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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Zangoose Lv. 29
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
4/21 Zangoose Lv.29 (PL)
Hello, and welcome to Tuesday's COTD, and the second day
of our Uncommon week (also know as the bottom of the
barrel), with the new Zangoose! Mightyena (reviewed
yesterday) was an interesting little Uncommon. Will this
one also be interesting? Well, if you've just skipped to
the mark and are now reading the review (you know who
you are), then you already know my answer. If, however,
you have been good and are reading this without know the
mark, then you'll find out as I go along talking (or is
it typing?) about this card. First off, it's the basics
of the card, and to start, it's rather impressive 80 HP.
On a non-evolving Basic that isn't a legendary, that's
very nice. I can't say it will definitely be able to
survive a hit, but even so, it's nice for a basic, and
some Stage 1's wouldn't mind it either. +20 Fighting
Weakness is annoying since Rampardos (PL) and Machamp
(SF) are running about, but they both OHKO Zangoose
without Weakness anyway, so I'll let that Weakness
slide. Same goes for the lack of Resistance since there
are so few cards with Resistance. 1 Retreat is average
for a Basic, and thus Switches/Warp Points probably
aren't needed.
The abilities are not too bad either. It's Poké-Body,
Thick Skin, is one that has been around since Jungle and
the times of Snorlax. In the current format, it's quite
nice since G decks are kind of dominating at the moment,
and they all like Skuntank G (PL) to Poison your active.
With Zangoose active, however, it won't be Poisoned.
This will also reduce the damage from Toxicroak G (PL).
Other than that, there aren't many decks that focus on
Special Conditions, so it's nice and can be useful, but
probably won't be.
Invite and Strike is not too bad as a back-up attack. C
for a Gust of Wind-type effect and 20 damage to the new
active is alright really. It can be used to bring some
bench sitter active, and force your opponent to then
waste Energies/Switches/Warp Points on retreating it.
Also spreads damage around, which is nice.
Especially for Chop Up, it's main attack. CCC for 50 is
rather expensive, but doing 10 to each bench Pokémon
with a damage counter on it is rather nice for
spreading. However, many evolutions do this job better,
either for less energies (and thus less damage to the
active), or the same and for higher damage out put to
the active. Even though it's a Basic, it's still slow. 3
energies for a Basic that is likely to be OHKO'ed really
isn't good enough for this format. I'd just use a Stage
1 that does the job better if I were even to think about
using this card.
Combos, well, it can be used in spread decks. Invite and
Strike is nice for spreading damage around, but 6 turns
may be needed to damage all of your opponents Pokémon,
though it is likely that your Zangoose it KO'ed ages
before it even spreads around damage to even a couple of
your opponents Pokémon. Chop Up is nice, but like I said
before, it's too expensive when other Pokémon do the job
Counters, well, anything that can do at least 80 damage
is sufficient, especially if it's a quick card so it can
out speed Zangoose (and most will). Also, for G decks
that want to get around the annoying Poké-Body, there's
always Old Faithful (the new name for Dialga G Lv.x
(PL)), thus you can then Poison with Poison Structure,
and deal 60 with Toxicroak G.
Modified: You can probably guess by now that this isn't
the greatest card ever. Chop Up and Invite and Strike
look good for spread decks, but many other Pokémon do
the job a whole lot better. I'd much prefer Bronzong
(MD) or Yanmega (LA) to this card in a spread deck,
simply because they are faster. They may be Stage 1's,
but no energy attacks are a lot fast that 3 energy
attacks. 1/5
Limited: better here. There aren't many good spreaders
here to help Chop Up, but Crobat G might be a nice
substitute. You will probably have enough time to Invite
and Strike a couple of Pokémon before starting to Chop
Up, and once you do, you will find it being very helpful
here, probably even grabbing a couple of KOs. The only
things is you will have to watch out for your opponents
big attackers here, since they could mess up your
Zangoose. 3.5/5 |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hello every one! Welcome back to COTD! Yikes! Regionals
are already over! T.T Well, at least that means Spring
Battle Roads are right around the corner! (And I
actually get to compete in some of those!) So, let's get
right down to business. Today we'll be reviewing
Zangoose! (PL-66/127) Not long now until we'll have an
entire new set to review! (FYI!!! RR HAS A LUXRAY LV.X!!!
<3 LUX!!! Oops. ^^' Sorry, onto the review...)
Poké-BODY: Thick Skin - Zangoose can't be affected by
any Special Conditions.
(C) Invite and Strike - Switch the Defending Pokémon
with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This attack
does 20 damage to the new Defending Pokémon.
(C)(C)(C) Chop Up - 50 damage - Does 10 damage to each
of your opponent's Benched Pokémon that has any damage
counters on it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for
Benched Pokémon.)
Type: Colorless
Stage: Basic
HP: 80
Weakness: Seviper (JK, ^^, +20 to fighting)
Resistance: None
Retreat: (C)
Ok! Time to review! We'll look at it's Poke'BODY first.
In all it's pretty basic but very effective against
G-decks. Not being able to put any special conditions on
Zangoose is really going to annoy some Galactic players.
Which is really good in the current Meta-game. It's also
one of the basic abilities so new players wont be
sitting there thinking "Wha? Ok, does it or does it not
work??? @_@" Which will also come in handy for all the
people who enter with there kids. ;D Not much to say
other then that.
Next up is it's attacks. Not the best but no the worst.
It's first attack, Invite and Strike (catchy, no?), will
be perfect for any easy KO's your opponent may be trying
to save on their bench until they pull a Potion or Super
Scoop Up. It's really going to annoy the heck out of
people who tend to only charge up one poke' at a time.
Also great for getting those abilities that only work
when the Pokemon is active to lock up. Although,
considering the base for this attack is only 20 you'll
definitely want to stick to using this to either OHKO's
or to get those pesky high retreats out of play for a
few turns. Not a bad attack either for only one (C).
It's second attack, Chop Up, is the real hitter for
Zangoose. With a 50 base and the ability to lay on 10 to
any pre-damaged bench Pokemon this will see more use
than I&S. Actually, this would be a great follow up to
any snipping Pokemon. knock them down to 10HP each and
you could OHKO and entire bench of Pokemon! Not that
your opponent is going to let you do that without a
fight. ^^' But still, it's a plausible theory. The
drawback on this attack is it's high energy cost.
Luckily you can add on any energy so if you're using
this in a Shaytile (Shaymin/Sceptile) deck this could
work pretty well. Just use Sceptile's ability to make
all (Gs) energy give off two rather then one.
Stat wise this is about par for a Zangoose. 80HP right
now seems pretty low, considering the monstrous
legendary basics, but it's not bad. Being colorless
means it can be worked into any deck with out much
trouble as well. As we all know a weakness is NEVER good
but you'll be hard pressed to find a card that doesn't
have one. You'll have to watch for fighting deck with
it. No resistance is always a bummer. I'd like to see a
Zangoose with a resistance to poison and a Seviper with
a resistance to colorless but I digress. It's retreat is
pretty normal as well.
Overall I'd say this card is worth looking at but maybe
not actually adding into a deck. It's attacks aren't
half bad but they require allot of energy for not doing
much. The real plus to this Pokemon is not being able to
be hit with the G-decks favorite moves.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Catch'ya later! And I better not be the only one getting
ready for Battle Roads! ;D