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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Articuno #17
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 11, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.00
Expanded: 2.95
Limited: 4.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
Today we look at Articuno (XY: Roaring Skies
17/108). Yes, this means there is going to be a lot
of redundancy with
yesterday’s CotD.
The Water-Type hasn’t changed since yesterday: it is a
solid but not great Type that hits nearly all Fire-Types
for Weakness and some Fighting-Types for Weakness but
neither is overly numerous. Still a few high profile
targets exist, like Landorus-EX. Water
Resistance is also out there, but on older Grass-Type
Pokémon from the BW sets; the main notable sporting it
in competitive decks is Virizion-EX. Water-Type
support exists but it isn’t on the level of the top
Types, and it doesn’t have its own Special Energy (at
least not yet). It does have some good options though
especially with the indirect support (stuff that works
for more than just Water-Types, though usually it favors
them) like Blastoise (BW: Boundaries Crossed
31/149; BW: Plasma Storm 137/135; BW: Plasma
Blast 16/101) and its fantastic Energy acceleration
or Keldeo-EX (usually paired with something like
Float Stone to enable it to retreat for free) to
fake a free Switch each turn. There are some
“anti-Water-Type” cards that punish the opponent for
using a Water-Type Pokémon. Somewhat unusual, there are
both support and counter-cards that affect the
Water-Type alongside another Type, like how Rough
Seas can heal both Lightning-Types and Water-Types.
120 HP seems just barely more likely to survive a hit
than be OHKOed, with the survival margin owed in large
part to decks that set-up slow (with weaker damage the
first few turns) or that trade damage for a potent
effect (like Seismitoad-EX and its Quaking
Punch). The maximum printed on a “regular” Basic is
only 10 more at 130 so this is almost as good as it
gets. No Weakness is the best Weakness but right now,
Metal Weakness may be one of the “least bad” ones to
have. With the banning of Lysandre’s Trump Card
going into effect soon, the results of the Spring
Regionals (which I got from
the Charizard Lounge)
there aren’t any notable Metal-Type attackers even if
there are a few decks that could would them in and use
them with some reliability. Considering the card might
have gotten Lightning Weakness (popular to exploit due
to Yveltal-EX among others) or Grass Weakness
(found on the other Water-Types I’ve referenced so far),
probably the best to have of the three most likely.
Fighting Resistance is about as good as Resistance can
be; it isn’t a major hurdle but it improves your chances
of surviving in some match-ups, even if only a little
and most cards lack it entirely. The Retreat Cost of
[CC] isn’t bad, but it isn’t good: you can probably
afford to pay it and it won’t set you impossibly back
but sometimes you might not be able to spare the Energy.
Most decks make room for alternatives, one of which was
already mentioned earlier (Keldeo-EX with a
Float Stone).
Unlike yesterday’s Articuno, today’s enjoys an
Ancient Trait. This time it is “Δ Plus” which has you
take an extra Prize when Articuno KOs an
opponent’s Pokémon. It also sports two attacks:
“Chilling Sigh” for [W], which puts the opponent’s
Active to Sleep and “Tri Edge” which costs [WWC] and has
you flip three coins to do 20 damage plus 40 per
“heads”. It is good you’ve got a smaller attack to buy
sometime, and in an example of how “big Basic” Pokémon
probably ought to be done, something possibly intended
as a main attacker has an underpowered single Energy
attack so that the game’s pace isn’t so rushed.
Unfortunately when scoring cards in our breakneck-speed
format and not pondering some hypothetical balanced
future format, it is an overpriced attack.
Tri Edge at least does damage so that it can try to earn
you the edge with by triggering Δ Plus (the first pun
was accidental, but then I went for it with the second
one). Tri Edge is better than I expected it to be; by
including a minimum amount of damage other than “zero”
the card still does something at its worse, which means
even when you whiff you still can enjoy bonus damage
from the likes of Muscle Band or Silver Bangle.
There are eight possible outcomes with one resulting in
20 damage (the minimum), three resulting in 60 damage,
three resulting in 100 damage and one resulting in 140.
The mean damage is 80, only a bit low for three Energy
(and a few years ago, the going rate). If the Energy
cost was [WCC] and/or the base damage was 30+ instead of
20+, we might have discussed this card sooner. Chilling
Sigh only complements it by being the inexpensive
placeholder attack, though I suppose even that it
doesn’t do terribly - if your opponent stays Asleep and
can’t ditch the Special Condition, Articuno isn’t
taking damage (well, from said Pokémon attacking).
You know from yesterday there are two other versions
(one released twice) of Articuno available. If
you skipped that review, here is the remix: BW: Next
Destinies 27/99, it’s alternate art re-print BW:
Legendary Treasures 32/133 and XY: Roaring Skies
16/108. The clearly out of date review for the former
can be seen
while yet again
is yesterday’s still fresh CotD. The differences
between these two and today’s version are that they have
different attacks and lack an Ancient Trait (plus XY:
Roaring Skies 16/108 only needs [C] to retreat). BW:
Next Destinies 27/99 (and BW: Legendary Treasures
32/133) saw next-to-no successful, competitive play and
you can tell why when you look at the attacks; for “Ice
Beam” needs [WCC] and that only buys 50 damage plus a
coin flip for Paralysis while “Ice Wing” charges [WCCC]
to hit for 80 damage (and nothing else). XY: Roaring
Skies 16/108 doesn’t blow the mind, but its “Find
Ice” attack only requires [W] and lets you search your
deck for up to three [W] Energy to add to hand (for now
that just means basic Water Energy) while it’s
Freezing Wind requires [WWCC] to hit for 100. While a
bit pricey, both attacks are on a solid frame and so it
may have a nice in certain decks (Primal Kyogre-EX?).
It also might compete a little with today’s version,
but only if you’ve got a deck that needs to max out the
Articuno count.
The first attack is “Find Ice”, which requires [W] and
allows you to search your deck for up to three [W]
Energy and add them to your hand. As always, adding
cards to your hand at the end of your turn carries the
risk of your opponent shuffling them away again with an
N and Basic Energy is one of the easiest cards to add to
your hand but for the investment that isn’t bad. The
second attack is “Freezing Wind” for [WWCC] and hits for
a flat 100 damage. “Flat” is a good descriptor as the
attack again isn’t bad but it isn’t good either. For
the Energy involved 100 is just a bit low. Together,
this may very well be adequate; you can use Double
Colorless Energy to speed up the second attack after
all. Still, what else should you be considering?
(BW: Plasma Blast 20/101) mainly; as I mentioned
earlier this week, part of why I wanted to look at all
of these big, Basic Water-Types was because Suicune
is likely to rotate out of Standard play soon and I
wanted to scout for potential replacements. Doesn’t
look too great as it is a Safeguard Pokémon that for
[WCC] can use Aurora Beam for a
less-impressive-than-when-it-released 70 points of
damage. No walling with any of these and for decks that
only wanted to include a few sources of [W] Energy (like
a Fairy Transfer deck relying on four Rainbow Energy)
none of these need apply… though at least here today’s
Articuno is somewhat tempting: you’re probably
trying to exploit Weakness anyway so the average damage
now becomes 160 and you get an extra Prize, but it might
whiff and you are out two Rainbow Energy success
or fail if your opponent can take the OHKO back. Primal
Kyogre-EX (the only other Water deck coming to mind
at the moment) does enjoy being able to freely attach
Energy to Articuno with its Tidal Storm attack,
plus the Bench damage might soften up some Pokémon-EX
for Tri Edge to finish off, without losing momentum.
Momentum being the major drawback here; you only truly
come out ahead with Tri Edge when you’re taking a KO
(and thus getting a bonus Prize) in the same amount of
attacks as the next best thing. If you take the time
and set-up to score a KO with Articuno but said
next best thing would have simply scored the KO in a
turn less, your Prize yield may be no better or even
worse with Articuno. Target Whistle
and/or Absol (XY: Roaring Skies 40/108)
may help with this, getting smaller targets back into
play (probably with a Lysandre to force them
Active) or by moving damage that would otherwise go to
waste to soften up the opposing Active for Tri Edge.
You might even risk going all out; Crobat (XY:
Phantom Forces 33/119) and Golbat (XY:
Phantom Forces 32/119), especially in multiples can
really drop the HP on an opponent’s Active and still
leave you able to attack it that turn while Victini
(BW: Legendary Treasures 23/113 most recent
printing) improves your odds with your coin flips thanks
to its Victory Star Ability. It is quite reliant upon
chance, so it probably isn’t the best choice for someone
preferring to rely upon skill more than luck.
In Expanded, there are likely a few other options, but
none memorable enough to mention, nor any additional
combos to really consider. In Limited, like yesterday
it is an impressive pull. Unlike yesterday it will mean
a mostly Water Energy compatible deck. You have
all the same benefits in terms of stats, save for a
slightly more demanding Retreat Cost and it won’t be a
lot of help setting things up, but Sleep from Chilling
Sigh is harder to ditch and HP scores are likely lower,
giving Tri Edge less to deal with and thus effectively
making it more reliable. This already makes Δ Plus more
promising, but remember that in Limited Play like a
Booster Draft you build a 40 card deck and only place
four Prizes down at the start… so two KOs with Δ Plus in
effect and you’ve won. With Chilling Sigh (hopefully)
buying you more turns without damage and Tri Edge
needing three Energy instead of four, it might be less
reckless to run this in a +39 deck than its sibling from
I can’t tell if I am scoring this card generously or if
I am being stingy; as a Δ Plus attack it may be one of
the better ones (for what that is worth), but I doubt
there is a particularly good deck one could build around
Articuno. It might be a nice surprise in certain
decks that can accommodate it, and probably terrifying
in Limited play and while the art doesn’t blow my mind,
the extended art treatment makes sure it looks pretty
Yes, that last one was totally intentional.

Emma Starr |
After yesterday’s review, I realized that it left me
only wanting one thing – to review another Articuno! So,
what makes this other Articuno so special? Well, he has
an Ancient Trait, which lets you take an extra Prize
Card for whatever Pokémon you defeat with it, which
means taking 2 prize cards for normal Pokémon, and 3 for
EXs. With 120 HP, weakness to Steel, and Resistance to
Fighting, his stats seem to echo the previous Articuno,
except that he has one more retreat cost.
His first attack, Chilling Sigh, makes the opponent get
so unmotivated, that they fall asleep. Basically,
it’s one water energy for making the opponent go to
sleep. However, there’s always the 50% chance that it
will wake up by the next turn anyway, so keep that in
For the second attack, we have the actual damage dealer.
For 2 Water and a Colorless, you do 20, in addition to
flipping 3 coins, which do 40 for each heads. So, this
attack can do anywhere from 20-140 damage. That actually
sounds…pretty decent, considering the Ancient Trait it’s
been given. Even if you only get one heads, you’ll be
doing 60 damage, and while that probably won’t KO too
much, if you get to do the attack twice, you’ll be
knocking out most non-EXs pretty quickly, and taking all
the prizes!*
* not really, unless you have like
2-3 prizes left.
So, is Articuno worth it? Usually, I would think twice
about recommending cards that rely on coin flips too
heavily like this one does, but its overall damage
output combined with its Ancient Trait is something with
quite a bit of potential if used right. Not to mention
that you can equip it with Trick Coin to further boost
your chances of doing nice damage. It’s one of
those cards you rarely see any more – a card that relies
on coin flips that actually pulls it’s weight.
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited 4/5 (smaller Prize Card requirements = bigger
potential for Articuno!)
And then there's this Articuno, one
blessed with what might be one of the best Ancient
Traits to be seen...though it's not really on anything
particularly noteworthy, and Articuno here isn't an
Let's start with what its Ancient
Trait is: Delta Plus. Remember Lugia-EX's Overflow
Ability? This is the Ancient Trait equivalent - when
Articuno KOs a Pokemon, you get to claim an extra Prize
card. That makes Articuno pretty valuable! Except that
Articuno needs to be actually capable of claiming that
KO in the first place, so what are his attacks?
First off is Chilling Sigh, which
doesn't do any damage but at least puts the opponent's
Pokemon to Sleep. Not bad, but it could be better. Maybe
10 damage on the attack? It is only 1 Energy after all.
And then we've got Articuno's Tri Edge attack, which
flips 3 coins and does 20 damage to start plus 40 more
damage for every heads you land. On average, you're
doing about 80 damage a turn (you can't actually HIT 80
damage, but knowing the probability of 3 coins and over
the course of, say, two turns, on average you'll hit 80
as you hit 60 one turn and 100 on the next).
Potentially, you'll hit 140 damage on its own, add in
Muscle Band and HTL, and you've got just what you need!
So here's the Articuno strategy:
put the opponent to sleep, and then ideally KO them in
two turns with 60 + 100 damage, maybe even 80+120 with
Muscle Band. That's not too bad, honestly, not the most
reliable strategy (it's no M Rayquaza-EX
set-up-the-Bench-for-MASSIVE-DAMAGE), but it's decent.
And if nothing else, he's probably the most viable of
the Delta Plus gang. The designers knew the power of
Delta Plus, and to compensate they made anything that
got it pretty weak.
Not Swellow levels of weak, but
weaker than normal. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT,
Standard: 2.5/5 (a powerful ability
on generally weaker chance-based attacks, but at least
it's doing damage)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (probably about the
same here)
Limited: 4/5 (the overall damage
output combined with that ability is just too good here,
though keep an eye out for Switch since that's in the
Arora Notealus: This wouldn't be
the first time Articuno's been beat. Even in the video
games, Ice/Flying is a terrible typing defensively,
getting Rocked, set on Fire, Electrified, and even
beaten down by Steel. I couldn't come up with something
clever for that, but there ya go. It's pretty much the
reason Articuno's in NU anyway...it's a shame, I still
like him though.
Next Time: And now for a NEW bird!