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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lapras #24/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Lapras HGSS
In contrast with yesterday’s Pokémon, Lapras is one of
my favourites. The art on this card is great too. I
reckon this must be a picture of the Lapras that you can
catch on Fridays in the Ice Cave in the Heart Gold and
Soul Silver video games.
For a Basic Pokémon, Lapras HGSS is very sturdy. 90 HP
is great on a non-evolving Basic and the double Metal
Weakness is probably about the best Weakness you can
have at the moment. The Retreat cost of two is not
exactly a shock on a Pokémon like Lapras. If you ever
had it active, you would probably try and wall with it
rather than get it out of harms way.
But should you ever have it active in the first place?
Well, in the absence of Powers or Bodies, it all depends
on Lapras’s attacks.
For [C][C] Ice Beam does 20 damage and gives you a flip
for Paralysis. Not horrible (Paralysis is nice) but . .
. well, it isn’t really going to do very much to advance
a game state in your favour against super-fast SP decks
and big-hitting Stage 2s, is it? The same can be said
for Lapras’s second attack, Ice Blade, which costs
[W][W] and will do 30 to any one of your opponent’s
Pokémon. Snipe attacks are always nice for taking out
weak Basics or finishing off damaged Pokémon, but
generally you want your snipers to be a bit faster (Honchkrow
G can use Energy Gain) or more powerful (like Garchomp C
LV X). Lapras is just a bit too slow and a bit too
underpowered to work well in Modified.
Limited is a different matter though. With no Metal
Pokémon in the set, Lapras is an effective Basic tank.
The fact that the format is slow and most Pokémon have
low HP means that its attacks are much better here,
making it a decent pick in a prerelease, even if it will
never really have a place in the modified format.
Modified: 1.75 (snipes and stalls but doesn’t do either
well enough. I’m not rating it lower than that ugly
Granbull though)
Limited: 3 (solid wall with useful attacks)

Otaku |
We end the week with
Lapras, a Basic another isolated
Basic Pokémon.
We are looking at the recent
HeartGold & SoulSilver version, which is
a Water Pokémon with 90 HP.
For a Basic, 90 HP is pretty
good: outside of its Weakness
Lapras is going to survive an attack
from anything less than a deck’s main
attacker, probably two.
Metal Weakness is nice… oh there
are some nasty Metal Pokémon that will
be able to shred
Lapras because of it, but its not
the most common Weakness on Water
Pokémon (technically here because of
Lapras being part Ice) and that can
help when countering an opponent’s
attempt at Type matching.
No Resistance still feels like a
copout on the designer’s part, and
requiring two Energy to retreat isn’t
bad given the HP and stage.
has two attacks, and neither is
Ice Beam is a decent start,
though: any two Energy for 20 damage and
a 50% chance of Paralysis.
game, this is decent damage can
frustrate an opponent’s set up.
Double Colorless Energy, any deck
could give a weak Water hit that could
be fatal from Paralysis.
Ice Blade requires two Water
Energy and is a sniping attack: choose 1
of your opponent’s Pokémon and hit it
for 30 damage.
If it is Benched, of course
Weakness and Resistance are ignored.
I actually wish that it was
higher priced but did more damage: then
I’d definitely consider this for
Feraligatr Prime decks.
I still might, but it’d be a
piece of TecH in case you had to
KO something on the Bench.
ends up being a big Basic with useful
attributes decent attacks.
It won’t change the format but at
least it’s functional outside of
Of course, in Limited it is a
great pick: good HP, obscure Weakness,
Colorless first attack, Special
Condition, and sniping if you are
running Water Energy.
All this minor benefits in
constructed formats are major benefits
in Limited.
virusyosh |
As a quick note before
doing today's COTD, I accidentally referred to
Granbull's second attack "Chomp" as "Champ" in my review
yesterday. Sorry about that, for some reason I
consistently misread the card. Anyway, today we are
ending our COTD week by reviewing Lapras from HGSS.
Lapras PL sees some play in Rain Dance decks as a pretty
potent attacker. Will this Lapras see some play as well?
Lapras is a Basic Water Pokemon. Being Water is pretty
decent right now, as Gyarados and Kingdra are pretty
good decks right now, as well as the occasional Rain
Dance. 90 HP is what we'd expect for a non-evolving
Basic, but it would be nice if it were a little bit
higher. Double Weakness to Metal is pretty bad, as
Dialga G Lv. X is still quite popular. Unfortunately
Lapras has no Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is
rather expensive, so use Switch or Warp Point.
Lapras's first attack, Ice Beam, deals 20 damage for
[CC] with possibly Paralysis for a coin flip. While
paralysis is always great, 20 damage is a bit weak. It
still is quite a decent attack when building up
something better, though.
The second attack, Ice Blade, allows you to choose one
of your opponent's Pokemon and deal 30 damage to it for
[WW]. Not a bad attack by any means, but again, it may
not do quite enough damage to be competitive.
Modified: 2/5 Lapras has decent attacks for the Energy
cost, but they are probably too weak to be used in any
competitive decks.
Limited: 3/5 Paralysis can be great here, as well as
sniping. It also has a decent amount of HP, and can
snipe. All around a pretty good card for Limited. |