now for Pelipper, which hasn’t a TCG card
since the Platinum: Arceus expansion (a set name
confusing enough to remind us of why I like to underline
such things while I italicize actual card names).
That set released November 4, 2009 in the U.S.A. and
rotated out of Standard play when we went to the
2011-2012 rotation(HGSS-On Modified).
is a Water-Type and as I’ve said so many times this week
it a solid Type; some key cards like Landorus-EX
and Donphan (BW: Plasma Storm 72/135) take
double damage but the only Type whose Weakness it has a
near monopoly over is Fire (only some Fighting-Types are
Water Weak) and they just haven’t been a major presence
in the metagame. There are some Water-Type specific (or
shared but still not general) support cards that can
give them some good tricks and Water Resistance,
formerly found on Grass-Types, seems to have been phased
out of the XY-era sets, so we only still have it while
we have those last few BW-era sets. Being a Stage 1 is
adequate; being a Basic is best and while being a Stage
2 makes a card quite challenging to successfully use in
competitive play, being a Stage 1 is more reasonable
(though again, still not as good as being a Basic).
100 HP doesn’t last long; in fact, this is now pretty
likely to be a OHKO. Lightning Weakness doesn’t help
either; there aren’t a lot of awesome Lightning-Type
decks out there in Standard and the ones in Standard
usually feature Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories
40/101) and a non-Lightning-Type attacker, but there are
Lightning-Type attackers that see significant play in
mult-Type decks: Raichu (XY 43/146),
Thundurus-EX (BW: Plasma Freeze 38/116,
110/116), Manectric-EX and Manectric-EX
are often in support roles but with Weakness will have
little chance of not scoring a OHKO. The
Fighting Resistance gives Pelipper a bit better
odds against Fighting-Types and since its HP is kind of
borderline, could prove quite significant… unless it’s a
Fighting-Type deck with a full set-up then odds are it
already hits for well over the effective 120 damage
needed for a OHKO. Still one of the better forms of
Resistance to have (perhaps even the best) and certainly
better than having none at all. The Retreat Cost of two
is roughly “average”, not in terms of distribution (no
clue on that) but in terms of functionality since it is
annoying but often not crippling to pay, though it does
seem a bit much for a 100 HP Stage 1 in the modern era.
Fortunately most decks have ample reason to run Retreat
Cost lowering cards or even effects to completely bypass
manually retreating, making it even less of a concern.
has two attacks. The first is Swallow for [WC] and it
hits for 30 damage while healing as much damage from
Pelipper as what you did to the opponent’s Active…
so 30 if nothing alters the base damage, 60 if you hit
something Weak and there were no other modifiers, etc.
For [WCCC] Pelipper steps things up to 70 damage
with Water Pulse while also putting your opponent’s
Active to Sleep. These are pretty overpriced or
underpowered attacks; Pelipper needs Energy
acceleration or a sacrifice your opponent can’t ignore
to get even its first attack up and online in time and
its low HP makes healing pretty seldom useful. Likewise
Water Pulse should be hitting for at least 30 more
damage, preferably 50 more and that still might only
make it “decent” and not good because raw damage and
sleep isn’t too big right now. The Energy costs are
such that you are unlikely to easily, effectively “step
up” the attacks; there will be a lull between Swallow
and Water Pulse.
What about Wingull? The only option is XY:
Roaring Skies 18/108 and it is a Basic Water-Type
with 60 HP, Lightning Weakness, Fighting Resistance, no
Ability, no Ancient Trait and a single attack - Water
Gun - for [W] that hits for just 10 damage. Painfully
vanilla and only useful for getting to Pelipper.
If you want Fighting Resistance from a Water-Type, we
already looked at two options this week, Articuno
(XY: Roaring Skies 16/108) and Articuno ((XY:
Roaring Skies 17/108), with generally all around
better effects and stats. The only place you can enjoy
this card is in Limited play, where everything about it
is more useful because of the nature of this format,
making it a pretty solid pick for being a Water-Type
that just needs one [W] for even its big attack, as well
as being able to heal and inflict Sleep (both much more
useful here).
Sadly we get back Pelipper and it seems like a
relic from a bygone era of slower decks. It can be
handy for Limited play but don’t waste your time on it
for Standard or Expanded.

Emma Starr |
Ah, Pelipper. The Pokémon that could be responsible for
giving Pokémon their eggs, since no one has actually
seen how eggs get in the daycare fields! But if that’s
the case, wouldn’t someone have seen a Pelipper fly down
into a daycare field by now? Well, whatever the case,
today’s card is Pelipper (like that wasn’t obvious yet).
The first attack, Swallow, does 2-for-30, along with
healing itself for 30 as well. However, there are two
main problems with this. First, it only has 100 HP
(which is pretty pathetic for being a Stage 1), so it’s
not going to be surviving too long anyway. Secondly,
you’re attaching 2 energies just to do 30 damage. That’s
crazy, if you think about how many cards do 1-for-30 at
least these days.
It’s second attack, Water Pulse, does 4-for-70, and
makes the opponent fall asleep. This Pelipper seems to
be trying to be the opposite of the Articuno we reviewed
yesterday, as it’s adding in effects to replace the
damage output. But this seems to be on the extreme end
of that statement. Adding in Sleep is nice, but the
other Pokémon still has a 50% chance of waking up next
turn, and you’re still only doing 70 damage. There are
many better alternatives to this card that are Basic
even, such as either Articuno or the Kyogre that we’ve
reviewed this week. If there’s anything this bird
proves, it’s that sacrificing damage for effects just
dosen’t come equally to every Pokémon, in terms of
Standard: 1.2/5
Limited: 2/5