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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 27
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.71
Limited: 3.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Modified - Terrible. Use Pachirisu. 1/5
Limited - A little better here since if you have a certain
evolution in your hand, you can search for that evo's basic.
Does decent damage with Minun in play. 3/5

goose |
Lv.27 MD
today’s COTD today is Plusle from the new MD set. Just
like the last Plusle and Minun, these Plusle and Minun
are better when not played together (Best when not
played to all!) The CFF attack is weak it’s like
Pachirisu divided by 3… Why on earth would you want to
start with this again? Anyway, the second attack sticks
almost as bad, 2 damage for (L)(C) is horrible, and 40
for (L)(C) if Minun is on your bench is hardly better…
Not only does it stink because those two things are
worse than Pachirisu but, the HP is 10 lower, The
weakness, resistance and retreat cost are all the same
Pros –
Cons –
HP than Pachi
Modified – Alright, I’m giving this card a ‘Stay in the
binder’ award. 1.25/5 almost total uselessness
– Lifesaver! Getting a basic here isn’t so bad. 3/5
use Pachirisu if you want to grab basics, please?
ideas pass through three periods:
- It
can't be done.
- It
probably can be done, but it's not worth doing.
- I
knew it was a good idea all along!”
Jigglypuff13 |
5/29 Plusle Lv. 27 (MD)
I’m not too sure where to start with Plusle, mainly
since it‘s all quite bad really. I’ll start with Call
For Family, which is an attack that many decks like to
start with, though generally from Pachirisu (GE) rather
than the likes of Plusle. Why? Because of the number of
basics it can get. Pachirisu can get 3 basics. Plusle
gets 1. Obviously, if you had the choice of starting
with one of them, it would be Pachirisu. Call Energy is
better than starting with Plusle as well, and can be
used by any Pokémon, weak or strong. Then there’s -
Boost. 20 for LC is not good, with the fact you actually
need a certain type of energy in addition to a
colourless really crippling the number of decks that
that can attack with - Boost. The + 20 is nice, but
needing Minun on the bench to do it is just too much
effort, especially when most decks will do that 40
damage or more for less work. 60 HP isn’t bad for a none
evolving Basic, but the + 10 Fighting Weakness is bad,
meaning Gallade (SW) will happily always KO it. Other
starters may struggle with the KO-ing of Plusle, but
they all get their starting duties done with a lot
earlier than Plusle, so have more turns to KO Plusle
than the Plusle player to KO what ever their opponent
has active at that time.
Then there’s the fact that there are better versions of
both available already, the to SW version of this is
better than this MD version due to their helpful Poké-Powers,
that can be used all game long for recovery rather than
the this MD version and it's opening “power”.
Other starters outclass Plusle massively, with Pachirisu
already being said about. Tauros (CG), which is teched
into many decks, gets 1 more basic as well. Corsola (SW)
will Rally for 3 different types of basic Pokémon. Even
if they have to be different types, it is still likely
to get at least 1 more basic than Plusle. Stantler (SW)
can Lead for any supporter to get set up with, though
most likely to be Holon Mentor or Roseanne’s Research,
and then gets at least 1 more basic than Plusle again. I
would even prefer to play Absol (SW) in this format than
Plusle to start with, and that’s even with almost every
deck playing Claydol (GE) now. Call Energy (which I will
tell you now I don’t really like that much) is better
than Plusle, and I’d much rather play 4 of then than 4
Plusle to act as my starter. I won’t go on about big
decks KO-ing Plusle, since they all do with great ease.
Modified: It’s terrible, as a starter and as a damager,
with a single basic Call For Family being one of the
most pointless attacks in the game. - Boost requires you
to play Lightning or Multi energies and 2 rubbish basics
to work well. And the worst thing ever is that it’s a
rare. If you get this in a rare in your pack, I’m sorry,
and is something I don’t want anyone to suffer from. If
I could give a score of nothing then I would, but I
can’t. 1/5
Limited: Any starting sort of card here is nice, so
getting 1 basic can be very useful early game. - Boost
is nice, but only if you get a Minun as well. If you
start with it, then Call For Family is a really good
attack, but it gets worse later. 2.5/5

of the Lake
Jermy101 is a genius.
Enough banter, let's talk about Plusle!
Proof that all Pikachu clones must have a CFF attack for a colorless.
Minun, obviously. The Secret Wonders Minun has a really good (well, relatively) power. Though I can't see why you wouldn't rather combo Minun SW with Plusle SW than the new Plusle.
This is where the card is slightly better than the SW Plusle. CFF is always nice, although you'd obviously rather use Pachirisu instead of Plusle. You could skip the Pachirisu and count on Plusle's CFF if you're comboing it with Minun, I guess.
The second attack is 1L for 40 (with Minun). Not terrible.
Bottom stats
+10 Weakness to Fighting means that Gallade can have a DRE and still OHKO you without flipping a prize. Resistance to Metal is just unnecessary; what are you going to play against, Charizard d? IT EVEN HAS A RETREAT COST! Terrible bottom stats. 60 HP doesn't help either.
Plusle, Minun
You should really play the SW Plusle and Minun. Their MD counterparts are pretty crap. Bad basics in this format are ubiquitous.
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 1/5. It's really not playable at all.
Limited: 3/5. CFF will come in handy.
Unlimited: 1/5. I can't even comprehend this card being played in Unlimited.
And today to contribute his valuable opinion, is the world's most flexible Pokémon player. *wink wink nudge nudge*
(11:34:07 AM) PoJoMOTL: What do you have to say about Plusle MD, if anything?
(11:34:49 AM) ridcully85: Plusle MD can SMD |
Brad Valila
Canada |
Plusle Lv 27
Oh how I love callers :). Being able to search for any
basic and bench it is great. -Boost is overall very
useful; 2 energy for a base 20, but, if you were
thinking ahead you would have "call for family"d a minun
turn one. 2 energy for 4 is a great starter. Fightning
weakness is never friendly right now, and 1 retreat cost
for a basic brings this score down.
Limited-If you have the minun use it, it could go a long
Modified 3/5
Alazor |
Leafeon (Majestic
An OK first attack, but a terrible second attack. A good
retreat cost.
I would really just play the other Leafeon, since it has
90 hp, a cheap 30 damage attack and they can't retreat
for only 1 energy. It's second attack doesn't do too
much damage, but it reduces damage as well. Both have
resistance to water, which is nothing to cry about. Both
evolve into Leofeon lv. X which is kind of like the new
Modified 1.5/5 The other one is better almost always.
This Leafeon just isn't as key or even as good of an
alternative - maybe if you get Sceptile out fast.
Limited 3/5 It should do OK, since it has a heal attack. |
Milk Man |
Plusle lv. 27
Hey Pokeguys and Pokegals, I just wanna say that I'm
thrilled and honored to be a part of the world famous
Pojo COTD! Today's card is Plusle from the Mystic Dawn
set. Like most Plusle in the TCG world this one would be
of most use in a deck with it's counterpart Minun, and
true to suit is plays best when both are in play. The
card doesn't seem too bad if you're set on making a
Lightning deck mostly because of call for family, this
card may seem more play in Lightning decks as opposed to
Pachirisu from Great Encounters if comboing with Minun
is your intent, a little more damage than Pachi, but in
that case you would need both cards and an extra energy.
Long story short stick with Pachirisu.
Modified- 2.9/5 (3.5/5 if comboed with Minun)
Limited- (c) to fill your bench is great for early game,
decent hp for a non-evolving basic, go for it! 4/5