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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rotom #20/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 18, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 1.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the
Day is Rotom from the new HS Undaunted expansion.
Rotom is a Basic Lightning Pokemon. Lightning decks
aren't very common nowadays, but there are a few
Lightning Pokemon that show up regularly, like Luxray GL
Lv. X and other supporters like Manectric PL. 60 HP for
a non-evolving Basic is low, so Rotom should probably
stay away from heavy hitters. Weakness to Darkness is
somewhat nice as Rotom isn't weak to Fighting like most
other Lightning-types, but is still a problem because
many Darkness-types still hit for 30+ damage easily,
making Rotom an easy OHKO for them. Colorless Resistance
is nice, even if it isn't terribly useful. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 1 isn't too bad, and is easily payable.
In today's metagame, most non-evolving Basics are only
played if they have a very good Lv. X, excellent support
options, or if they are SP. Rotom may have a decent
support option in Mischievous Trick, its Poke-Power.
Once per turn, you can switch the top card of your deck
with one of your face-down Prizes. In many ways this
makes Rotom similar to Azelf LA, in that you have
greater control over what is prized and what isn't. The
bad part is that if you don't have a way to look at your
Prizes, this is largely random and unpredictable. Even
so, Azelf LA makes a good partner for Rotom in this
case, as you'll be able to get what you need from your
Prizes if you simply remember what they are from Time
Walk. Another issue is that Rotom doesn't get the card
directly for you, but there are so many drawing options
in Pokemon today that this is hardly a problem.
Rotom's attack is Plasma Arrow, which deals 20 damage to
one of your opponent's Pokemon for [L]. Not terribly
powerful, but since Rotom should mostly be a support
Pokemon anyway, it shouldn't matter too much.
Modified: 2/5 It's really a shame that Rotom doesn't
have any way of helping you draw cards on its own, or
else the power would be quite excellent. Even still, if
you are able to look at your Prizes somehow, the type of
resource fixing Rotom provides can be quite helpful,
especially because the Power can be used once per turn.
It may have some trouble finding a deck slot, but if
getting a certain card is really important to your
deck's function, Rotom may be worth it.
Limited: 2/5 Without any way to look at your Prizes, the
Power may not really even be worth using unless you know
for sure that something you need is prized. The attack
is decent here early game, but Rotom still has low HP,
so watch out for your opponent's heavy hitters.
Combos With: Azelf LA |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Rotom (HS Undaunted)
This is a neat little trick card for prerelease games,
but I don't hold much hope of seeing it anywhere else.
Rotom gets 60 HP, dark weakness (pretty redundant with
the low HP, but still good), colourless resistance (even
better than the weakness) and a retreat cost of 1 which
means that Rotom should never be active, and can run
away if it becomes active.
Rotom gets a poke-power and an attack, which seems to be
a common theme with non-evolving Basics in the HGSS
sets. Mischevious Trick isn't all that mischevious,
allowing you to swap a face-down prize card with the top
card of your deck (which I imagine also remains
face-down) once during your turn. This power is
potentially useful for extracting must-have cards from
the prizes, but you run the risk of putting something
useful out of reach and not getting out the prize card
you need.
The attack is Plasma Arrow, which is an apt name. It
costs L to use and deals 20 damage for each energy
attached to the target Pokemon, so it will hurt a fully
powered Tyranitar SF and KO an active Blastoise UL if 4
energy are attached (or only seriously injure Blastoise
if it just attacked and returned energy to the hand) but
it will only tickle other Pokemon. Still, the attack has
it's situational uses so it is great for a tech,
especially as it is a cheap snipe.
Rotom is an okay tech if you combine it with Azelf LA
and some draw power (both very common in top decks) to
grab any card from your prizes, but the potential for an
easy KO for your opponent and the cost of bench space
mean Rotom will only be used in a very specific toolbox
by a player with a good memory, especially as you risk
placing an even more valuable card into the prizes with
the swap (unless you use Slowking HGSS to rearrange your
cards first, using up even more bench space).
Modified: 2.5 (difficult to use, but it is worth using
if you really need to be able to grab prize cards. Avoid
it otherwise)
Limited: 1.25 (draft it because it can be used, but it
isn't worth playing at a prerelease)
Combos with: Azelf LA, Uxie LA