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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Electivire #20/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 21, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a short week of
reviews here on
Pojo’s CotD.
Why the short week?
Ummmm . . . because it’s nearly
Christmas, that’s why.
We kick off with
Electivire from the most recent
Triumphant set. The first (and best)
thing to say about this card is that the
whole evo
line has absolutely fantastic artwork.
It’s not often we get art of Pokémon
getting so feisty and aggressive, and
even when we do, it’s not usually done
as well as this.
Definitely a 9/10 on the
Aside from that . . . well, it’s a
moderate HP Stage 1, with a bad
Weakness, not very useful Resistance
(better than nothing though), and an
off-putting Retreat cost. I suppose we
had better see what the attacks have to
The first, Plasma, does a decent 30
damage for only one Lightning Energy,
and has the bonus effect of searching
your discard for
another [L] Energy and attaching
it to Electivire.
The necessary discard shouldn’t be a
problem with cards like Junk Arm,
Volker etc in
the format, and the acceleration is
badly needed as
Electivire’s Thunder Shock attack
needs three Lightning Energy to use.
What do you get for this huge
investment? You get what
seems to be a great spread attack,
doing 50 damage to
each of your opponent’s Pokémon with
Energy attached.
See the problem yet? Yep, most
competitive decks run Pokémon with
minimal Energy needs (Gyarados,
Gengar), or
can manipulate the Energy they do need
(SP decks using
Bronzong G). This means that your
opponent doesn’t need to spend time
building up Energy on Benched Pokémon,
they can simply attach when needed and
leave Electivire
doing a mere 50 to the active . . . for
three type-specific Energy, and that’s
just horrible.
Yes, there is an obscure combo with
LA (which can force Energy attachments
from your opponent’s Discard), but that
has been tried before and failed due to
being more than somewhat slow and
clunky. Really, if you want a Pokémon
that causes mid-late game chaos by
spreading huge amounts of damage around
the field, stick with
Legend is my advice.
Modified: 1.5 (would only work if your
opponent forgot to read the card)
Limited: 3 (Plasma is nice, and it hits
quite a lot in the set for Weakness)
Combos with . . .
conical |
12/21/10: Electivire(Triumphant)
I remember a conversation I had about Pokemon with a
friend, where he described Electivire and Magmortar as
the “old man” evolutions, given that they're fatter
and/or hairier forms of their pre-evolutions. I think
it's a great insight, but if one were to disprove it,
they'd look no further than the art for this card,
because that is one intense Electivire.
Personally, I think that this card has great potential.
Plasma is a solid L for 30, which also provides energy
acceleration for Electivire. He needs it, too,
considering that his second attack is a whopping LLL;
however, Thunder Shot is well worth it, dealing 50
damage to all Pokemon with energy attached. For me, it
was this card, not Solrock, that told me that TPCi
wanted a revival for spread decks. It seems to me that
the card designers more or less decided that if
Nidoqueen and Garchomp made the rest of spread useless,
then they had to make spread less of a task of slowly
building up damage on multiple targets and moreso two-shotting
specific targets.
The card has several problems, particularly the ability
of an opponent to play around Thunder Shot, plus not
affecting an SP Pokemon with Energy Gain. Therefore, I
think Electivire will prosper best as a combo with
something else, specifically either Ampharos from HGSS.
The Prime has the Conductivity power, to cause further
damage before Thunder Shot. The other Ampharos doesn't
compliment spread as well, but Acceleration Bolt would
help speed up Electivire's attack. The tools exist;
Electivire could indeed work.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combos With: Ampharos Prime, Ampharos Non-Prime

Otaku |
is a Lightning-Type Stage 1 Pokémon. The
good news is that it might be able to
combo with some other, potent
Lightning-Type Pokémon (like Luxray
GL) but then again it also means the
format has been trying to avoid/counter
its type. This is a definite mixed
blessing, as could the stage technically
Stage 1 should be the sturdy middle
ground, faster than Stage 2 Pokémon but
with more potency than Basic Pokémon. In
actuality, the current field of potent
Basics and Evolution acceleration means
they just end up being slower than Basic
Pokémon and weaker than Stage 2 Pokémon,
without the balancing benefits mentioned
in the previous sentence.
100 HP is a solid score for a Stage 1
Pokémon. It isn't great, but it’s enough
that most decks will need their main
attacker "enhanced" for a reliable OHKO.
If you get Electivire out early,
your opponent will probably have to
sacrifice their opener unless they are
just as fast, or if they are running
Fighting (the card’s Weakness). This is
a common Lightning-Type Weakness and a
pretty poor one to have most formats
(this one included). There are both
established, successful Fighting-Type
decks and Basic Fighting Pokémon that
can be splashed into other decks.
Fighting Pokémon, that 100 HP just will
not last: a random Fighting Pokémon will
probably two-hit KO you, while a deck
focused on Fighting-Types will probably
score a OHKO. One of the "speedy" decks
this format, Donphan Prime, just
needs a single Fighting Energy to do it!
The good news is that Electivire
can at least enjoy Metal Resistance -20.
There are one or two Metal Pokémon that
are splashed into multiple decks, and a
few decks that focus on a Metal-Type
attacker, not unlike the Weakness.
Unfortunately it isn’t really even
When your Weakness is commonly
run off type in several decks, a player
can choose to attack more often with it.
When something your Pokémon is
Resistance to is run off type in several
decks, your opponent will just choose
not to attack with it, making it an
inconvenience for them at worst.
Finishing off the cards stats,
Electivire has a three Energy
Retreat Cost, which is pretty hefty. Few
decks skip out on something like
Switch anyway, but you'll need to
run a little more than normal. I always
thought of this line as being a bit
fast, so I am surprised to see it so
All in all, this isn't a stellar
foundation for the card, but it isn't
crippling, either.
Electivire has two attacks. The
first attack, Plasma, requires just a
single Lightning-Type Energy and hits
for 30 while letting you snag a
Lightning Energy from the discard pile.
Since the second attack also has all
Lightning-Energy requirements, not being
able to target other Energy types is a
footnote and not a big deal. Provided
you can Evolve quickly while ditching
some Lightning Energy in the discard,
this can allow you to come out swinging
without an extensive Bench Set up to aid
Thunder Shot
needs three Lightning Energy to attack,
but it is an attack that can potentially
hit each of your opponent’s Pokémon for
50 points of damage.
Even though that won’t score
a OHKO unless
the Defending Pokémon is Lightning Weak
and not too big, two shots will bring
down many commonly played Pokémon and
three takes out pretty much everything!
Unfortunately your opponent can
determine what gets hit. That isn't so
great. The attack only hits Pokémon with
Energy attached. The good news is you
should easily be hitting the Defending
Pokémon and at least one or two Benched
Pokémon. The bad news is your opponent
can try to shunt Energy around to
minimize the damage.
With the sizable Energy cost and
low damage to the Active, you have to
hope your opponent must spread Energy
Off the top of my head I could see
backing it up with a hearty blend of
Ampharos: the current Modified legal
options will let you spread some more
damage as well as shut down Poke-Powers
on injured Pokémon and punish Energy
attachments even further.
Like many recent cards, I think
the biggest blow to it is the power
creep that has gone into overdrive
(well, in Pokémon terms) the last few
A few years ago and this card
would probably have been amazing.
Next format, it still might be.
I am disappointed there aren’t
any other
Electivire I can blend this with: it
really strikes me as a potential
opener/closer that needs a middleman, so
to speak.
Pity nothing moves Energy or
forcibly attaches it without it being an
attack (thus eliminating the need for a
In Limited play, you should really pick
this card. If you've never played in a
Limited event, then let me give you two
basic lessons.
First, things that are good in
constructed play but that don’t require
any extra set-up are
good here. In this case while
Electivire needs a lot of
Lightning-Type Energy, since it can snag
them from the discard you can be more
flexible in how much you run and where
you play it.
You won’t have access to
discarding combos to speed it up early
game, but by mid or late you’ll have the
Second, retreating injured
Pokémon to deny your opponent a Prize is
often a game breaking move, and that
makes sniping/spread Pokémon much more
effective in this format.
If your opponent tries to stall
by only powering their Active Pokémon to
avoid and Bench damage, you should still
be able to build your next attacker on
the Bench while they can’t: advantage –
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos with:
Ampharos (Platinum, 1/127),
Ampharos (HeartGold & SoulSilver,
Now for those looking for last minute
Christmas gifts, if Transformers are
your thing click
here for a listing of my current
Christmas is nearly here, so I
wouldn’t delay!
Okay, I would, because I am broke
and feel I’ve become too materialistic.
If you’re not in that situation
though, take a look at some of my
favorite things!