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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Machamp Lv. 62
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.50
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

master |
The card of the day for Wednesday the 22nd is the new
Machamp from Stromfront. As usual we will start with his
stats- 130hp, a plus 30 weakness to psychic, no
resistance, two retreat cost, and THREE attacks.Machamps
first attack take out for a single fighting energy does
40 damage but if the defending Pokémon is not an evolved
Pokémon this attack automatically knocks them out. I can
see this card being used to get an easy win with this
attack just KO all basic Pokémon with this card. His
second attack Hurricane punch for two energies of any
color makes you flip four coins and for each head this
attack does 30 damage. And Machamps last attack Rage for
a whopping energies which at least two of have to be
fighting it does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each
damage counter on Machamp. Last word on this card a
great new fighting Pokémon and it will probably be
played a lot after Stormfronts release.
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Art: 3.5/5
Until next time
Ghost Pokémon Master |
Arbok14 |
Hey everyone, today we will continue the Stormfront
previews with the new Machamp!
Name: Machamp Lv. 62
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare
HP: (130) - 130 is very nice for a stage 2. This also
works well with the Rage attack.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic+30/none) - Psychic
weakness could be troublesome if psychic remains
Retreat Cost: (2) - 2 isn't terrible, but it definitely
isn't great. IMO, blah.
Attack #1: (F - Take Out) - The end of
AMU/Mewtwo/anything basic? Could be!
Attack #2: (CC - Hurricane Punch) - Wow, I remember when
this cost Giovanni's Machamp 4 energy. Now it's the
secondary attack for 2 colorless energy! This attack is
good for the cost, but flippy nonetheless.
Attack #3: (FFCC - Rage) - Possibility of 180 damage
(that's disregarding pluspowers, but with 12 damage
counters on Machamp plus 2 pluspower this attack could
do the 200 damage that is Godblast, though you obviously
would almost never need to). 130 HP means Machamp will
not be easily OHKO'd, so you can build damage and easily
do 100+ damage at least once with 1 of them. This attack
is expensive, but at least you don't have to discard
like Infernape.
Final Analysis: This Machamp is an upgrade over the
already good previous version. This one makes it so good
for the metagame right now, that it is unbelievable.
Take Out eliminates all of the basics around right now,
and can effectively put AMU in its place. Rage has such
strong potential that this card cannot be overlooked.
Modified: It just has incredible raw power. Watch out,
metagame! (4/5)
Limited: Very cheap attacks, and if you power up Rage,
you have pretty much won. (4/5) |