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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ninetales Lv. 43
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.40
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, let’s look at a fire Pokemon, since we just got done
with that Powerhouse Shaymin Level X!
This is a 90 HP stage 1, which is pretty good. Not great
in this high HP envio, but over the magic “80” which
will hopefully allow him to take at least one hit
A no energy flip a coin attack is well, pathetic. Not
good at all.
The second attack, 40 for 2, and if you have more
energy, it also burns and confuses the opponent, well,
OK, maybe.
Not really exciting.
Combined with the Infernape from Stormfront, or some
other energy accelerator, you may get up to 40+ for 2,
but, really, is that worth building a deck around?
Free retreat is ideal. Needed, and way overdue for
Ninetails. A good plus.
All in all, even with the free retreat, I will take
Magmortar over this one. Frankly, the new monferno does
40 for 1. Much better Pokemon too.
Modified 2/5 Maybe I am missing it. I don’t think I am.
Limited..3.5/5 With the prevelance of Vulpix available
to draft, and the 90 HP, free retreat, low cost attacks,
he (she) is much better in this format.
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Nintales (PL36)
Today's card of the day is a real life Mozilla, a fiery
fox Pokemon.
Ninetales has only 90 HP, a bit lower then average for
fully evolved Stage Ones, but Fire Pokemon aren't
generally known for their toughness, so I'll skip over
that. The +20 weakness to Water is to be expected, as is
the sad lack of a reisstance. Luckily though, Ninetales
makes up for the low HP with a freee retreat cost,
allowing it to speed up your energy attachment, maybe
get off an attakc or two, and then flee to the bench.
Ninetales's first attack is Flame Bash, which allows you
to flip a coin until you get tails. Then, you can search
your deck for a number of Fire energies equal to the
number of heads from your deck, and attach them to your
Pokemon in any way you like, all for no energy. If you
are really good at flipping heads (or at switching out
coins for a double sided coin) use this, and before you
know it your Pokemon will be ready to attack. However,
the sad part is that there is a 50% chance that Flame
Bash will fail right off the bat.
Ninetales's second attack, and only one that does damage
is Mysterious Flames. For one Fire and one Colorless
energy, Mysterious Flames does 40 dmaage, but if you
have more energy in play then your opponent, the attack
also confuses and burns the defending Pokemon. This is a
nice attack for its energy cost, but I'd stick with the
Flame Bash, until you are certian that there are no more
nergy in your deck. Then, you can Mysterious Flames
Away, or retreat to a Fire Pokemon who can hit really
Modified 2.5/5
An internet buddy of mine siad that he thought that this
Nintales would be a good combo for the new Infernape.
the main problem that struck me was how to recycle
energy, besides the slow Thyphlosion method. If that
ever works out, this card will get a higher rating, but
until then, I see Ninetales as just an average Pokemon.
Limited 4/5
Here is where Nintales shines! So many people will be
running Shaymin, te KO's will just keep piling up. There
are also two other Fire evolution lines that can benefit
from fire Bash. Not only that, but status conditions are
so great, especially when it's two for one.
~KFT |

Alex |
COTD - Ninetales Platinum
After yesterday's review of one of the best cards to
come out since Uxie, Ninetales will have a large pair of
shoes to fill today. Unfortunately, it just doesn't
compare. I really like Ninetales so it's unfortunate
that Ninetales seems to never get a really good card. Oh
well, I guess that's life in the Pokemon world...On to
the review -
HP: 90 - Decent for a stage 1. You won't be getting one
shotted by Kingdras, but you will be getting one shotted
by Gigas, Torterra, Scizor (maybe), etc Like I've stated
before, it seems that 110 HP is the "magic number" in
this format, and 90 just falls a bit short.
Attacks: Flame Bash, Mysterious Flames - Neither attack
is particularly good. Flame Bash --seems-- like a decent
attack however, nothing that requires a flip is ever
good. The card creators tried to balance it out with a
no energy requirement, but we pokemon players know
better ;) The second attack is probably a little bit
worse than average. If you're playing fire you'll most
likely have little to no energy in play (unless you're
playing Magmortar), which means no effects. However,
this attack might be good in a late game situation in a
Maggy deck where you have one on the field with 5-6
energy, but still that's a pretty technical situation to
have this card for.
Weakness/Resistance: Water +20/na - The water weakness
hurts right now. Luckily Kingdra can't one shot it
without a PP. No resistance is never good.
Retreat: na - Probably the best part of the card. Free
retreat gives a lot of versatility, especially when
you're Warp Pointing/Restructuring, etc
Overall, this card falls very short of being playable,
if even a little decent. If you want to test your luck
with the first attack, go ahead but don't complain to me
when you flip tails every time. The second attack is
sorta/kinda decent with the effects, but I'm willing to
bet you'll never see the after effects. Bad card all
around, pretty much (besides the retreat).
Modified - 2.5/5
Limited - 4/5 (Pretty good here with the energy
acceleration/attack effects/free retreat) |