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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2011
Countdown - #1
Pokémon Catcher
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 6, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.93
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#1 Pokémon
Catcher (Emerging Powers)
Throughout the history of the Pokémon TCG there are some
cards from the original Base Set that no-one thought we
would see again. They were just too powerful, too
broken, to ever get a reprint.
Then Double Colourless Energy returned in HGSS and
players were mildly shocked. Then Item Finder found its
way into Triumphant in the shape of Junk Arm, and
players again raised an eyebrow. Finally, to the
disbelief of everyone, this card appeared: a functional
reprint of Gust of Wind, now renamed Pokémon Catcher.
What this card does is simple: you choose a Pokémon on
your opponent’s Bench and drag it into the Active
position. The benefits that this effect gives to the
player are huge. Potential threats can be KO’d before
they have a chance to evolve or attach Energy. High
Retreat Pokémon can be forced out to buy a player a turn
or two. Bench-sitting techs can be turned into easy
Prizes. Catcher changed the game as we know it: decks
that used Bench Support now had to search out multiple
copies of their Basic because the risk of one being
Catchered out and KO’s was
so great. Most slower decks
had to turn to Vileplume UD
to lock Catcher out of the game before it destroyed
their set up. What’s more, with Junk Arm in the format
you were never
safe from a Pokémon Catcher, and pretty much had to play
as if one was always in the opponents hand. This meant
that players became extremely aware of what they were
Benching, and Switch started
to appear in more and more decks.
Really, unless you run Vileplume
UD, you are running 2-4 copies of Pokémon Catcher.
That’s how format-defining this Trainer is. Although
many players predicted that it would ruin the game, this
hasn’t turned out to be the case (Pokémon Reversal was
far worse because of the element of luck it introduced).
What it has done is make Pokémon a very different game
from what it was before, and that is the sign of a truly
powerful card. This is why Pokémon Catcher is the
obvious pick for Pojo’s #1
card of 2011.
Modified: 4.75 (If it wasn’t for
Vileplume, I’d be giving this a perfect score)
Just for fun, here are five Honourable Mentions that
didn’t make the Top 10, but could have . . .
– Together with Shaymin and
the new BW Rules, it made doing 120 on the first turn
very possible and turned Zekrom
into the most feared deck in the format. Rating: 4.25
– Weak, with a pathetic attack, its Base Set
Alakazam-like Ability helped
created some of the most interesting and strategic decks
of the year (The Truth, Gothitelle).
Rating: 4
– This card is making a big impact right now and you
will be seeing a lot of it in the coming year.
Energy acceleration for arguably to
most powerful Type in the format? Yes please!
Rating: 4.25
– The unexpected hit of the current City Championships.
An Ability that spreads damage, an
attack that inflicts two Status Conditions, and a great
Stage 1 combine to make this card part of one of the
best current decks. Rating: 4
– OK, I should have picked Super Rod, Durant,
Cobalion or something, but I
love Lilligant and this is
the best one. The fact that it inflicts guaranteed
Paralysis or Confusion for just one
Energy means that it will make life very awkward
for the forthcoming EX Pokémon. Rating: 5 (of course)
Ok, that wraps up our look at the best cards of 2011.
The New Year looks like it is going to see some
astonishingly powerful cards entering the format. It’s
going to be an exciting time ahead for the game.
Happy New Year everybody!
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you
had wonderful weeks. Today we are reviewing the #1 card
of 2011, and I'm sure that most of you already know what
it is. Today's Card of the Day is a functional reprint
of a card originally from Base Set, but makes a gigantic
mark on every format in which it is legal. Today's Card
of the Day is Pokemon Catcher from Emerging Powers.
Pokemon Catcher is a Trainer - Item, meaning it can
be used as many times as you'd like during your turn,
and is blocked by Gothitelle's Magic Room and
Vileplume's Allergy Flower. Pokemon Catcher, very
simply, allows you to switch your opponent's Active
Pokemon with one of their Benched Pokemon, and you
choose which Pokemon are switched. This is an incredible
ability, as a Pokemon Catcher will almost always lead to
a KO in your favor (or will greatly slow your opponent
down by pulling up something with a huge Retreat Cost
that was sitting on their Bench). Pokemon Catcher allows
you to play around your opponent's main attackers by
KOing their support, and when combined with Junk Arm,
can probably give you enough KOs to win the game by
itself. Pokemon Catcher will probably find itself into
any deck that runs Trainers (most Trainer lock variants
won't run any, or maybe just one), and will be run in
multiple copies to maximize the chances to get cheap
KOs. Like all of the other cards we're reviewed, expect
to see a lot of this one in your local tournament
Modified: 5/5 Pokemon Catcher may be one of the best
Trainer cards ever printed, and is more than worthy of
the top spot on our countdown. The way that this card
swings game tempo is amazing, and using it to draw up a
weak bench sitter for an easy prize is what many
tournament decks are all about. To put it simply,
Pokemon Catcher wins games. Period.
Limited: 5/5 Everything that applies in Modified
applies here as well, with the additional bonus of your
opponent having even fewer ways of countering it. If you
happen to be drafting Emerging Powers, this card is
definitely worth a high pick, and if you are doing EPO
sealed, use as many of these as you pull. You won't be

Otaku |
At last we reach the number one card of
2011 and it is should come as no
surprise due to its conspicuous absence
anywhere else on the list:
Pokémon Catcher!
Our original reviews and
predictions were almost spot on, so
instead of thoroughly repeating myself,
just click
here to re-read them as a refresher.
The short version is that Pokémon has
long rewarded the ability to choose
which of your opponent’s Pokémon you
Knock Out.
The strategy is simple in
concept, though it can be challenging in
execution; you must weigh current
threats versus pending ones, and try to
deduce what will cripple your opponent’s
I don’t recall formats where this
wasn’t an option for most decks (usually
the best ones), though the method has
If you really don’t fancy a short
essay on the history and current state
of the game, feel free to jump to the
Ratings and Summary sections.
For those still with me, let us begin
our journey.
First we had
Gust of Wind, then
Double Gust.
In the next block we got
Pokémon Reversal for the first time,
but while
Double Gust was still legal, it was
Pokémon Reversal largely flew under
the radar until the last format rotation
because there was always something more
effective in the game, whether you
traded the coin flip for restricted use
Hand Extension), less control but
reliable activation (Warp
Cyclone Energy), or relied upon a
Pokémon (be it insane sniping attacks or
Gust of Wind-like effects).
Why does this matter?
Well at a glance, I do not like
Pokémon Catcher; it is too good
a card.
With the current card pool, it is
overpowered: unless your deck focuses on
blocking Items (and sometimes even
then), a player is quite restricted on
their approach to the game.
It is important that a Pokémon
sitting on the Bench not be functionally
invincible, especially when the card
pool contains cards like
Twins that can reward you for being
behind in Prizes (regardless if, in
terms of set-up, you’ve practically won
the game).
However, when even ignoring first turn “donk”
combos the damage-to-Energy ratio is as
high as it currently is, it makes it
very hard to design interesting or
creative cards that can withstand the
onslaught without those cards
making the problem worse.
I find this in turn diminishes my
enjoyment of the game, since I am forced
between running decks I enjoy and those
that win instead of the ideal: finding a
deck I enjoy that wins!
All that being said, I am glad
Pokémon Catcher was printed, because
as frustrating as it can be what we had
immediately prior to its release was
worse, a pretense of freedom when in
reality we were shackled by coin flips.
You could run a riskier
deck and if the cards and coin flips
favored you, you could win.
That isn’t so bad, except it
means the opposite was true: if the
coins and cards did not favor you, you
could lose.
Not just if you were running a
risky deck, but running what would be
considered excellent builds of the
strongest decks and were a skilled
player, a streak of “tails”, especially
compounded by poor draws would knock you
out of the tournament almost as fast as
your opponent was Knocking Out your
The truly insidious part is that at
least a vocal minority (and perhaps a
playing majority) of the Pokémon TCG fan
base wasn’t aware of this.
Enough people were trying to run
decks that have since faded from
popularity due to their vulnerabilities,
because as long as their luck held out
said players could still come out well
in a tournament.
I am not trying to diminish the
accolades deserved by those who won
titles and tournaments during this time,
but from what I have observed even those
who would have won without requiring the
luck of the coin in a different format,
needed it this one.
It was just the nature of the
Pokémon Catcher,
while crushing the hopes of many players
for enjoying decks that didn’t set-up
almost instantly, block Trainers, or
present too many important targets for
anyone of them being OHKOed to matter,
technically just removed the illusion
that we had such an option to begin
If damage output was lower and/or
HP scores higher, instead of one
Pokémon Catcher yielding a Prize it
would usually be two or three.
Either because players would have
time to return the Pokémon to the Bench
on their next turn, or because the
slower pace meant taking out a
Bench-Sitter left time to build a
replacement and possibly a
back-up attacker as well.
Pokémon Catcher
is inferior to
Gust of Wind and possibly
Double Gust (depending on the deck),
but it scores equally because the one
card I can think of that would
demonstrate this (Gothitelle
BW Emerging Powers 47/98) is
suicidal to run.
In Modified it is a staple: even
when locking down your own Items or
trying to win without drawing Prizes,
you want at least a copy “just in case”
for the lock deck and for the usefulness
of disrupting your opponent for
alternative win conditions.
In Limited it might technically
be more powerful, but a perfect score is
the highest I am giving.
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