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TCG League |
Hey guys! I hope everyone has has an awesome week so
far! Anyway, today we'll be reviewing our very first
Kricketune (PL-32/127) card! So, let's get started!
(C)(C) Revenge Melody - 20x damage - Does 20 damage
times the number of Kricketot and Kricketune in your
discard pile.
(Gs)(Gs) Bug Buzz - 50+ damage - If the Defending
Pokémon is Asleep, this attack does 50 damage plus 30
more damage. Remove the Special Condition Asleep from
the Defending Pokémon.
Stage: 1
Type: Grass
HP: 90
Weakness: +20 to fire
Resistance: None
Retreat: (C)
Ok! Time to review! First up is no bodies/powers. As
always, not good but not bad either. It all depends on
your play style and your deck. Next up is it's stats.
90HP on a Stage 1 is about normal. Tho, with all of the
legendary basics in PL, SF, and LA you may find it hard
to keep up. A weakness to fire is par for the course,
tho it could cause problems if we see people trying to
meta-game the Shay/skymin decks. Tho, in this case it
would actually be GOOD to have a couple of Kricketot/Kricketune
in the discard. I'll tell you why in a minute.. Not
having a resistance is NEVER a good thing. And last but
not least is the retreat! A single energy isn't bad, tho
being a flying bug it would have made sense for a free
retreat. But I digress, ^^' It's not bad; and you could
always play Dawn Stadium.
Now let's look at the attacks. First up is Revenge
Melody. 20x the number of kricket's in your discard for
only (C)(C). Not bad, tho to do any real damage you'd
have to have 2-3 in your discard. That doesn't leave
much left for play. A good combo here would be to use a
card yourself that has you discard, dis a kricket, and
then use something like Poke'Rescue.
Next is Bug Buzz. An amazing attack for only 2 grass
energy. A base of 50 with a an added 30 for being
asleep?! Can anyone say "combo this with galactic?" I
can. ^^ Drawback is you have to remove the condition
afterwards but hey, no attack is perfect.
In all I'd say this is definitely a card worth checking
into. While it's first attack may not be extremely
effective, it's second is devastating! And a deck with
this card would use so few energy that you could add in
tons of trainers to help exploit Revenge Melody! Tho,
you'd have to watch it's HP. Also think about combining
this with a G-deck and Dawn Stadium.
Modified: 4.2/5
Limited: 4.4/5
Catch 'ya later! ;D ~Eevee |