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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Aggron #80
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 1, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
. . . it’s Aggron!
I swear I have pulled more copies of
this card from packs than any other rare
(holo or
not) in Dragons Exalted. Does this leave
me feeling lucky, or just frustrated
that I didn’t get more
and Garchomps?
Let’s find out . . .
is a Stage 2 Metal Type Pokémon with a
decent 140 HP. It has a Fire Weakness
(which is very good as Fire see
little-to-no play right now), Psychic
Resistance (also good, as
Mewtwo-EX is
still very much a thing). Less
attractive are the retreat cost of four
(actually, being searchable with Heavy
Ball is a real positive), and the
mediocre attack: Giga Horn does 90
damage for two Metal
and one Colourless Energy, with the
possibility of total failure if you flip
two tails. No idea why the card
designers saw the need to give a 25%
failure rate to something so . . .
But none of this really matters at all.
Aggron isn’t
going to be played as a tank, or even as
any kind of attacker. Instead everything
rests on its Toppling Wind Ability which
states that when you play
Aggron from
your hand to evolve a Pokémon, you may
discard the top three cards of your
opponent’s deck. Yep, anyone missing the
Durant decks from last season (there
must be one or two of you, right?), now
has a new deck-out win condition card to
play with. Basically, the idea is to
combine Aggron
with Sableye
DEX and Devolution Spray. You evolve
during your turn to mill your opponent’s
deck, play Devolution Spray to get them
back into your hand, and then attack
with Sableye’s
Junk Hunt to recover the Devolution
Spray. Rinse and repeat as much as you
possibly can, until your opponent runs
out of cards.
Is it a viable competitive deck?
Ehhhhhh . .
. I would say
semi competitive. When everything is
going great, you are milling 6-9 cards a
turn and winning pretty quickly.
However, the deck is very dependent on
being able to access all of its combo
pieces (entire Stage 2 lines plus
Devo Spray)
all of the time. Any turns where you
don’t get to use Toppling Wind are a
real problem, as your opponent will
almost always be able to take an easy
Prize from a
Sableye or (much worse) a Benched
Aron or
Lairon. I’ve
seen the deck work, but I don’t believe
it can work consistently enough or
handle disruption well enough to be
anything like as successful (or
annoying) as Durant was at major
So, how do I feel about pulling all
those Aggrons?
Well, I might make a fun deck with them
one day, but I can’t say I’m exactly
thrilled to see them taking up a page in
my binder.
Modified: 2.75 (you can build a
semi-viable mill deck with it – if you
like that kind of thing)
Limited: 2.5 (not really worth setting
up a Stage 2 for . . . unless you also
pulled a couple of
Devo Spray)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo! Today we're reviewing a Stage
2 from Dragons Exalted that is thought to be the
spiritual successor of an important deck from last
year's Modified format. Today's Card of the Day is
Aggron is a Stage 2 Metal Pokemon. Metal Pokemon rarely
see play these days, as the format is more or less
dominated by Darkness-, Dragon-, and Lightning-types.
Therefore, if Aggron can do something good, it could
easily fill a niche in the metagame. 140 HP is standard
for a Stage 2, allowing the Iron Armor Pokemon to defend
against one medium-sized hit before going down. Fire
Weakness is not too bad at the moment, although Ho-Oh-EX
still sees play, so watch out for that if you're
thinking of running Aggron. Psychic Resistance is good
against Mewtwo, and a Retreat Cost of 4 is huge, so
you'll want to use Switch or something else to move
Aggron from the Active position.
Aggron has an Ability, Toppling Wind, that allows you to
discard the top three cards of your opponent's deck when
it comes into play. "Milling" three cards from the
opponent's deck in a single shot is good, but probably
won't be that effective when only done once, so Aggron
is best used when a deck is built around it. Durant NVI
is always a possibility, though admittedly without
proper support such as Junk Arm, the milling strategy
isn't quite as viable as it used to be. In Limited,
discarding the top three cards of your opponent's deck
will rarely be that useful.
Giga Horn is Aggron's attack, doing 90 damage for two
Metal and a Colorless, which would normally be fine,
except that you also have to flip two coins and if both
of them are tails, the attack does nothing. Very
unimpressive in both Modified and Limited, but still
slightly more usable in Limited.
Modified: 1.5/5 Given the popularity of Durant NVI last
format, some people have thought that this Pokemon could
carry on in having a viable mill deck, but the chances
of this happening are unlikely. Toppling Wind only works
when Aggron comes into play, and as such, is very
difficult to consistently mill out the opponent before
they take all of their Prizes, especially when Aggron is
a Stage 2, and many resources need to be dedicated to
getting it out in a timely fashion. If Broken Time-Space
or some other forms of quick Evolution were a
possibility, Aggron might have seen some play, but as it
stands now, the deck is just far too slow to compete
with the faster and harder-hitting Pokemon-EX that
dominate Modified.
Limited: 2/5 I'm not actually that big of a fan of
Aggron in Limited, either. Toppling Wind will often not
do a whole lot for the trouble of getting a Stage 2 out,
and Giga Horn, while dealing decent damage, requires two
Metal Energy (a rare and usually underpowered type in
Limited) and has a chance of failing. If you draft a lot
of Metal Pokemon, Aggron is probably worth running;
otherwise, you're likely better off with other options.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Aggron is a Stage 2 Metal Pokemon with 140 HP. It is
weak to Fire, resistant to Psychic, and has a retreat
cost of 3. It is searchable by Heavy Ball.
'Toppling Wind' is an ability, that when Aggron is
evolved into, your opponent discards the top 3 cards of
their deck. Mill. Wonderful mill. When I got back
into Pokemon, Durant sealed the deal. I just loved the
whole concept that rather than taking prizes, the entire
deck was focused on winning by other means (if there was
a way to do multiple Seekers to force your opponent into
having no Pokeon, I would love to play that). I saw
Durant and decided to play competitively (which I hadn't
really done in Yugioh).
'Giga Horn' costs 2 Metal and 1 colorless energy. It
does 90 damage and if you get 2 tails, it does nothing.
That's not too bad, since you'll do damage most of the
time. But when looking at Darkrai EX, the effect is
awful. Potential to do nothing or 30 to a Benched... I
know which I'd rather have. Anyhow, the damage output
is great since it can 2HKO almost anything. Bad thing
is that there is no Metal Acceleration (and Klinglang
has better synergy with other attackers; mixing the two
seems like a mess).
So the real use of Aggron is the milling. Wonderful
wonderful milling. Sadly it's not as good as the Durant
mill used to be. So Aggron mill typically has 2
variations: 1)Durant and 2)Sableye. For the Durant
variation, Aggron and Durant are paired for maximum
milling. Keep on pressure by milling with Durant every
turn while (de)evolving Aggron for more milling. This
was the variation I first tried. When I got multiple
Durants and a couple of Aggrons it was milling 6-7 cards
a turn. That was at it's best. It suffered from a lot
of flaws. Getting all the Pokemon out was not easy,
especially without collector. Also, people would target
Aggron lines to prevent large mills. Darkrai EX wreaks
havoc on Durant, hence why it is not played anymore.
And all that is going on when there is a chance that
you could get bad/awful hands (which happens a lot). I
know the worst thing was having key cards prized, since
you never really go on the offensive (at least Durant
had Rotom to help).
The other variation, which I'm trying now, is the
combination of Aggron and Sableye. This version uses
Junk Hunt to get back all the items to continue
stall/mill. Mostly Dev. Spray, Hammers, and Catchers.
I found this to be more consistent but against
anything with acceleration, I usually lose. Honestly,
I've only played a couple matches with this one, so I'll
have to try more.
My favorite story was with the first variation. I went
to my first Battle Roads (this Autumn) and in between
matches I would play this deck against people. I
remember the guy I beat in Round 1 was playing against
me for fun and it ended up with a huge crowd watching
the game go down. I was milling like crazy and just
trying to survive. It was a lot of fun.
Oh, one thing I found with this deck is that it always
comes very close at the end of the match. My opponent
usually has 1 prize left when/if I deck them out. It
feels really good to win, but losing you feel like you
spent a lot of energy for nothing. I still enjoy the
deck though.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: ...
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