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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tyrogue - #33/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Tyrogue (HGSS)
Tyrogue is the school bully of the new Baby Pokémon: the
one that they all fear.
That’s because Tyrogue bears more than a passing
resemblance to his old Neo counterpart: the one which
could do 30 damage for one Energy on a coin flip, which
was huge back then. Thanks to x2 Weakness, a Tyrogue
could easily OHKO the commonly-played Electabuzz with
the help of a PlusPower.
This new Tyrogue also has an attack, Mischievous Punch,
that does 30 damage, but this time, the attack costs no
Energy! The downside is that Weakness and Resistance are
not applied to the attack, which is just as well now
that HGSS is returning us to double Weaknesses. Even so
Tyrogue will score a OHKO on all of the Babies, as well
as very weak Basics like Hoppip. If you go second, you
can even attach Expert Belt and/or PlusPowers which will
lead to a KO on a lot of evolving Basics. That’s a very
high-risk strategy, though, and should only be
considered if it is going to get you the T2 win.
Like the other Babies, Tyrogue has 30 HP, no Resistance,
Retreat, or Weakness, and it can protect itself and
stall with Sweet Sleeping Face. Is it playable, though?
Well, that entirely depends on how much play the other
babies see. It’s pretty much the ultimate Baby-killer
(wow . . . that sounds bad), but if there are no Babies
to kill, the 30 damage it does is unlikely to be
significant against high HP Basics and evolution decks.
If you are looking for a Basic that can get turn 2 donk
wins, then Shuppet PL is still a much better option.
Modified: 1.75 (If Babies ever become popular, that
rating will double)
Limited: 3 (very fast, with useful stalling abilities,
good for a low damage/low HP format)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo viewers! Today's Card of the Day
is Tyrogue from the HeartGold and SoulSilver set.
When first printed in Neo Discovery, Tyrogue was a
force: a quick 30 damage and the Baby Power were
devastating to the Pokemon TCG in pre-Modified. Like
Cleffa, Tyrogue HGSS is very similar to its Neo
counterpart, but how is it in the modern game?
Like each of the other babies we've reviewed so far,
Tyrogue has 30 HP, no Weakness, Resistance, or Retreat
Cost, and also has the Sweet Sleeping Face Poke-Body.
The benefits and drawbacks are similar to those babies
reviewed previously in the week.
Tyrogue's attack, Mischievous Punch, deals 30 damage
without applying Weakness or Resistance for free, and
after dealing damage, Tyrogue is Asleep. 30 damage for
free can be really great, especially on turn 1, putting
a strong dent in most basics and KOing babies and other
30 HP basics. There can be more turn 1 fun if PlusPowers
are added, provided you go second. Unfortunately,
Tyrogue's usage goes down a bit mid- and late-game, as
its low HP really hampers its usefulness.
Modified: 3/5 Tyrogue is a very useful starter,
having the capability to donk babies and possibly more
if PlusPowers and other damage increasers are added.
However, you really do need to watch out for the low HP,
and its usefulness also goes away late-game, as nearly
everything can hit for more than 30 damage as the game
Limited: 4/5 A very powerful attack for a cheap cost,
possibility to stall with Sweet Sleeping Face, and no
Retreat make Tyrogue a great choice in Modified. Even
still, Tyrogue is quite frail, and will fall quickly to
any kinds of damaging attacks if it is not Asleep. Use
it wisely.
BoDragon Pokémon Organized Play Tournament Organizer, League Owner, Pokémon Professor and Judge
Pokémon Card of the Day for Wednesday, 2010-02-17:
Tyrogue (HeartGold
& SoulSilver, #33)
HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion brings back
notable Basic Pokémon that are prevolved forms of other
Pokémon. These Pokémon are Cleffa, Igglybuff,
Pichu, Smoochum and Tyrogue. Unlike past
appearances, these Pokémon lack the ability to
evolve using any Baby Evolution Poké-Power
into Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Jynx, Hitmonchan,
Hitmonlee or Hitmontop.
Cleffa, Igglypuff, Pichu, Smoochum and Tyrogue share the
same Poké-Body, Sweet Sleeping Face. Its effect is
as long as the Pokémon is Asleep, all damage to it is
prevented. These Pokémon stand good chances to be
Asleep as their attacks initiate the effect.
The statistics for each of these Pokémon are consistent.
They all share 30 HP, have no Weakness, have no
Resistance, and have zero Energy Retreat Cost.
Tyrogue's Mischeivious Punch attack, for no Energy,
deals 30 damage without applying Weakness and
Resistance; it is asleep afterward. This is a good
attack that can easily knock out Cleffa, Igglybuff,
Pichu and Smoochum in any play, but more common in
limited format.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 5/5

Otaku |
There is a word for the new
Clearly meant as homage to the original
Tyrogue from
Neo Discovery, the new one has been toned down to the
point where he is safe to play with.
Like all the original “Baby” Pokémon from the Neo
Block of sets, he has 30 HP, no Weakness, no Resistance,
and no Retreat.
The HP and Resistance are the worst possible for
an actual Pokémon, while the lack of Weakness of Retreat
Cost are clearly the best he could have.
It is important to note that, unlike those older
cards, he lacks text stating you can play
Hitmonlee, or
Hitmontop on
him as Evolved Pokémon.
Unless something comes out in a future set to
remedy this,
Tyrogue is going to exist purely as a Basic Pokémon
and so he has to justify being played completely on his
own (instead of being a useful lead in to a higher Stage
Being a Fighting-Type Pokémon is largely meaningless to
because his attack ignores Weakness and Resistance.
The good news for him is that said attack,
Mischievous Punch, requires no Energy to use and
delivers a solid 30 damage.
It does put
Tyrogue to
Sleep, and normally that would be bad… except
Tyrogue, like
all the “Homage Baby” Pokémon has a Poké-Body called
Sweet Sleeping Face.
It states that as long as Tyrogue is Asleep, all
damage done by attacks to him is prevented.
So as long as you stay Asleep, you get a tiny
Unfortunately, you might wake up between turns, and then
you have just 30 HP between your opponent and a Prize,
or you may stay Asleep through your own turn, in which
case you either forfeit a chance to attack or burn a
card or effect to get rid of Sleep.
You also still have to worry about the other
effects of attacks, which are not prevented.
Part of what made the original
feared was the “Baby Rule” actually forced your opponent
to end their turn without their attack going through at
all: they just declared an attack (including paying
costs for the attack required at that point) and if they
failed the coin toss, their turn was over.
This meant “set-up” attacks like the original
Eeeeeeek were also blocked, let alone effects like
damage counter placement or Special Conditions.
Taking all this into account,
Tyrogue may
still find use as an opener and a cleaner, putting
pressure on an opponent by making them waste attacks or
cards on a Pokémon that doesn’t have anything invested
in it. It
is a general position that many decks theoretically
could fill with
Some might even take it to the extreme, focusing
on Tyrogue
and its rivals to create a no/low Energy, hard hitting
deck that uses damage boosting tricks (like
Plus Power)
to quick KO a players early Pokémon.
Given the overall higher HP scores than in the
games early days, as well as the much faster Evolution
pace, I can’t see that being a serious threat unless
players are sloppy and running exceedingly low Basic
Pokémon counts.