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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Eelektrik #40
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 9, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.13
Limited: 4.38
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Eelektrik 40/101 (Noble Victories)
So, after our look back at the cards of
last year, it’s back to normal reviews.
We kick off the week with a card I
listed in my ‘honourable mentions’ last
Friday, and
it could easily have earned a spot in
the Top 10. Eelektrik is also a highly
unusual card: an evolving Stage 1 that
is not only really good but actually
miles better than the Stage 2 that
it is meant to evolve into (not that
anyone is likely to do that with the
current Eelektross).
So, what makes this not-very-prettyful
eel so special? It’s not the mediocre
HP, nor the fairly heavy Retreat cost,
and it most definitely isn’t the attack,
which does a vanilla 50 damage for [L][L][C].
Nope, we are going to have to look
elsewhere to find out why Eelektrik is
one of the most sought-after
uncommon since . . . oh, I
dunno . . .
Unown G?
Obviously it doesn’t take much looking
to discover
Eelektrik’s Dynamotor ability.
This allows you to attach a Lightning
Energy from your Discard pile to any of
your Benched Pokémon. As we know getting
Energy into the discard pile is no
hardship these days: Junk Arm, Prof
Juniper, Sage’s Training, or even just
paying a Retreat cost all work
fine. So . .
. what can you use Dynamotor with then?
Well, virtually any Pokémon that
benefits from Energy acceleration and
requires either Lightning or Colourless
Energy. Note that the Ability ‘stacks’
so that if you have more than one
Eelektrik in play, you can attach more
than one Energy per turn. This makes it
a great card to use with
Prime, which needs a constant supply of
Energy to fuel its Lost Burn attack; it
also goes well with
Lanturn Prime, which does more
damage for every Energy you have on the
Field; and of course it can be used to
power up the usual suspects like
Zekrom and
Tornadus, or
even something a bit more out there like
Haxorus or
(for fun deck purposes, mainly).
True, Eelektrik is can only attach
Energy to the Bench. (anything
else and I suspect it would be broken)
but this isn’t really much of a drawback
to Magnezone
or Lanturn
decks though, and even
Zekrom and
don’t mind using it to get another
attacker ready. You can also pull off
some tricks with
Shaymin UL,
Dodrio UD, or just plain Switch
to make it work for you as well. In fact
the only real downside to the card is
that fairly heavy Retreat cost, which
makes it vulnerable to being dragged
out, so making sure you have Switch, or
an Energy attached to Eelektrik is
usually a pretty good idea. Even so, as
we all know, any form of Energy
acceleration that doesn’t require an
attack is normally pretty good news.
When you get it on a Stage 1, and when
it works with some of the most powerful
Pokémon in the game, then you can
guarantee you will be seeing a lot of it
in tournaments.
That is already proving to be the case
with Eelektrik.
Modified: 4.25 (Lightning didn’t really
need any more support . . . but it got
it anyway)
Limited: 4.75 (Brilliant here, and no
Catcher to worry it either)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you
had great weekends, and performed well at any City
Championships you happened to attend. Now that we're
done with our Top 10 Countdown of the Cards of 2011,
we're going to go back to reviewing new cards from Noble
Victories. Today's Card of the Day is an Uncommon from
that set that has been seeing tons of tournament play
lately. Today's Card of the Day is Eelektrik.
Eelektrik is a Stage 1 Lightning Pokemon. Lightning
Pokemon are very common in Modified, with Magnezone
Prime, Zekrom, and the occasional Thundurus and Lanturn
Prime making many appearances in many Modified decks. As
a support Pokemon, Eelektrik sees a lot of play with
these big hitters, but more on that later. 90 HP is
fairly decent for a Stage 1 that evolves again, although
Eelektrik will usually be sitting on the bench instead
of taking a direct part in trying to get KOs. Fighting
Weakness is unfortunate against Donphan and Terrakion,
but is largely manageable; Eelektrik sadly has no
Resistance; and a Retreat Cost of two is just small
enough that you can pay it without feeling too bad, but
using Switch is generally a better option if possible so
that you don't burn resources.
This Elefish Pokemon has an Ability and a single attack.
Dynamotor, Eelektrik's Ability, is the primary reason
why Eelektrik sees play. Once per turn, you may attach a
Lightning Energy from your discard pile to one of your
Benched Pokemon. Energy acceleration is always good in
the Pokemon TCG, and Dynamotor is no exception to this
rule, as one can power up Zekroms and Magnezones very
easily with multiple Eelektriks all using Dynamotor
during the same turn. A slight drawback to the Ability
is that the Energy must be attached to your Benched
Pokemon, but this isn't even a problem when considering
Magnezone Prime's Lost Burn. Additionally, if you really
need to get the Energy onto your Active, you could
consider running it with Shaymin UL to move the Energy
around. All in all, this Ability is incredibly
versatile, and is a cornerstone of the current Modified
format in decks with Magnezone and Zekrom.
Electric Ball, Eelektrik's single attack, deals a
vanilla 50 damage for two Lightning and a Colorless.
Considering Zekrom deals 120 damage for the exact same
Energy cost, you'll probably want to stick to bigger
attackers like Zekrom and Magnezone while letting
Eelektrik stay on the bench for Dynamotor.
Modified: 4/5 Eelektrik is a perfect example of the idea
that you don't always need to fully evolve a Pokemon to
have a great effect. Energy acceleration wins games, and
Eelektrik's Dynamotor is no exception. With Dynamotor,
you'll easily power up your Zekroms, Magnezones, and
even Tornadus and Thundurus in no time at all. While you
can only Dynamotor to the Bench, Eelektrik is only a
Stage 1, making multiple copies relatively easy to get
out (when compared to something like Typhlosion Prime).
Overall, Eelektrik is a very powerful Lightning-type
support Pokemon that should always be in consideration
when building your Lightning-type decks, and is
definitely something you will see on the tournament
circuit, probably paired with Magnezone Prime, Zekrom,
or Lanturn Prime.
Limited: 4/5 While it's more difficult to get Lightning
Energy into the discard pile in Limited, Eelektrik still
allows you to recycle and accelerate Energy in a very
effective manner. While Electric Ball isn't great, it's
a serviceable attack in this slower format.
Combos With: Electric-types, but most notably Magnezone
Prime, Zekrom BW, and Lanturn Prime