Arbok14 |
Yay, it's Friday!! Well, today will conclude our week of
Stormfront previews, ending with Dusknoir!
Name: Dusknoir Lv. 48
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (120) - Not bad for a stage 2, it can stick around
for at least 2 turns.
Weakness/Resistance: (Darkness+30/Colorless-20) - The
standard ghost weakness/resistance. Weakness to dark
isn't terrible, but the colorless resistance should be
Retreat Cost: (3) - Not good. Pack some Warp Points,
Switches, or (oh yeah) Moonlight Stadium.
Poke-POWER: (Shadow Command) - This attack can put some
decent draw power in decks that (for some reason) don't
want to use Claydol. Also, it would be good in decks
that want energy or other stuff in the discard pile. You
could possibly use this with Claydol to get the six
cards in the hand and then 2 more, and then discard 2
cards from your hand.
Attack #1: (PC - Damage Even) - This attack is a nice
bench hitter. If you get a lot of damage, pay it right
back for cheap. Maybe combo with Cresselia?
Attack #2: (PPC - Night Spin) - OMG, a Stage 2 Mr. Mime,
no way!! This essentially gives the same effects of Mr.
Mime, but for more energy (but for the energy, at least
it does damage. This would be a pretty decent counter to
Kingdra, making it have 3 energy in order to attack. AMU
beware, Dusknoir is coming!
Final Analysis: Overall, Dusknoir is pretty versatile.
You could use it to draw, spread damage, and protect
from energy-less stuff.
Modified: Could see decent play, I just wish Night Spin
did more damage... (3.5/5)
Limited: Night Spin could own here... (4/5)

master |
We end the week with Dusknoir from Stormfront. As usual
let's look at his stats He has 120HP, a plus 30 weakness
to dark, a minus 20 resistance to colorless, three
retreat cost, a poke-power, and two attacks. Dusknoir's
poke-power Shadow Command is awesome it reads as
follows once during your turn before you attack you may
draw two cards if you have seven or more cards in your
hand, than discard cards until you have six in your hand
, than pt two damage counters on Dusknoir. His power is
great because it draws cards and you can use it from the
Dusknoir's first attack Damage even for one psychic and
one of any color ties into his poke-power you count the
number of damage counters on Dusknioir and then put that
many damage counters on one of your opponents Pokémon.
His second attack Night spin for two psychic and one
other energy does 50 damage and prevents all damage and
effects done to Dusknoir by all your opponents Pokémon
that have two or less energies during your opponents
next turn. This is a great strategy if you combine
Dusknoir with cards that remove energies or return
Pokémon to the deck or hand. This would also be good if
you add the new Luminion from Stormfront to add Pokémon
to your opponent bench than use the new Mismagius or the
Dusknoir from DP to return their best Pokémon to their
hand or deck. The only thing I do not like about this
card is the three energy retreat cost and the plus 30
weakness to dark.
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Art: 5/5- love the shiny Dusknoir
See you next week
Ghost pokemon master |