Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Abomasnow Lv 40
This poke is near useless only in limited it
can be used. The good thing is that it’s a
grass poke using water energies meaning more
types in a deck.
100 hp is a bit low for a stage 1 in this
set 3 retreat is terrible and its body is
near useless.
Modified 1
Classic 1
Limited 2.5

Tiberius |
yay, abomasnow!
I love this thing, although I don't know why. oh well,
down to the reviews
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from:Snover
Pokémon Type:Grass
Poké-BODY: Glacier Snow
If Abomasnow is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an
opponent's attack (even if Abomasnow is Knocked Out),
the Attacking Pokémon is now Asleep.
Attacks: 60
Heavy Blizzard
Flip a coin. If heads, put 1 damage counter on each of
your opponent's Benched Pokémon.
Weakness: Fire +30
Resistance: CCC
ok, for the HP. Its got 100, which is around average for
a solid stage 1
the ability... Its shakey. at first it seems awesome,
but there are so many ways for this to be useless. it
has 2 chances to be gone by the time your opponents turn
rolls round again. 25% chance of success... but it is a
poke-body.... and free auto-sleep is pretty cool anyway,
with there being no resistance.
Heavy Blizzard, I like. 60 for WCC, it pays for 35,
which makes it rather ok, but the effect is... to say
the least, intriguing. 50% chance that all their guys
take a little hit. little, but maybe it will hit a
couple times. Again, not the most effective of effects,
but it just rings my bell, thinking about it. oh well
I'm biased ^^
Unlimited: 1/5 there are better cards here
Modified: intriguing. I bet someone can make a
water/grass bench sniping deck with this and exeggutor
Limited: 4/5 bench hitting = power
tibes out |