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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
#2: Uxie Lv. 55
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 5.00
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
1/15 Uxie Lv.55 (LA) 2nd place
Here we are, Thursday, and the second best card of 2008.
Second best, but that isn't enough reason not to use it,
today's card is everyone's favourite pixie, Uxie! This
card provides the essential basic Pokémon for the draw
engine we reviewed earlier in the list, Uxie Lv.X.
Anyway, Uxie, and lets start with the basics. First off,
70 HP. If this was a normal Pokémon, considering the
fact that it doesn't evolve or anything, that wouldn't
be too bad. However, this is a legendary, and they
always have a reputation of having a slightly higher HP
than normal, so this 70 HP is actually slightly low.
Still, no one actually cares that much about this. It's
Weakness could have been better. +20 Psychic Weakness in
a format with 2 big Ghost decks (that's Dusknoir and
Gengar (both SF) for those who somehow don't know) means
that probably even the weakest attack from any of those
2 will hurt a lot. Still, no one really cares about
that. No Resistance is usual, so again, no one cares. 1
Retreat Cost is actually quite good for a legendary, and
quite helpful so this card can get to the safety of the
bench, where it generally belongs.
Now abilities, and this first one is what everyone cares
about and why it is a rightly deserved second on out
list. Set Up allows you to, when Uxie is played from
your hand onto your bench, draw cards until you have 7
in your hand. That's just, wow. It may be a one use only
Poké-Power, but when it refills your hand to such an
extent, who cares? However, timing is important, but I
doubt anyone will play this if they know they will only
get 1 or 2 cards when they use it. Instead, they will
always use it when they know they will get 4 or more
cards using Set Up. Basically, use everything you can
from your hand, play Uxie, then use everything you draw
with Set Up after that. Get another Uxie, and you can
keep repeating this process, though playing more than a
couple of Uxie in one turn is pushing both your bench
space and your deck to it's limits, though I'm sure you
would get set up quite quickly by doing so. It's
brilliant, but a little bit of a shame that you can't
use it every turn, so if you use this card, you will
probably need another draw card to be a main engine.
Uxie Lv.X can do that just fine, but Claydol (GE) could
do as well (in fact, many people have started using both
Claydol and Uxie in their decks. Claydol is their
standard draw engine, but Uxie is for instant hand
refreshment when needed). So, yeah, Set Up is brilliant,
but is only one use, which limits it. You could use
Super Scoop Up to try and re-use it, or Uxie Lv.X to
give it a reason to stay on the field, or you could use
the attack that everyone ignores. Uxie's Psychic Restore
does a fairly respectable 20 for C, and then gives you a
choice that, if you want, you can place Uxie and any
card attached to it on the bottom of your deck.
Normally, there wouldn't be much point of this, but
because of that brilliant Poké-Power, it's often helpful
to place Uxie back onto the bottom of you deck so you
have Set Up available to you later on in the game. Also
has a secondary use if you ever find yourself up against
a Gengar deck. Fainting Spell is quite nasty, flipping a
coin when it gets KO'ed and KOing the attacking Pokémon
on a heads. However, if you use Uxie's effect from
Psychic Restore, they can't KO Uxie because it's not in
play any more. That's quite a nice little idea there,
but just make sure you've done at least 90 damage to
Gengar first, otherwise you may find your Uxie gets
KO'ed by an attack instead.
That was a rather large paragraph, so I'll reward you
all with a short paragraph for combos. What deck should
use this card in? Well, almost every deck really. Only
Scizor (SF) decks and maybe T2 decks won't need him
(though it's not always a bad idea to include it here,
just in case). There maybe other decks that don't really
find Uxie useful, but there aren't many more. It's just
so useful for being an instant hand refresher that few
decks aren't playing Uxie.
Modified: Uxie is brilliant. Set Up is brilliant, for
instantly refilling you hand. Drawing up to 7 cards with
a Poké-Power is just brilliant, and at least 1 should be
used in most decks to be honest. The rest of the card is
never really that great, with Psychic Restore being
useful in certain situations. It may cost you a bench
space, it may be a one use only Poké-Power and it may
end up being a rubbish start, but no one cares, since
the advantage of drawing so many cards with just that
one Poké-Power out weighs all of those disadvantages by
such a vast margin that it's easily the second best
card. 4.75/5
Not perfect, but it's pretty close.
Limited: It's brilliant here as well. It's a great way
of stopping yourself from decking out from Psychic
Restore, is the best draw you can get here from Set Up,
and probably isn't too bad if it has to stay in the
active spot for too long (20 for C and 70 HP aren't too
bad here really, especially considering that it's on a
Basic). This is probably one of the best cards you could
pull here, and one of very few cards that I will ever
give this score to. 5/5
Figured out what number 1 is yet? If you haven't then
you will have to find out tomorrow, but to be honest, I
hope you will be able to figure it out before then. |

Meganium45 |
OK, now we are to the Card. THE CARD of 2008 (Ok, #2,
Uxie LA.
Let’s take a card, and see how much power we can give to
it…shall we.
Pokemon Power…when you play the card you draw until you
have 7 cards in your hand. WOW.
Attack – for one colorless, 20 damage and the option to
send Uxie and all cards attached to the bottom of your
deck, to avoid nasty Gengar Powers, and to reuse the
power, shrink your bench, remove damage, YOU NAME IT!
Evolves into Uxie Level X, which is a great card too!!!
1 Retreat cost is manageable.
Weakness to Psychic (20) can be problematic…but hey, you
have to have SOME drawback here!
Either you have to be playing this card, or have a REAL
good reason why you aren’t.
I love UXIE.
Modified 5/5 Every deck for me. All this and only a rare
too? WOW.
Limited 5/5 Not letting this thing EVER pass me by. Only
a Rare too? WOW. |
Arbok14 |
Hello, today we will be reviewing the Uxie from Legends
Name: Uxie Lv. 55
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Rare
HP: (70) - Not bad for a unevolvable basic.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic+20/none) - Really not a
big issue, as it should remain on the bench.
Retreat Cost: (1) - You should never have to retreat
this guy, because after the turn it is played, it is a
waste of bench space, just use the attack to send it
back in the deck to reuse the Power.
Poke-POWER: (Set Up) - This is a better Professor Birch.
And the reason it is ranked so high. You can use this
multiple times, because the attack allows for it to get
Attack #1: (C - Psychic Restore) - This is great because
it allows you to put an early Uxie back into the deck
for another crucial point in the game.
Final Analysis: This is one of the year's best draw
cards, and you should certainly put at least one in your
Modified: Use it! (5/5)
Limited: Use it! (5/5) |