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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cherrim Lv. 30
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Meganium45 |
Hi ho dere, Meganim45 coming back at you with another
review. Man, I have been away from this for far too
long. Still running events, but now back on COTD.
Cherrim – Stormfront
An 80 HP Grass Pokemon that just makes Kingdra want to
This pokemon has a unique Pokebody that adds 10 damage
to each of your fire and grass Pokemon’s Attacks.
If you have 2 Cherrim in play, you add 20, 3 you add 30,
and so on. Rare you will have more than 2 of these
little monsters out!
What really becomes impressive is the first attack…0
energy for 20 (wait, that is 30 with the Pokebody)!
30 for 0, and remove 2 damage counters, not just from
Cherrim, but from Any of your Pokemon (taking them away
from that bench knockout from Kingdra, Dusknoir Level X
Stadium, Dusknoir, or any of the bench hitting Pokemon
out there right now!).
The second attack, 3 for 50 (60 with the body) is pretty
standard, and low in today’s environment.
This is an elite support Pokemon for Scizor
(Stormfront), Tangrowth (both), and even some fire
decks. Most Torterra lists with Sceptile are far too
tight to try and fit this in, but go ahead and try…let
me know.
The Fire weakness, not to bad right now in my area.
The water resistance, really makes Kingdra and Empoleon
weep, as it becomes REALLY hard to knockout this thing.
1 retreat cost is more than fair. 0 would have been way
too good.
80 HP is fine. With the new Shaymin coming out - WOW…OK,
we won’t go there quite yet…
My ratings – Unlimited 1/5 Sorry.
Modified – 3.9/5 Limited in the number of decks in can
play in. In a grass deck, goes to 4/5/5
Limited – Colorless Attack for 30 and 3 for 60? Good
Resistance. Play it, or draft it so someone else
doesn’t! 4.8/5
Jigglypuff13 |
12/4 Cherrim Lv.30 (SF)
Cherrim, a card was hyped a bit, just not as much as
some others, like Gengar (SF) or Dusknoir (SF). Also a
card with quite a bit of potential. Of course, if you've
already had a glance at the card, then I think it will
be quite obvious that it's not going have potential in
the active position. The reason? Well, you've probably
already had a look at the HP number, and 80 is hardly
going to be a good number for a stage 1 main attacker,
especially since many are now having 90 or even 100 HP.
The bottom stats are alright for if you do find Cherrim
in the active slot. +20 Fire Weakness is expected, but
if you find yourself against a Fire deck, then they will
probably be OHKOing you even without the Weakness. -20
Water Resistance is only really going to be any good
against Kingdra (LA), but even then, when hit by max
power Dragon Pumps, it turns a 2HKO into a 2HKO. It
helps against normal Dragon Pumps, turning into a 4HKO,
and does force an Aqua Stream to need 10 energies, but
that isn't really a problem for Kingdra decks. 1 Retreat
Cost is, again, expected, and is average really.
Now, while it may not be a main attacker, it isn't too
bad at being an attacker, and does help others. First,
how it helps others, and it's Sunny Day Poké Body.
Basically, all Grass and Fire Pokémon do 10 more damage
with their attacks whilst Cherrim is in play. That
doesn't sound to great, so how about I tell you about
the fact that it's stackable. Yep, get 4 of these in
play and your Grass and Fire Pokémon will be doing and
extra 40 damage with their attacks. That rather nice if
you can do it, but then limits your bench space for
other support Pokémon and back-up main attackers.
Because of this, it would be best to probably limit it
to a 3 on a bench at any one time for the best
compromise. Now it's attacks, which are both alright,
but not exactly going to set the world on fire. First,
Salty-sweet Pollen does 20 for no energies and heals one
of your Pokémon by 2 damage counters. Obviously, you
will want to factor in Sunny Day to make it 30 for
nothing and up to a maximum of 60 for nothing if you
have another 3 Cherrims on your bench. 60 for nothing
sounds nice, and while Kingdra can have that as a max
damage, I don't think it will work for Cherrim due to
the lack of a snipe that makes Kingdra so great, along
with the lack of a donking ability. Solarbeam is a solid
50 for GCC, which turns to 60 for GCC with Cherrims own
Sunny Day Poké-Body, and up to a maximum of 90 with
another 3 on your bench. Sounds not too bad, but you
need to get those 3 energies on Cherrim and get 4
Cherrims in play, and that just isn't that easy, at
least to do quickly, which is what you need to make it
effective at all.
Cherrim does have a couple of nice combos. The first is
with Scizor (SF), and this is the combo for Cherrim that
has been hyped the most. Scizor's second attack, Pound
Down, is the main attack of this combo. This does 40
plus 30 more if you have no Poké-Powers in play, and for
GG, that means you have to have no set-up Poké-Powers to
be able to do this attack for an amount of damage that
many will be able to survive at least once. Step up
Cherrim, who adds 10 damage to that attack for each
Cherrim you have in play. Get 3 out, and you are doing a
rather this 100 damage, which is quite a nice amount to
hit. Get the fourth out, and you are hitting 110, which
is even more important for going against Gengar (SF)
(though watch out for Fainting Spell) and Raichu Lv.X
(SF), along with anything else you can think of as being
in the metagame and having 110 HP (probably including
even the odd Plox/GG deck and their 110 HP Gardevoir
(SW)). All of that for just GG if you can get it set up
is just amazing. However, I prefer a different Cherrim
combo that I heard about on a forum with Butterfree
(GE). This combo revolves around Parrallel Drain. 30 for
G isn't not bad, but the effect is quite nice, being
able to remove damage counters from one of your Pokémon
equal to the amount of damage done. Yep, you read it
right, equal to the damage done, meaning that if you add
damage to the attack, you get to remove more damage
counters. Shove 3 Cherrim on your bench, and you are
doing 60 for G and healing 6 damage counters from one of
your Pokémon. That's rather nice by anyone's standards.
Also, and advantage this combo has over Scizor is that
you can use Claydol (GE) or Uxie (LA) to help you set
up, which makes it just a little more consistent.
Survivability, and with 80 HP, well, if it isn't OHKOed,
it will probably be 2HKOed instead. I won't give any
specific survivability numbers for the reason I said on
Modified: It makes a nice bench swarmer for Grass and
Fire decks, allowing your Grass or Fire main attacker
doing extra damage. However, aside from those sorts of
decks, it probably won't see too much play since it
isn't that great as a main attacker on it's own, and
obviously won't be any good in non-Grass or Fire decks,
so is rather type specific. Also, you need to get at
least 2 or 3 out for maximum effectiveness, which might
be quite hard really. Still, if you can pull it off, it
will be worth while. 3.25/5
Limited: You can't swarm it since you will probably only
really get 1, maybe 2 of these, and even if you do get
more, you probably won't get many Grass or Fire Pokémon
use and abuse Sunny Day for. Salty-sweet Pollen might be
a good attack here, but I'm not so certain about
Solarbeam. Might get more 2HKO's, but does leave
Cherrim's 80 HP quite vulnerable. Not quite as good here
as it is in modified. 2.5/5 |

The card of the day for December the 4th is the new
Cherrim from Stormfront. Her stats are 80HP, 2 attacks,
a +20 weakness to fire, a -20 resistance to water, a
poke-body, and one retreat cost. Cherrims poke-body
Sunny Day is great for any grass or fire deck because it
adds 10 more damage to any of your Pokémon's attacks
done to your opponents Pokémon. Her first attack
Salty-Sweet Pollen a free attack does 20 damage and
removes 20 damage from one of your Pokémon also this
attack does 10 more damage thanks to Cherrims body so
with this attack it does 30 damage for free and heals
for 20. Cherrims last attack Solerbeam for one grass and
two of any type does 50 plus the ten so 60 damage for
three energy with this attack if you play Cherrim in
your deck use the Sceptile that doubles all your grass
energy so if you have 2 attached you now have 4. The
thing I don't like about this card is that it has only
80HP for a stage one but everything else about this card
seems balanced.
Modified; 2.35/5- not a card that will drastically
change the format but you may see Cherrim being played
to increase the damage you can do
Limited: 2.75/5
Art; 1.50/5 |
J-Wittz |
This is my first COTD Review ever, and it
seems that I am starting with Cherrim! Cherrim has one
of the most unique pokepowers in the game, and I've
found him to be a near-necessity in most of today's
grass decks. Lets go to the stats!
HP: 80 -- not impressive at all. Actually, as low as
stage 1's get these days. While going for all-out power
isn't as popular as it used to be, cherrim will usually
go down with a OHKO.
Weakness: Fire +20 -- in today's game, hardly worth
worrying about. Kingdra scares most fire decks out of
the game, and with 80 hp, cherrim's most likely to be
killed in one hit anyways, regaurdless of weakness.
Resistance: water - 20 -- water is an excellent
resistance to have with the continual popularity of
kingdra. In combination with its healing attack, it will
take kingdra about 3 turns to KO it. It also helps
against less popular water decks like empoleon,
eeveelutions, frosslass, and gyrados.
Pokebody: sunny day -- THIS is the reason Cherrim
will be seeing play in "almost" every grass deck, and
possibly some fire decks. Flat out, it's a pluspower/bucks
training every turn. An extra 10 damage can go a long
way-- especially every single turn. It also can be used
more than once a turn, so you can play two cherrim on
the bench at once and add an impressive 20 damage per
turn. Right now, there aren't any popular cards that
play around poke bodies, so the effect is instant and
unstoppable. It also powers himself up, which leads us
to his first attack. . .
Salty-Sweet pollen -- an oddly named attack, but very
helpful. The best part, of course, is the fact that it
doesn't cost a single energy-- if cherrim is forced into
the active slot, you can attack with cherrim and
continue to attach energy without worrying about him.
The attack itself is nice as well-- no matter what, it
will hit for 30 damage as opposed to the text's 20
because his own sunny day body will boost his damage. In
addition, removing 20 damage from one of your pokemon is
an excellent bonus. you can heal a damaged pokemon on
the bench, or heal cherrim himself. Doing the latter is
especially helpful when facing kingdra decks, making
dragon pump take an additional turn for the KO. While
Cherrim shouldn't ideally be active, having a nice
attack option increases his usefullness.
Attack 2: solarbeam -- stay away from this one. Even
though it does more than 50 because of the body, there
are much better attacks to do for the amount of energy
it costs. Even with sceptile, the attack cost goes down
to two energy. . . and still isn't worth it. It's always
nice to have the option though, and I'm sure someone out
there somewhere has used this attack in a smart way.
Whoever they are, I'd sure like to meet them. . .
Combos: The two main I've seen with this guy are
torterra/sceptile and scizor. The new fighting torterra
evolves cherubi the turn he comes into play with his
pokepower, making cherrim's pluspower ability even more
dreadful in combination with torerra's mighty attacks.
His body also makes the quick scizor's attacks even
quicker-- with two in play scizor does a solid 90 for
two energy! (providing you aren't playing any pokepowers)
Decision: I like this guy. He's simple, tech-able,
and doesn't take up much deck space. Running a 2-2 line
with him in grass decks has proven to add a considerable
impact to the power of the deck. He could even help fire
decks, too. . . but I haven't seen it yet with the
decrease in fire deck power. The current deck to watch
out for him is Scizor-- turn 2 80+ damage can become an
easy win-- even more with the addition of pluspower/buck's
training. He's becoming gradually popular at Cities-- so
keep on the lookout for this card.
Modified Rating: 4/5. |
Cherrim (Stormfront 14)
Here's a Pokemon I've been hearing a lot about, between
splashing it in fire/grass decks that are lacking
Pokemon, to it even being a Torney winning card (okay,
maybe not that much hype.) Let's take a look.
Cherrim has 80 HP which is, in my opinion, lower then
the average for fully evolved Stage Ones. Cherrim has
+20 weakness to fire, which isn't that big since the low
health would gurantee it a fire KO even without the
weakness. Cherrim also has a -20 resistance to Water,
which might help...if Cherrim was a main attacker. But
since all attacks that hit the bench disregard
reisistance, Empoleon and Kingdra will still be hiting
for full damage.
The thing that everyone sees at first glance is the
Poke-Body, Sunny Day, which boosts the damage of all
grass and fire Pokemon's attacks by 10, before applying
weakness and resistance. Now this amy not seem like a
lot, but keep these two things in mind. One: 10 damage
can be the difference between KOing and not KOing a
Pokemon, and Two: The ability is stackable, so with a
whole bench full of Cherrims could mean +40 damage for
your grass and fire Pokemon, including Cherrim itself.
That sin't very likely, but you can always try.
Onto the attacks.Salty Sweet Pollen does 20 damage for
no energy and you can remove 2 damage counters from any
one of your Pokemon. The 20 damage however is only a
base number and with Cherrim's Pokebody in action, the
attack will do 30 damage (or more if you have
additionial Cherrims in play.) I only wish that this
attack either did more damage or had text similar to
Butterfree from Great Encounters' Parralell Drain
attack. As for the final attack, Solar Beam, which does
50 damage (60+ with the Bodies) for a grass energy and
two colorless energies, I have to say it's rather
average.Now a days, with Pokemon attacking for more
damage or getting extra effects for that amount.
I think Cherrim is a good card, but not a game-breaking
one. It is splashable into most grass, or fire decks,
but I'd rather use PlusPower or Buck's Training rather
then, say, throw this in a Magmortar deck and have to
add Grass energies in case you want this thing to do
any real damage when active.
Modified: 3/5
Not bad, but not a game-breaking card either
Limited: 3.75/5
In limited, 10 damage can mean all the difference, if
you pull one, or, luckily, more, you can hit for a lot
of damage.And since the only fire mons in the set you
can use are the Ponyta line, with a rare Stage One,
Cherrim can actually be an attacker. 60 damage Solar
Beams for three energy are nothing to scoff at.
~KFT |