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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Clefable #3/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Clefable HGSS
In yesterday’s review of Azumarill, I said that the only
Stage 1s worth playing were the fast, high HP,
big-hitting ones. Obviously, there is one exception to
that, and that is when a Stage 1 Pokémon can be used as
a support card for your main attacker. We all know how
useful Claydol GE is, right? But other Stage 1s fit the
bill too, like Ninetales HGSS in Fire deck which uses
its Pokémon Power to give you more draw or Metapod HGSS
whose Body removes Weakness from your Grass Pokémon.
Unlike the Pokémon I’ve just mentioned, Clefable doesn’t
have any Powers or Bodies. Its 80 HP is very average,
and its Fighting Weakness is not exactly an asset
either. It does have two attacks, both of which cost
[C][C] (Double Colourless Energy – hintity hint hint),
the second one doing a fairly pathetic vanilla 40
damage. Nothing to write home about here, then . . . if
it wasn’t for that rather interesting first attack . . .
Fairy Power does no damage whatsoever, but it does have
a unique effect in this format. It lets you pick up one
of your Pokémon, with all cards attached, and put them
in your hand. Yep, that’s right, think of it as an
attack version of Poke Turn that works with anything or
an auto-heads on Super Scoop Up.
This could have two obvious beneficial effects. Firstly,
Prize denial. Afraid that damage Azelf on your Bench is
an easy Shadow Room target for Gengar SF? Then use Fairy
Power to get it out of harm’s way. Don’t want to lose
two Prizes when a Pokémon with Expert Belt is one hit
away from a KO? Then Fairy Power will come to your
rescue. The second use for Clefable is to re-use
coming-into-play Powers. You could pick up an Uxie to
re-use Set Up, or get another use out of a Blissey Prime
for mass healing, for example.
Does this make Clefable a worthwhile tech though? Hmmm .
. . the answer will normally be ‘no’. While re-using
Powers and scooping up damaged Pokémon can be a great
strategy, it is not usually worth giving up your attack
for, especially as it means pushing a pretty easily KO’d
Pokémon into the active position. There is one deck
where it might work well though: Rhyperior DP’s Hard
Crush Power discards the top three cards of your
opponent’s deck when it comes into play. By using
Clefable and Broken Time-Space, you could get multiple
uses out of Rhyperior and potentially deck out your
opponent and so win without even having to attack.
Rhyperior/Clefable is not a fast deck though, and it has
its Weaknesses. This means that, for now, I can’t rate
Clefable too highly, or suggest that it be run in other
decks. Somehow, though, I have the nasty feeling that
Fairy Power is an attack which will be very exploitable
in the future. We shall have to see if new releases
bring anything that will get the best out of this card.
Modified: 2 (a combo card of the future? Who knows?)
Limited: 2.25 (Colourless attacks are usually good here,
and Fairy Power Scoop Ups could be game winning)
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers!
Today we're reviewing the HGSS print of one of my
all-time favorite Pokemon: The Fairy Pokemon, Clefable.
Clefable is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Being Colorless
is generally a good thing, as Colorless attacks can be
paid for by any type of Energy. This leads to many
Colorless Pokemon being splashable in a lot of decks,
but also means that they need to be able to do something
really special to find a deck slot. Does this Clefable
fit the bill? Clefable has 80 HP, which is about average
for a Stage 1, but a bit low overall. Double Weakness to
Fighting isn't good with Donphan and Machamp, no
Resistance is to be expected, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
low enough that you can actually afford to retreat every
once in a while when you really need it.
HGSS Clefable has two attacks, each costing [CC]. The
first, Fairy Power, allows you to return one of your
Pokemon in play and all cards attached to your hand.
This attack is very interesting, and has a lot of combo
potential, including dropping multiple Crobat Gs and the
like is very nice. While having a Scoop Up-like effect
can be really useful, the fact that this requires an
attack to use may knock it down a few points, as
powering up a fully evolved Pokemon to simply use an
attack resembling Scoop Up is probably not the best idea
of resources.
Clefable's second attack, Moon Impact, deals 40 damage
for [CC]. The Colorless energy requirements are very
nice, but the damage output isn't high enough to justify
using Clefable as a main attacker.
Modified: 2/5 While it's definitely not an attacker,
Fairy Power is one of those attacks that is waiting to
be abused. Even so, it's not for every deck, and in
those cases, there are generally Trainer/Supporter cards
that you will be using anyway.
Limited: 3/5 Colorless energy requirements and the
ability to deny your opponent a prize is great. Using
Moon Impact as a cheap mid-range attack can work here as
well, just look out for Donphan Prime. |

Otaku |
we look at
This version is a Colorless Stage 1 Pokémon with
80 HP.
Being Colorless isn’t bad, but 80 HP is low for a Stage
1; low enough to make it vulnerable to OHKOs across the
board instead of just against its Weakness.
Speaking of its Weakness, it is a double Weakness
to Fighting, just like the original
Again, this makes it possible for Basic Fighting
Pokémon to OHKO it, and hard for any Evolved Fighting
Pokémon not to OHKO it.
The lack of Resistance, as always, is
disappointing though the single Energy required to
retreat is solid.
Power is a Pokémon attack that requires two of any
Energy to use.
You can return 1 of your Pokémon to your hand,
plus all cards attached to it.
If this had been a Poké-Power as the name would
imply, it would have been useful.
Instead you’re going to waste space for a Stage 1
Evolution, two Energy, an attack, and probably give up a
Prize for that bounce.
The second attack, Moon Impact, is a tad better:
a straight 40 damage for (CC).
This is a much better “opening attack” and if the
rest of Clefable
was adequate, might have been
useful. If
was really good, there might have been some random TecH
function for this card, but I don’t see some remarkable
being splashed around in all decks so that isn’t
to the Diamond and
version if you want to run