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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Bronzong Lv. 46
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Narctiss |
Bronzong S, Lv.46
HP90 - Not too bad for a stage one, it can survive a
little bit.
+20 Psychic Weakness: Worrying with all of the psychic
being played right now!
-20 Fire Resistance: Any resistance is good. Although
the extent of how many fire decks there will be makes
this obsolete almost.
3 Retreat Cost: Ouch! Switch/Warp Point/Moonlight
Stadium are required! I see Bronzong being a bench
sitter mainly because..
Poke-Power: Cycler!
Choose any card from your hand, put it to the top of
your deck and search for 2 basic energy cards to go to
your hand. Shuffle afterwards (no special conditions
This is why Bronzong may well only be a bench sitter and
tech card.
Ideas have sprung up for this to be used in Raichu Lv.X
decks to assure being able to use it's 'Voltage Shoot'
It's obviously pretty good for choosing what energy you
need, when you need it (Garchomp and Ho-Oh decks? If not
the superior Togekiss).
It might be considered that Claydol is a better choice.
Claydol is faster, and gives you other cards to choose
from, however it has less HP (and so is in OHKO range of
Raichu X) and doesn't confirm the energy you need in
certain decks.
All the same, it's the user and decks choice.
It's also funny how you could always put an energy back
into the deck, to draw out that same energy and a new
Strange Spin: PC
20+ 40 more and confusion if your hand has the same
amount of cards as your opponent.
The Poke-Power helps out with this attack (within
reason), and with the right situation it can be quite
nice, but it's nothing special.
Heavy Potential: PCC
Put a number of damage counters on each of your
opponents Pokemon equal to the number of * in that
Pokemon's Retreat Cost.
Spread damage! :P
There are a few Pokemon about in the current format with
reasonable - high retreat costs. Multiple use of this
attack could cause some serious spread damage. Combined
with Bronzong MD, there's quite a nice spread deck
Pokemon if you can build it up.
The attack states that you do this attack after applying
effects to the opponents Retreat Cost. If you have
another pokemon such as Ariados MT, you get to add an
extra damage counter to the attack! Have more benched
Ariados for heavy spread damage!
Bronzong S is pretty good as a tech card and as an
attacker, but it's not brilliant and it won't last long
in the active position.
As part of a deck's strategy with spread decks (Froslass/Bronzong),
then this card will fit in nicely if you can get the
energy to it, otherwise I doubt it will see much play
unless as a rogue deck with Ariados and more.
It's weakness also lets it down to decide to be played
less, since Dusknoir would eat it for breakfast and AMU
close behind. On the note of AMU, Azelf could nicely fit
with a rogue Bronzong deck to remove the weakness and
snipe the bench for some fun surprise KO's.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3/5 |

Otaku |
Bronzong Lv.46
is a strange card. It can be a Bench Sitter to
reliably get Basic Energy cards from your deck into
your hand. That is a solid ability. You’ll
probably need a way to get those Energy cards from
the discard pile back to the deck, though. Its
first attack, Strange Spin, is actually a strong
attack if you can play well enough to match
your hand size to the opponent’s. Heavy Potential
is phenomenal if you run into something with
a Retreat Cost of three or more.
This card will be a Bench sitter for a few decks,
but unlike some it will be something to watch out
for as the odd attacker as well: everyone will have
to watch hand size, and if your deck is based around
something with a huge Retreat Cost, you’d better
take this out right away.
Lastly, this might be able to tear up Unlimited.
While most attacking Pokémon are dainty things with
one or zero Energy Retreat Costs, almost all common
Bench Sitters are big ones: Neo Genesis Slowking
has a three Energy Retreat Cost, and that is the
magic number. Three damage counters on all their
(now Benched) “Baby” Pokémon means Prizes without a
Flip. The danger is you’ll either have to run a
Pokémon that has a Gust of Wind like Pokémon
Power or else hope you get past said Slowking’s
Mind Games with the actual Gust of Wind.
Goop Gas and Pokémon Flute can set up for
multiple KOs at once.