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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Crystal Beach

Ex Crystal Guardians


Date Reviewed: 10.12.06

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.5
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 1.3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

My reviews are ratings are for Modified only.

Crystal Beach

Modified 3/5 - Although many decks can't take advantage of this, a deck such as Hariyama ex loves this. You're making life miserable for decks using Double Rainbow, Scramble, Boost, and Holon's Energies. If you can make this Stadium stay in play for a long time, then this card is devastating. However, not many Pokemon can make this Stadium stay in play for a long time, and your opponent can play around this Stadium by timing their Stadiums as they are about to attack to counter.

But I can assure that this card will see play in City Championships near you, and it is a card to keep in mind when you're designing your deck.

Computer Guy Crystal Beach from Ex Crystal Guardians.

Crystal Beach can be a very devastating stadium to some decks. I think it would be a good tech as long as you don't run any Double Rainbow, Scramble, or Holon Magne/trode/form in you're deck.

Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 2/5

The Red Rose
So today we have in my opinion a very good trianer card in crystal beach

Unlimited: my memory of whats all good in this format is a bit hazy but i think it covers old school energies like double colorless....which is good in itself so yeah being able to make that only one energy is a great thing......4/5

Modified : in this format it totally rocks, you have boost energies, double rainbow, those holon pokemon, and anything else you dont like that gives out more then one special energy.....the first pokemon i can think of to use this against is the new venusaur from crystal guardians and its annoying poke body.....suddenly your opponent cannot one turn boost you for 30 more damage. 5/5

Limited: Cant really see you getting to much out of it here.....1/5

well thats that then if you have any questions or just wanna chat the e-mail is zoran_217@hotmail.com

I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without you all I'm going to be is

The Red Rose....Entering The Battlefield
~Espeon Crystal Beach - Use: This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.

Each Special Energy card that provides 2 or more Energy (both yours and your

opponent's) now provides only 1 {C} Energy. This isn't affected by any Poké-Powers or Poké-Bodies.

Crystal beach is an intresting new stadium card. It shuts down Scramble, Boost, DRE, Holon pokemon and anything that provides more than one energy, but is it good enough to take 2-4 slots in a deck?

Unlimited: 2/5
Not many stadiums are worth the slots in a deck in Unlimited anyways and there are usually better trainers to fill a deck up with. Crystal Beach does

shut down Double Colorless Energy though, which is still the most broken energy ever made. If people in your area play haymaker or other decks that abuse DCE, then it might be fun to plop some of these down to surprise them =D

Modified: 3/5
Crystal Beach can shut down Holon Pokemon, Boost, Scramble or DRE, which are

essential to some decks to function properly. Raieggs and MMS come to mind, but there aren't many other decks in the metagame at the moment to make this

card useful enough. The usefullness of this card is completely dependent on the metagame.
If this card came out in last year's format, it would have been THE answer to LBS =D It came out a set too late =/

Limited: 1/5
Won't have any use in Limited because all energy cards that provide more than 1 energy are Uncommon or Rare and won't come up enough to make this card work. Also, the only energy that it would work on in CG is DRE, which is rare, making it completely useless in CG draft.

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