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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Golduck Lv.47
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
4/17 Golduck Lv.47 (PL)
Hello, and welcome to the end of the week, which ends
with the new Golduck. Our eagle eyed readers will notice
a connection between this weeks cards, which I myself
have only just realized when typing this. If you notice
what it is, please, feel free to keep it to yourself.
Anyway, onto the card, and the basics of it. We start
off with it's 90 HP, which average for a fully evolved
Stage 1 I suppose, so it should survive a hit or two,
but don't count on it. +20 Lightning Weakness is
expected and, like I said for Empoleon (PL) earlier in
the week, not exactly bad since the main Lightning deck
out there at the moment is AmphyTric, and even than that
isn't widely played. No Resistance is to be expected, so
we can gloss over that. The free Retreat Cost, however,
is very nice, and is perfect, really.
The abilities are slightly interesting I suppose. Swim
is quite nice really, no cost for 30 is pretty good. Not
main attack of the card material, but still quite nice.
However, the effect does make it more interesting. If
they have any Water energies attached to any of their
Pokémon, then you can do the damage to any of your
opponents bench Pokémon instead. A bit situational, but
could be quite a nice little, if slightly too weak,
sniper. Mind you, there are a few Water energy-playing
decks out there, with Palkia G (PL), BlastCatty,
Regigigas Lv.X (SF) and every deck that runs Rainbow or
Multi energy. Admittedly, that's a fair bit of the
metagame right there, so you should be able to do the
sniping part a lot, which might be handy.
Water Slide, though, is probably the main attack of this
card, as much as I hate to say it. WC for 40 is not good
when you see it does 30 for nothing. Moving all the
energies attached to Golduck to one of your benched
Pokémon to do an extra 20 doesn't make it much better,
since you can't even move the energies in anyway you
want. 60 for all of that cost is rubbish. Maybe Swim is
the main attack then, since Water Slide is rubbish.
Combos, well, first of all, it could go in any
sniping/spreading deck, but the sniping this card can do
situational and, when compared to others, rather pitiful
really. Water Slide does have a combo, some how, which
is with Swampert (GE). It's Wash Out Poké-Power means
you can get those energies you sent to the bench to your
active Pokémon, meaning you can do 60 damage per turn
without fear of losing your energies against Remove Lost
or something. Yay, you can do 60 per turn with a stupid
combo. Seriously, 60 per turn is not enough to 2HKO most
Stage 2 main attackers or even something like Dialga G
Lv.X (PL) with a single Special Metal attached. this 60
per turn combo is absolutely pointless.
Counters, well, if you have a Pokémon with more than 130
HP (or an ability that reduces damage or whatever) and
an attack that does at least 50 damage, then you are
well on your way to countering the much feared (OK, not
feared at all) Golduck, since you can 2HKO it, while it
will only 3HKO you back (unless Buck's Training/Plus
Power intervenes). Also, players that realise how bad
this card is are Golduck's worst nightmare.
Modified: Swim is nice, but a little on the weak side,
though the price is right. Water Slide is just dreadful,
however, and the combos it has are even outclassed by
others doing it's job better (better snipers/spreaders
around), or just something I thought .of right then that
will never win any tournament ever because it's so
pitiful. My advice? Stay away for this card. 1/5
Limited: Better here, I suppose. Swim will probably keep
doing 30 to your opponents active, but there will be a
few players that use Water energies, allowing you to
snipe a little as well. Water Slide, incredibly
considering how bad it is anyway, gets worse here, since
you have no way of keeping a constant stream of 60's up
here, though constant 40's, if you can't snipe/have
nothing worthwhile to snipe, will do since 80 damage
should 2HKO most of you'll commonly encounter here, and
a desperate 60 allows you to 2HKO all those 100 HP
monsters, which is nice. 3.5/5 |
Mew2 Master
Wisconsin |
Hey here Mew2 master is back with Golduck lv47. This is
a really good card both modified and limited. With swim
you don’t even need energy and it dose 30 damage. If
that’s not enough, with swim if you have a water energy
attached to it, you can attack one of your opponents
benched pokemon. This helps you in limited because the
platinum Psyduck needs it to do 30 damage. Its other
attack is water slide witch dose 40 damage+ However to
get 60 damage you need to move all your energy’s to your
one of your benched pokemon. I would only do this if it
was for a knock out or Golduck close to his knock out.
You better watch out with Electric Pokemon However with
no retreat cost it can come in handy, especially with
its water slide. 90 hp doesn’t suck that much, and
nether does its resistance (if it had one) if you just
look at the rest of the card. I love this card. It’s
almost a must have. If you got it, don’t trade it . I
would use this card in a water specialty deck if I had
Rich (William hung Plays or played Pokemon?) |