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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Cresselia Lv. 48

Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters

Date Reviewed: 02.04.08

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.33
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

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2005 World

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Unlimited - Base Gastly fodder. 1/5

Modified - Nothing Special. Moon Twinkle and Lunar Dance are both weak, mediocre attacks. 1/5

Limited - If you can get a stadium card into play, cresselia could stay alive for quite a while with Moon Twinkle. Lunar Dance could save a Benched Pokemon from death but discarding 2 energy seems expensive. 2/5
Whooo!! GO Giants!! I'm glad somebody finally defeated the most obnoxious team in football! I guess you don't need to win every game to win the Super Bowl! ;P Anyway, during the time I haven't been celebrating I wrote you guys a nice little review for Cresselia, another new legendary Pokemon from Great Encounters.

Name: Cresselia Lv. 48
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo

Analysis: So, we have another legendary Pokemon and this one has a Pokemon Lv X. Cresselia is a Basic Pokemon with only 80 HP, which is not much for one that does not evolve. But it does have a Lv X, so don't write it off just yet. Moonlight Stadium can provide Cresselia a great early game combo, because 'Moon Twinkle' will heal it in the presence of a stadium. 'Lunar Dance' is expensive but may be good in a psychic deck with Moonlight Stadium. Just retreat for free and then heal that Pokemon with Cresselia while still doing 50 damage. It will definitely be played for the Lv X, because the Lv X's attack allows you to draw 2 Prizes if you knockout the defending Pokemon with that attack. Not bad, unfortunately that attack only does 40.

Unlimited: Meh... Not creating enough damage, which is a must here. (1/5)

Modified: Could see play, but logically only with its Lv X. (3/5)

Limited: Not bad, especially if you manage a Moonlight Stadium or two. Or the Lv X (although it would be extremely rare to get both). (3/5)

Michael from Denmark

2 worlds and 4 national finals.

Cresseilia lv 48.


The moon pokemon ..  I've waited a long time for this. In the D/P game this is one of the coolest defensive pokes however this card just not show this of.

The first attack is useful as it makes turn 2 kill on this more difficult . the second attack is pretty useless except from its damaged output of course. The only reason to play this is for its level up which is VERY interesting.

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