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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Giratina Lv. 55
Date Reviewed:
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, here is the ENTIRE reason the card POWER SPRAY was
developed, as I found out last night.
I am sitting with a, well, perfect hand, and my opponent
drops the Giratina.
Aside from wanting to do physical harm to an 11 year
old…I realized just how powerful this little power was.
Especially when he tells me, on an “ideal” setup, he
then attacks with absol, knocking the hand down to 3 or
Not bad, not bad at all.
Then, evolving into Giratina Level X, forcing me to
discard to attack, got to be tiresome as well.
Man, WHERE Is my Dialga G Level X when I need it???
The attack, 3 for 60 and flipping to do 10 or 20 to each
bench, can be helpful in a number of decks, and to set
up the Giratina Level X’s attack.
This thing is mainly meant to sit on the bench, and make
your opponent growl at you when it comes out.
I was not a fan until last night. Thanks Josh for the
lesson, and Brian for the 2nd lesson. Happiness is
learning to play by watching the great Seniors beat you
to a pulp.
3 Retreat SCREAMS for moonlight Stadium. Double weakness
to darkness could hurt in a number of ways.
Resistance to colorless has almost become, um, who
Modified 3.5 I am not sure Giratina decks are the way to
go, but this card is up a point in one night.
Limited…2.5…much less useful here, as your opponent may
WANT to shuffle and get 4 new cards. Not bad attacks if
you can get it going though.
Fun card.
Talk to you soon!
Vince |
Pokmeman |
Giratina Lv. 55
This card is one of the three different kinds of
Giratina in this set, and it is the one I believe is
most playable.
When it is put into play, you get to both disrupt your
opponent and refresh your hand, with each of you taking
four cards. Though this can be accomplished similarly
with a Team Galactic's Wager, this is a power, not a
supporter, and it also gives no one a clear-cut
advantage, unlike Wager, which gives the winner of
Rock-Paper-Scissors a three card advantage.
This card will be hard-pressed to get up and attacking.
Though it has high HP for a basic, only having a three
energy attack sets it back a little compared to the
other holographic Giratina.
I think it is moderately easily slipped into a deck, but
because Giratina LvX as well as this card have attacks
which cost so much energy, I don't believe that it will
see very much play. |